Tribal Blogs, Mo Fo’s!

Okay, people. Do you remember how I REALLY wanted to go to that Tribal Blogs Conference? I wanted to go so badly, I even wrote a post about it. But I wasn’t sure if I would be able to pull it off, financially.

Well, that’s all changed!

I’m sure most of you already know that I don’t have a “life” because I never leave my own complex. And, quite frankly, I like it that way. No. I stand corrected. I love it that way. I’m very content within the confines of the four-mile-radius that surround my house.  In fact, some people, such as a ‘Certain Bald Guy’ have even gone so far as to nickname me “Truman Girl” much like the character Jim Carrey played in this movie. The only difference between his character and myself is that he wanted to leave his ‘bubble world’ and I have no desire to do so.

In any event, I was “home” this past Saturday night. And by “home” I really mean I was at “KHCC”. And by “KHCC” I really mean, my local Country Club.  As usual, I set up my “office” in my little corner of the bar area, and I sat down to log into the Tribal Blogs Slumber Party.

Little did I know, there would be an opportunity of a lifetime.

[At least for me.]

I was chatting, and laughing, and commenting, and having a grand ole’ time, when I realized everyone who was at the ‘Slumber Party’ had the chance to win a ticket to the very conference, I’m dying to attend.

Now, I don’t know if it was the full moon, or if the stars were aligned in my favor, or what happened that night. Because I have NEVER won a DAMN thing – in my entire life. Mostly because I don’t take any chances. Nevertheless, I was just happy to be socializing with some of my all time favorite bloggers. I even added a few new blogs to my ‘Daily Reads’ and a few new ‘Facebook Friends’.

At one point, I needed to walk away from the chat in order to take a quick cigarette break. And when I returned, I asked, “What did I miss?”

Well, apparently, I missed a lot.

What did I miss, you ask?

I’ll tell you, what I missed!



I won a mother-effin’ ticket to the Tribal Blogs Conference, Ya’ll!

My long-time-girlfriend Jennifer was with me, and she was more than happy to take live still shot photographs of me, at the exact moment I found out.

So here’s me, “WINNING”  – in Real Time.

And yes, people.

I am STILL shouting with excitement, and I STILL have tears of joy in my eyes!


It’s official.

* I’m going to the Tribal Blogs Conference. *

Are you?

~ And, have YOU ever WON a contest?

If you’ve ever won, or lost, I’d love to hear about it in the comments!

About Meleah

Mother. Writer. Television Junkie. Pajama Jean Enthusiast.
This entry was posted in Friends, KHCC, Life, Links, Other Bloggers, Photos, Tribal Blogs, Writing. Bookmark the permalink.

110 Responses to Tribal Blogs, Mo Fo’s!

  1. cmk says:

    Congrats! I’m so happy for you! I, too, am one who can’t win a contest even if I’m the only one entered. That is why it was so surprising to me when last year, as the result of a charitable contribution that I made to the Children’s Hospital in Detroit, I was informed that I won an autographed hockey puck signed by one of my favorite Red Wings! At first, I thought someone was playing a joke on me, but lo and behold, it came to my mailbox a couple of weeks later. It now is one of my most prize possessions in our hockey cave. Winning contests are fun–I just wish I won more often. 😉

  2. VAlerie says:

    That’s great meleah, you deserve it. Have fun. V

  3. Noemi says:

    Love the pic!

  4. Best Slumber Party Ever! You were the perfect recipient of the prize, Meleah! I can’t wait to see the pictures you take at the conference.

  5. Ron says:

    “I WON.


    I won a mother-effin’ ticket to the Tribal Blogs Conference, Ya’ll!”

    *thunderous applause*

    Yaaaaaaaahooo….you WON! You WON!!!

    I am so damn happy for you, girl! See, it was destiny that you go to this conference!

    I love the photo of you in the gloves and scarf. Can you believe how cold it got yesterday after being so warm on Friday?

    Yes, I won a contest at work a few years ago. I won $750.00, but by the time taxes were taken out….it ended up being $350.00. But, hey…it was $350.00 more than what I had.


  6. Lisa Golden says:

    Awesome! This is so cool! And I love that photo of you.

  7. 00dozo says:

    Congrats, Meleah! You do realize that you will now have to leave that little comfy, cozy corner of your world in order to attend the conference? No worries, you’re gonna have a blast, I’m sure!

