Doing Things Differently, AGAIN!

Yes, people, it’s that time of year, again.

* As some of you may remember last year, I was trying my very best to get over an incredibly devastating breakup. And much like Forrest Gump, I woke up one morning and just decided to start running. And by running, I really just mean walking.

* For those of you who are new to this blog, and for those of you who never heard about my project called ‘Doing Things Differently™ here is a VERY quick overview chock-full of external links that will provide further information.

‘Once Upon A Time’ A Girl Named Meleah wanted to improve the ‘Quality Of Her Life’ so she started ‘Doing Things Differently™’. And then she noticed the ‘Little Changes’ she made every day had a huge impact on her life. And even though Meleah had a few ‘Setbacks’ she kept on forging ‘Ahead’.

Miraculously, Meleah completed 90 Days of ‘Doing Things Differently™’ and that’s when she was supposed to start Doing Things The Same. Sadly, that didn’t happen. Instead, Meleah rested on her laurels. She stopped exercising, she stopped eating healthy, and she stopped waking up early. She’s even been slacking with her writing.

Last week she decided that 2011 wasn’t going very well for her. She’s been sick and extremely depressed. And quite frankly, she’s had enough. So, she returned to doing what she know works best for her.

Meleah put on her ‘Outfit’ and she went ‘Outside’ to take a brisk morning walk around the block, three times in a row, for five days in a row, for the first week, in a row. And she’s very proud of herself. However, Meleah did not wake up as early as she would have liked, and she had a few setbacks with respects to food. Because when you have an extensive list like this of foods to avoid, it’s pretty difficult to find things that she can eat. But, she’s not going to beat herself up about that. Instead, she’s going to forge ahead this week. Because as far as she’s concerned, every day is a new day, with endless possibilities. And besides, the first week is always kind of like a practice week.

If you would like to start ‘Doing Things Differently™with me, please feel free to join the Facebook Group Page.

So, who’s with me?

About Meleah

Mother. Writer. Television Junkie. Pajama Jean Enthusiast.
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106 Responses to Doing Things Differently, AGAIN!

  1. Junebug1990 says:

    You go girl!!! Doing things differently is soooo hard! I struggle to do things different everyday. Sigh. It will get easier. It will get easier. At least that is what some train told me once. I think. I might be confused with a different train.

  2. Oh, it’s NOT easy at all. But it does get easier with time!

  3. Momo Fali says:

    Oh, good! I’m glad this is just practice, because I was totally going to need a do-over.

  4. Anonymous says:

    to be perfectly cheeky..when you have nice laurels Like Meleah resting on them ain’t all bad…:)

  5. Anonymous says:

    to be perfectly cheeky..when you have nice laurels Like Meleah resting on them ain’t all bad…:)

  6. You and me BOTH, Momo!

  7. Why thank you, Robert!

  8. Porkstar says:

    Why would someone break up with your sexy self?. As far as doing things differently, I seem to be doing a good job until my emotions recoil and i have to start again. I wish it got easier with time for me, but it certainly doesn’t. : (

  9. Meleah, you are the Queen of Doing Things Differently. We have rain forecast for every frigging day this week. I’ll try it next week. But in the interim, don’t get up before 9. I firmly believe 9 is the best hour to arise in the mornings. Most people die early in the morning. I cheat death by staying in bed until it’s really no longer considered early and I want you to do the same.

  10. I just keep dusting myself off and starting over with each new day.
    The key [and the hardest part] is NOT beating myself up.

  11. I can totally do 9am. It’s 6am that kills me!
    Screw. That. Noise.

  12. Anonymous says:

    I love how you write this shit. OMG, it makes me smile each time.

  13. BobG says:

    Go for it, lady! I know you can do anything you want, if you want to bad enough.

  14. YAY. Thank you, Monique.

  15. Thanks for the support, BobG!

  16. HeSaidHisTelephoneNumberWas911 says:

    “every day is a new day, with endless possibilities” I like the sound of that! Does your “Outfit” now include Pajama Jeans? Go for it girl, looking forward to you feeling as good as you did “DTD” before. With the improving weather, I’m looking forward to getting back out there myself.

  17. I just can’t stand feeling like crap anymore.

    And no, my “outfit” does NOT include pajama jeans.
    They are only for ‘special occasions’ like going to KHCC!

    I usually wear sweats, which is better than wearing my REAL pajama pants
    like I did last year!

  18. Madge says:

    YAY You, it’s good that you recognize what needs to change then try to do something about it. Stop beating yourself up, doesn’t it get old telling people you “fell down the stairs again”?

  19. It sure does, Madge. It sure does!

  20. Lyndadesordi says:

    I have enough trouble just doing things the SAME, let alone doing them differently!!!!!! lol But, you go, girl!!!!I’m pulling for you, always!!!<3<3<3

  21. Thanks Aunt Lynda! You make me laugh!

  22. Selma says:

    *cheering* Go MELEAH. GO MELEAH. I am joining you in DTD. I find the routine helps me with my depression so I am going to do my best to stick to it. The first week is the hardest but I am determined to stick to it!

  23. Anonymous says:

    “…the only way I can fail, even in the worst of times, is to not try at all.” With that in mind, it isn’t how many times you get knocked down that counts. It’s the number of times you got back up and dusted yourself off. I want to be running when the sand runs out. Hang in there. For what it’s worth, I think you are going in the right direction for where you want to be. {{{hugs}}}

  24. Oh YAY! I’m so excited you will be doing this WITH me.
    The first week IS the hardest. And that’s why Im calling last week practice.
    I’m ready to be more serious about DTD this week.

