We Interrupt This Blog With Family Medical Updates

* First and foremost, I would sincerely like to thank all of you for your kind words, never ending support, and for the loving prayers said for my family.

For those of you who follow me on Facebook, you may already know what I am about to say. But, for those of you who don’t follow me on Facebook, or may have missed these particular ‘Status Updates’, here’s the scoop.

The Good News:

Gramma Evelyn [My Father’s Mother] is doing much better. And if you were to look at her? You wouldn’t even know she recently suffered a ‘Stroke’. In fact, my parents just got back from visiting with her and they couldn’t believe how much her condition has improved. Of course, she is still in the ‘Rehab Center’ and that where she will remain until she is fully recovered. Now, I am very much looking forward to listening to her ‘Tell People Off’ again!

[insert *huge sigh of relief*]

On the other hand…

The Bad News:

Poppa Sye [My Mother’s Father] went for some more testing. As it turns out, he did NOT suffer from a ‘Stroke’. However, according to the ‘Cat-scan’ results, he does have a very large ‘Tumor’ [3.3cm in diameter] on his brain. The pressure from said tumor is what’s causing his symptoms. Unfortunately, because of the size of the tumor, the location of the tumor, and his elderly age, it’s inoperable. There is no treatment available for his condition. Basically, my grandfather will just continue to slowly deteriorate.

And I can’t even talk about it.

Again, I would like to let you all know just how much your comments, emails, facebook and text messages, mean to me.

Ya’ll have been my source of strength during this difficult time. Please keep praying for my family.

Thank you.

About Meleah

Mother. Writer. Television Junkie. Pajama Jean Enthusiast.
This entry was posted in Drama Drama, Family, Grandma Ev, Links, Strong Medicine. Bookmark the permalink.

69 Responses to We Interrupt This Blog With Family Medical Updates

  1. Selma says:

    I am elated Gramma Ev has improved so much but so very sad about Poppa Sye. The good thing that you can take comfort from is that he has his wonderful family around him. I know that will make a huge difference to him. You will be in my prayers and thoughts XXX

  2. ladyV says:

    wow meleah, glad gramma ev is improving, but on the flipside you have another illness to deal with and poppa sye. i'm so sorry to read this. sending prayers to you and your family for strength to endure.

  3. Nicky says:

    I am relieved to hear about your grandmother, and so sorry to hear about your grandfather. As others have said, your writings have let us get to know them, how sweet they are, and funny, and how much they mean to you. Sending you much love and good thoughts…

  4. agg79 says:

    Damn. I was hoping for great news but fearing the bad as well.
    On one hand, I am glad that Grandma Ev is doing better and on the mend. On the other hand, I am very sorry to hear about Poppa Sye's tumor. Nothing I can say will make it easier or less painful. Life has never been fair and I know it is hard for you to see him suffering, but he has a loving family to watch over him. He is a great man that has had a big impact on your life. Spend as much time with him as you can and it will help comfort him. I've still praying for you and him.

  5. TishaBerg says:

    Oh, so sorry to hear about your grandfather Maleah; I'm saying a prayer for you and your family…and sending thoughts of strength and comfort; I'm sure you can all find some peace in having each other to lean on. Take good care…

  6. Terry Towery says:

    I'm happy to hear about your grandmother and so sorry about your grandpa, Meleah. I was very, very close to my grandpa and when I lost him, it was *very* painful. Please take care of yourself and your Mom during this stressful and sad time. I will be thinking of you and your family. Hang in there.

  7. This sucks! And Thank you Nicky

  8. moooooog35 says:

    Nothing but the best to you, woman.

    See? I can be serious sometimes.

    Hurts. So. Much.

  9. Im spending A LOT of time with him. Especially since he cannot be left alone any more. Ive been 'babysitting' him a lot. And I help my mom take him to doctors appts because she cant get him in and out of the car by herself. At least for right now he pretty much still has his sense of humor!

  10. BK says:

    I'm most happy to read the good news on Gramma Evelyn and yet saddened me to read Poppa Sye. Sending positive thoughts to Poppy Sye. Hope it'll get better for him.

  11. I was really close with my Gramma Manga who died a few years back from alzheimer's, and that was terribly painful. My younger brother has always been extremely close with Poppa Sye and he is not doing well with the news. Thanks for your thoughts.

  12. Meleah, I am so sorry to hear the news about Poppa Sye, but thrilled at the news of Gramma Eve. My thoughts and prayers are with you all.

  13. Anne says:

    I am so glad that Gramma Evelyn is improving! Hopefully you will have lots of stories about listening to her “Tell People Off” as she recovers and they annoy.

    I am so sorry about Poppa Sye. I know how painful that must be for you. You are all in my thoughts and prayers.

  14. Thank you for making me laugh Moog. Please do more of THAT.

  15. We are taking Poppa Sye to another Specialist today desperately hoping for better news, or at least some kind of treatment options. Unfortunately the doctor yesterday made it pretty clear there really aren't ANY options. Ugh.