  8. Jaffer says:

    Sigh … I suppose. Congratulations … I suppose. I am envious… I suppose. Have a fun trip… I suppose. Will be looking forward to your updated… I suppose…

  9. Jaffer says:

    P.S. I won another coffee this morning ! I told you I was on a winning streak !

  10. CBG says:

    Very happy for you, I think the photo says it all, a “congratulations” is certainly in order. Good luck

  11. HeSaidHisTelephoneNumberWas911 says:

    Alright! Congratulations Mel! What’s he say?… “WINNING!” You gotta love those unexpected surprises. Go ahead and pop that ‘bubble’ girl.

  12. “Get Out!” said in my best Elaine Benes voice!
    That is AWESOME!

  13. Thanks! I literally jumped out of my seat!

  14. Last night was SO MUCH fun even though I was lost/confused half the time!

  15. Oh I look like homeless person! But a WINNING homeless person!
    Thanks, Ron.

    Now I just can’t wait for June!

  16. Madge says:

    Ears, but you already knew that. Congrats little mamma I’m so excited for you.

  17. Oh I’m willing to leave my corner for this conference!
    I’m just scared to fly. I guess I’ll have to get over it soon!

  18. You should COME to the conference!

  19. Oh… and I forgot to mention… I actually won my flat screen television at a conference a couple of years ago. The only real prize I’ve ever won… and the only reason I actually own a flat screen television.

  20. That’s awesome, Boom Boom. And you were so funny last night!

    I still don’t have flat screen TV!
    But who cares! I’m going to the conference! Ahahahahaahhah

  21. Thank you, Madge! 🙂

  22. So awesome! Congrats!

  23. Well slap me good and call me jealous. Why you lucky Mo Fo, lol enjoy a great time in Minn, which by the way is past your 4 mile no fly zone.

  24. Marty Wombacher says:

    Congratulations! Can’t wait to read your blogs from the conference! Winning!

  25. Anonymous says:

    I’ve never won a single bean.. But this weeks lottery is squillions so please can you waft a little of your luck my way 🙂

    Congrats by the way 🙂

  26. That is totally awesome! I’m so happy you won,Darlin! Take pictures of everybody!

  27. Anonymous says:

    Woot woot! This is FAN-effing-tastic! Wish I was going too. I don’t have a lot of history with winning things, but I did last year win a makeup bag. Sigh. Nothing like a trip to a conference. Boo-hoo.

  28. Now that is totally-super-cool!

  29. Thank you, Danielle!

  30. I know. But it’s totally WORTH facing my fears and going to this conference!
    For. Real.


  32. Deal, Lady! Sending you good luck vibes.

  33. Oh, I will be like the damn paparazzi at this event!

  34. Thanks, Fragrant. I’m really excited.
    I wouldn’t even know what to do WITH a makeup bag!

  35. BobG says:

    W00t! Hope you have a great time.

  36. I am so excited for you!!!! You will have the most wonderful time, and I’m jealous 😉

    Unfortunately I will not be meeting you there, nor have I ever won anything more than about fifth prize in a raffle!

    Now I know I’ll get to see some great video of the event 🙂

  37. Anonymous says:

    It reminded me of the time Christine whats-her-name was in the bathroom when they announced she had won an Emmy or something. We were all LOL that you had just stepped out. Congrats!!!!
    I would love to go, too. Every one seems so cool!

  38. Oh, I will, BobG! I will!

  39. You know I am going to make an awesome MOVIE of this event!
    So, you will be there – virtually, Babs!

  40. I can’t even BELIEVE it!
    Of course I won, RIGT AFTER – I walked out of the chat to have a cigarette!

  41. I so know you will. I will be eagerly waiting for it 🙂

  42. cmk says:

    I just looked at the info for the conference and said to myself, “NO FREAKING WAY!!!!!!” You are going to be so close to me and just a few miles away from The Youngest! Unfortunately, I don’t think we’ll be in the Cities at that time. So close and yet so far away. 🙁 Bummer.

  43. You can count on me, Babs!

  44. WHAT!! NO!!!! Oh man!
    I would LOVE to meet you In Real Life!

    Reschedule your trip?

  45. territerri says:

    Congratulations! I’m so happy for you! Is this the one in Minneapolis this summer?

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