    Honestly, routine and exercise are essential for me to keep my own battle
    with depression at bay.


  25. Thank you SO MUCH Lemon. That was a GREAT quote!
    I needed to hear that.

  26. Silverneurotic says:

    Dude, I’m definitely going to join you this time…and I MEAN it this time.

    Welcome aboard, Nik.
    I’m psyched to have you with me!

  28. Ron says:


    You have no idea how excited I got when I saw on my reader that you had posted on DTD today! How ironic is it that we posted on the same thing on the same day?!?!

    I think it’s soooooo great that you’re doing this again because I really enjoyed reading about.

    You GO, girl!

    I don’t think I’ll be doing it like you, but I will definitely be DTD more than I use to. I’ll also try and stop by your FB page to read how it’s coming along. Will you also be posting here? I hope so.

    Anyway, thanks so much for inspiring me last year. I really DO try to DTD at least once a week. It’s faaaaaaabulous!


  29. Oh Ron!

    You have NO IDEA how excited I am that you will be joining me!
    I haven’t decided how much I will blog about DTD yet.

    Please stop by the FB Group Page. I posted YOUR blog to the wall!


  30. Mikewj says:

    Hey, I’m proud of you for deciding to get back in the saddle, or whatever it is that women get back into these days. You’re awesome, you will feel better, you will look better and you will be better.

    Shit, I feel really fat and lazy right now. I’m bummin’. I needs me some ice creams.

  31. Thanks MWJ.
    Clearly, I need to do something!
    I just can’t keep going down the same road of depression.
    It’s NOT healthy.
    I’m even thinking about cutting out alcohol for the next 30 days.
    But I cannot give up my coffee or cigarettes!

  32. Ferd says:

    Way to go, Meleah! I think you’re onto something. If the same ole thing isn’t working, you have to do something different! Of course!

    Do you get enough sunshine where you live? Is the exercise helping? Do you have cute exercise clothes? Good running shoes?
    And how about the smokes? Have a plan?
    I’m liking the self improvement groove! Looks good on you!

  33. Thanks Ferd.

    Do you get enough sunshine where you live?
    Not nearly as much as I’d like!

    Is the exercise helping?
    Well, I just started – but so far, yes.

    Do you have cute exercise clothes?
    I have my trustee ‘outfit”

    Good running shoes?
    Yep. I invested in some Asics.

    And how about the smokes?
    Not quitting.

    Have a plan?
    Yes, sir!

  34. cardiogirl says:

    This is going to sound so lame, but I keep trying to implement this Doing Things Differently change here at Cardiogirl Manor: I’m trying to clean the kitchen each night before I go to sleep so I can wake up to a clean kitchen.

    So far it’s an on-going, never-ended, not-very-successful process. But it is a work in progress nonetheless.

  35. cardiogirl says:

    This is going to sound so lame, but I keep trying to implement this Doing Things Differently change here at Cardiogirl Manor: I’m trying to clean the kitchen each night before I go to sleep so I can wake up to a clean kitchen.

    So far it’s an on-going, never-ended, not-very-successful process. But it is a work in progress nonetheless.

  36. Well good for you CG!

    DTD motto: Dream Big, but Start Small!

  37. Well good for you CG!

    DTD motto: Dream Big, but Start Small!

  38. Anonymous says:

    Bravissimo, Mel! You may have been sidetracked for a bit, but I always knew you’d be back at it again. Keep it up.
    Remember: The longest journey begins with a single step.

    BTW, not to nitpick (I’m an expert at that), but if you ARE “Doing Things Differently, AGAIN”, isn’t that the same as Doing Things the Same, Differently? Or maybe it is Doing the Same Things Differently? Or perhaps Doing Different Things the Same? Isn’t that like when they use “New & Improved”? Does that mean the crap I have in my pantry is old and worn out? Ow. I think I sprained my brain.

  39. Oh Agg, I have no idea!

    I think I’m just gunna stick with DTD, AGAIN.
    Simply that’s less complicated!

    Thanks for your awesome support.
    You’re such a GREAT blogging friend.


  40. I would love to join you but I’ve already started doing things differently quite a while back 😀 But you’ve got my support to do things differently 😀

  41. Ron says:

    Aww…thank you, girl! Yes, I will stop by the FB page sometime today.


  42. Ron says:

    Aww…thank you, girl! Yes, I will stop by the FB page sometime today.


  43. Ron says:

    Aww…thank you, girl! Yes, I will stop by the FB page sometime today.


  44. Anonymous says:

    good for you! Not that you need any excersize… i think you look hawt!

  45. Marty Wombacher says:

    Great to see you doing things differently, Meleah! I know it’s been a rough year so far and hope things get better for you soon!

  46. DameMeow says:

    Good for you for picking your goals back up. Read the post about your allergies too… so, what can you eat?

  47. Rachele says:

    I want to do things differently too. I’ll head over to FB when I leave here. I agree that each day we get a frest start, I just usually forget to start at all. I missed the practice week but I’m in from here on out. (I should probably find out what I’m getting yself into first but…WTH)

  48. Anonymous says:

    Ok. I can accept that answer.
    Let’s treat this like Hollywood. How about: DTD Part II – Meleah’s Return?
    Or maybe: DTD Part II – It Gets Better The Second Time Around?

  49. Doing things differently… there’s still time for all of us to try it.

  50. Nicky says:

    Ok, you’ve inspired me. I’m going to do things differently too. I’m going to wait for a whole HOUR after I get home from work to put my pajama jeans on, instead of immediately putting them on when I walk through the door.

    Or maybe I’ll just stop having cookies for breakfast. Yeah, I think that’ll be easier!!

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