Texting and Driving

And now…for something completely different.

My 15 year old son told me a story last week. And it was the kind of story that made me laugh so much, my rib cage hurt. So I asked him, to please, please, please, consider writing it as a Guest Post for my blog.  Much to my surprise, he agreed.

*Dislclaimer: We are both opposed to anyone texting and driving.

*Warning: My son has the same disturbing/inappropriate sense of humor as I do.


———Written by My Son———

It was just another seemingly normal day in High School. I was merely following my teacher’s orders when I was told to go to the auditorium today to watch a video on texting while driving. Ironically, I was texting while my teacher told me. I strolled right in, not thinking much of the upcoming video. I sat in my seat accordingly, since classes have to sit in alphabetical order (God forbid someone watched a video while in the wrong order.)

After about 20 minutes of pretty much doing nothing, our gym teachers finally remembered that they had to do something, or at least look like they were doing something, to make that paycheck. So they went on YouTube to pull up the video, because when I think YouTube, I think learning tool.

The actual video can be watched here. But I’ll give a simple summary.

It starts off with a lone, depressing guitar in the back ground that reminds me a lot of those Drug P.S.A.s. You meet a police officer, a few people that lost loved ones to car accidents, and one man that was handicapped due to a car collision. All of these people were deeply affected by car crashes in which the driver was texting. Now I must admit that the video is very depressing and moving and definitely makes you feel like a shitty person for texting.

The only real problem is that at the end of the video, each victim holds a sign that has the last text message that person either sent/read. And this. Is where. I died.

I’m really not sure why, but it’s absolutely hilarious to see someone with a straight face hold a sign that says something as ridiculous as “where you at” or “yeah” on it.

*Come on, that’s hysterical and you know it.*

Apparently however, I was the only person in the audience that thought this as I was the only person that was hysterically laughing at this point. All throughout the auditorium I saw people turn to me, then turn back and say “Dude, that guy’s a dick…” I’m also pretty sure that I saw a few gym teachers say, “I hope that kid DOES text and drive…Little fucker.”

A few girls in my vicinity turned around and asked me how I could be so inconsiderate to which I responded, “He has a straight face and is holding LOL and he’s trying to be serious, that’s hilarious.”

Well, if I hadn’t already I’m pretty sure I’ve secured my place in hell as well as the title of world champion inappropriate laughter.



That’s my boy!

*When’s the last time YOU laughed inappropriately?

About Meleah

Mother. Writer. Television Junkie. Pajama Jean Enthusiast.
This entry was posted in Driving, Family, Humor, JCH quotes, Life, Links, Photos, Videos. Bookmark the permalink.

83 Responses to Texting and Driving

  1. Lucy says:

    Oh, teenagers I love the way they tell a school assembly story LOL.  Oh, I hate those commercials that say this was the text my daughter received when she died, oh, I hate it.
    Lastly, I am horrible person, I tend to laugh when people get hurt???  I have no idea why?  It gets me in more trouble.

  2. aaahh somebody else with a sense of humor some people don’t appreciate…I’m not alone…yeeeaaahhhhhhhh….:) ps I never sat in the right place cause it causes Educational Professionals to go into “spin” mode…. 🙂

  3. Ron says:

    Faaaaaaaaaaaabulous guest post by your son, Meleah!

    And I LOVE his sense of humor! But that’s probably because mine is the same!

    I don’t think your son was being inconsiderate in laughing, but more so seeing the irony in it.

    I often laugh inappropriately. I laugh a lot at some of the rude and inconsiderate customers I have to deal with in this city because I find them UNbelievable at times. And I think it’s much better to laugh than SLAP them.



  4. Jaffer says:

    Oh you are forgiven for all that JC – I just saw the video and saw many things which at you can appropriately take a jibe at.

    It’s terribly made for sure – feel sorry for the victim’s families for being made to hold all those unnatural poses.

  5. SilverNeurotic says:

    Dude, next time this happens…pretend that you are having a coughing fit so that you will be excused to the nearest water fountain…where you can totally get your LOL on. Trust me, this is how I survived high school.

  6. Cheryl P. says:

    Well, Meleah’s son…you are FFFFFFUUUUUNNNNNYYY. Feel free to guest blog over at my site anytime. It surely would boost my ratings. You could write pretty much whatever you want as you “could do no harm” as far as ratings go.

    I love the part:
    After about 20 minutes of pretty much doing nothing, our gym teachers finally remembered that they had to do something, or at least look like they were doing something, to make that paycheck. So they went on YouTube to pull up the video, because when I think YouTube, I think learning tool.

    Your teachers and classmates seemingly have no sense humor.

    [private message to Meleah…sssshhhh…wispering in your ear…what a cute boy you have]

  7. Livelaughloveliquor says:

    I see the apple didnt fall far from the tree!! Love it!

  8. cmk says:

    Didn’t watch the PSA because I remember {shudder} too many of those from when I was in school.  (Only, the ones *I* had to sit through were about the dangers of playing chicken with dinosaurs, but I digress…  ;))  While I am not bright enough to see the ‘funny’ at the time, I’m sure I would ‘get it’ at some point.  This post was great!  And I laughed, appropriately.
    Laughing at the wrong time is something I have done with regularity in my life.  While many, many times come to mind, this is THE ONE that was the worst:The Mother and I were sitting in church.  Our little church always had ‘visiting pastors,’ as it wasn’t big enough to sustain a full-time minister.  There were ‘good’ and ‘bad’ speakers and that day we were going to listen to one of the ‘bad’ ones.  (I use the terms ‘good’ and ‘bad’ to indicate ‘not boring’ and ‘boring as hell,’ among other things.)  Sadly, whenever this guy talked, I usually had to do my best to find something to entertain me–he could put the world’s worst insomniac to sleep in 10 seconds flat.  During the opening hymn, The Mother leaned over to me and asked, “Is he looking at us?  It seems as if he’s staring holes right through us!”  (A guilty conscience at work here?  ;))  I leaned toward her and replied, “Of course he is.  He can’t get over what raving beauties we are!”  And that did it.  Throughout the next hour–through every song, the text reading, the sermon, AND the prayers, we giggled like 4-year-olds.  I never was so happy to leave a church in my entire life–and we giggled all the way home and far into the evening, too.