  16. Thank you Anne. Gramma Ev is a real firecracker. And I am totally going to video her as soon as she's back home yelling at people.
    I just dont even know how to deal with the news on Poppa Sye.

  17. Gina says:

    Oh Mel. I'm happy for Grandma Evelyn and so sorry for Poppa Sye. You and your wonderful family are in my prayers. I know you have a wonderful support system but if you ever need a new ear or voice please call, text or e-mail.

    Hang in there, I know you will.

    Lots of love and hugs.

  18. teeni says:

    Oh my gosh! I had no idea because I've been out of the loop the last few days. I'm glad to hear that your gramma Evelyn is recuperating quickly (my hubby's mom just had a small stroke as well so now we are watching her like hawks). But I'm very saddened to hear about your Poppa Sye's condition. Please know that you and your entire family are in my thoughts and prayers and will continue to be.

  19. Robbie says:

    Hang in there babe, thinking good thougths for you and Sye. I'm so sorry for this horrible news. Surround him with love and happiness – and flash him that beautiful smile of yours.

  20. oh sweetie….i equally thrilled to hear of Gramma Ev's progress…& devastated to learn of Poppa Sye's diagnosis… I am praying so hard for you all. Hard to understand….
    Remember to take care of yourself too…walking is a great stress-buster… i love you!
    {{{{xoxoxoxxo}}}} ???

  21. silverneurotic says:

    I am so so sorry Meleah. Give Poppa Sye a big hug from me.

  22. Thank you Tenni. Its been a difficult week over here.

  23. I'm doing my best to flash my smile. Poppa Sye has been kind of funny about
    the whole thing. I told him I have the perfect treatment plan for him.

    Liquor & Brownies.

    He cant wait to get started on that regimen.

  24. It's either walk or cry!
    I've never walked so much in my whole life.
    I think my legs are going to fall off.

  25. I will. Thanks Nik.

  26. Thanks Gina. I might take you up on that offer. As for the writing club, I'm not sure if I can make any commitments right now, since I kind of have a full plate. But, I don't want to say no either! Just let me think about it for a few more days. xoxoox

  27. slyde says:

    i am very sorry to hear about this… my prayers are with you and yours…

  28. I am glad that your grandmother is doing so much better but my heart goes out to you and your grandfather and your entire family. Be kind to yourself as you go through this time.

  29. Sweetie this just breaks my heart about Poppa Sye. Hugs to you and everyone. I am so glad Gramma Ev will be up and telling everyone off soon, and I hope you take videos. Hang in there.

  30. RonnieC says:

    Hello, my dear friend….

    Just know that I am here, sharing much “good energy” and LOVE with you and your family, and will continue to do so.

    Right now, I truly am at a loss for more words. But, I know you “know” how I feel.

    ((((( Meleah )))))


  31. Thank you Tracy. Im simply exhausted.

    We have a few more doctors appointments this week for Poppa Sye and it's his
    90th birthday on Thursday, things have just been non-stop around here.

    Hopefully, Ill get some rest soon!

  32. I totally KNOW how you FEEL.
    I've been at a loss for words myself.

    I could barely put together this blog post.

    Thank you for your love and support. It means the world to me.


  33. Thanks Jennifer.

    Things have been emotionally draining around here these last few days.
    It's nice to know I have friends like you in my corner.

  34. Oh, I'm so sorry. Please know that I am thinking of you and your family and praying for an easy road ahead. I've come to know your grandfather just a little bit through this blog, and he seems like such a sweet and kind person. And your family is awesome — anyone can see that. He's lucky to have all of you.

  35. Momo Fali says:

    Oh, sweetie. We will pray hard. I'm so sorry for this bad news.

  36. territerri says:

    Oh my gosh… how hard it must be to deal with such roller coaster news. I'm glad your grandmother is recovering. From what you've written of her, I'm not in the least surprised.

    I'm so sorry to hear about Poppa Sye. He will be in my prayers.


  37. Peter McCartney says:

    Wishing both of them the very best and hoping something extraordinary will happen to resolve Poppa Sye's condition.

  38. oldereyes says:

    Maleah … I am so sorry to hear about Poppa Sye. Sometimes, old age just sucks. I will add him to my prayers, as i will Gramma Evelyn. My Dad is ninety-two and even a simple cold can be touch and go.

    Bud aka Older Eyes

  39. Thank you Momo.

  40. Yep. Aging sucks. Even if it is part of the natural process of life

  41. Thanks JD. You're awesome.

  42. Yeah, Im having highs and lows these days.
    Happy about Gramma Ev, Sad for Poppa Sye.

  43. YAY! to the good news and BOO! to the bad news. I'm sorry to hear about your Poppa Sye. 🙁

  44. I just pop into FB once in a blue moon. I don't care for FB. I will be praying for both of them, and you & family. BIG X

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