  9. HeSaidHisTelephoneNumberWas911 says:

    I feel your (rib) pain Meleah, J sounds like my son.  And I’ll warn you now, it only gets honed with age.  Great job Justin.

  10. Ferd says:

    “Dude, that guy’s a dick…”

    LOL. That was very funny! And he has a great sense of humor! Meleah, you can be really, really proud of your “Little fucker!” 😀

  11. If I was there, you wouldn’t have been the only one laughing hysterically, I have a knack for laugh at all the wrong moments … hahaha!

  12. If I was there, you wouldn’t have been the only one laughing hysterically, I have a knack for laugh at all the wrong moments … hahaha!

  13. Madge says:

    I couldn’t watch the video, I to forward it to the end, But my system wasn’t having it. the pic of the dude with the LOL sign was good enough! Great guest post j.

  14. Selma says:

    Absolutely brilliant. I would’ve laughed inappropriately too. I can see a sense of humour and awesome writing skills run in the family. Loved this!

  15. cardiogirl says:

    Okay, I would have snickered quietly because I would be afraid of all the people who would call me a dick or a bitch. But it is amusing in it’s contrast.

  16. I laugh at the worst possible times too.

  17. My son felt so bad.
    But he couldn’t help it!

  18. Ah yes.

    Laughing is MUCH better than slapping!

  19. That’s exactly what made my son laugh so much!

  20. Great advice, Nik!

    I’ll tell him to do that next time!!

  21. That is CLASSIC!

    The worst time I ever laughed inappropriately was at a funeral!

  22. I am so very proud of my little fucker!

  23. I couldn’t believe my son actually AGREED to do this!

  24. The fact that he wasn’t supposed to laugh, made him laugh even more!

  25. I sometimes laugh when my kids are being serious.  My little one hates to be laughed at and can’t stand when I do it.

  26. And doesn’t that make you laugh even more?

  27. Mary Krajnovich says:

    The one that comes to my mind is having to go to my great-grandmother’s funeral after having abdominal surgery. I was high as a kite on Tylenol with codeine and a lady that was an old family friend knew this. She was a jokester of an old lady and decided to whack me in the general vicinity of my staples. Normally when I hurt myself badly I start laughing hysterically and gradually taper off to tears, so when she whacked me I laughed really hard… which hurt really bad… which made me laugh harder. So here I am, at my great-grandmother’s funeral (who BTW, was a real bitch), laughing hysterically right at the moment the pastor was saying what day and time, and what she died from. I laughed so hard the whole pew shook. Yup, being on drugs didn’t help.

  28. Anonymous says:

    I so could see myself laughing right along with him.

    My last inappropriate laugh came not too long ago when I saw an old lady trip and fall down.  I felt horrible but.. yeah. I just could not stop lmao.

  29. natalie says:

    oh god that was fucking awesome.

  30. AHAHHAHA!!

    That is hilarious, Mary!

    And, I have been known to laugh at funerals, also.
    They make me so uncomfortable, I don’t know what else to do with myself!

  31. People falling = PURE COMEDY.

    Seriously, if I see anyone fall, I laugh FIRST.
    Then I ask them if they’re okay.
    And then I laugh again!

  32. Mary Krajnovich says:

    Honestly, as soon as I saw the picture above, I started snickering LOL!!!

  33. Mary Krajnovich says:

    Honestly, as soon as I saw the picture above, I started snickering LOL!!!

  34. Ha ha ha! Great post and I would’ve laughed too. I can’t keep a straight face at funerals and always have to bite my lip at them. Better to laugh than to cry, I always say! I like your style, JC!

  35. Ha ha ha! Great post and I would’ve laughed too. I can’t keep a straight face at funerals and always have to bite my lip at them. Better to laugh than to cry, I always say! I like your style, JC!

  36. Ha ha ha! Great post and I would’ve laughed too. I can’t keep a straight face at funerals and always have to bite my lip at them. Better to laugh than to cry, I always say! I like your style, JC!

  37. YES!

    It’s hilarious that guy is being super serious with a sign that says LOL!

  38. It’s always better to laugh!

  39. Jayne says:

    LOL!  Right back at ya.  That was hysterical.  You’d love the episode of Mary Tyler Moore at “Chuckles The Clown’s Funeral.”   Good writing, kid.

  40. Well done Meleah’s son!  I’ve seen that video on TV. The message is good, but I could have found a more powerful method to show the texts, rather than the relatives holding up silly signs?

    The most inappropriate laughter?  When my father was lying in a hospital bed, not expected to make it through the night.  He’d just had a massive coronary. The whole family had been given a room to stay the night in and we spent most of the time laughing our heads off!

    I think the nurses are used to it though. Apparently it’s some kind of nervous reaction.

  41. Oh yes!

    Really uncomfortable/ heart breaking situations like that can cause some serious laughter.

    And you’re right about that video.
    It could have been much more powerful sans those silly signs!

  42. and I am looking at that image and thinking ‘OMG you KNOW you are being filmed and you don’t make the freaking bed?’

    I am officially my mother.


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