Snowpocalypse: The Blizzard of 2011

Last week, New Jersey was hit with record-breaking snowfall. Seriously people. We got at least thirty-inches within a twelve-hour time span. And it was ridiculous.

It had been snowing off and on for most of the day. For some reason I was suddenly inspired to start shoveling at 10pm.

Especially after looking outside the back door and seeing this.

Clearly, we should have started shoveling much earlier.

Nevertheless, my son and I suited up in my parents ‘Ski-Clothes’ and prepared to brave the great outdoors.

Considering we couldn’t exit the house via the front or back doors, we had to try and get out of the house through the garage.

And this is what we saw.

Having no idea where to begin, my son and I quickly derived a plan wherein I would clean off the car, while he would try to clear a pathway towards the front door.

And that’s precisely when we began cussing my parents for being away on vacation.

At one point the wind gusts were so strong there was practically zero-visibility.

After an hour and a half of non-stop-intensive-physical-labor my son and I were ready to collapse.

In fact, he did.

And right into the six-feet-snow-pile.

We were officially ‘done’ for the night, but not before my son left this * lovely * note on the windshield of my car, already covered in snow. Again.

Apparently, the weather reports were 100% accurate – for the first time ever, because just as promised by meteorologists the snow continued to fall from the skies ALL NIGHT.

And never once did a snowplow bother to come through my neighborhood.

We awoke in the morning to find this.

Fortunately, this time, my neighbors were outside – wielding shovels and offers to help.

Actually almost everyone on my block gathered to clear the snow, teamwork style.

After what seemed like a lifetime plus infinity, we made some pretty decent progress.

I was ready to throw a ticker-tape-parade when we had cleared enough snow to see the concrete again.

But my son wasn’t quite as thrilled as I was.

However, I have to give credit where credit is due. My son truly busted his ass. And he didn’t really complain all that much.

Once the majority of the snow was shoveled, it was time for hot showers, stiff drinks, and much needed naps. That evening, I fell into such a deep slumber; I could have slept for a week. Alas, I was woken up by a very strange scraping sound. I peered out my bedroom window and I couldn’t believe my eyes.

What happened next? Can ONLY be told – via video.

Some of you may remember my totally-super-crazy ‘No Garbage Neighbor’.



Because just when I thought he couldn’t get any weirder?

He did.

Yeah, um, how many people can say, “I just watched a man get his car out of 20 feet of snow, with a dustpan and the sheer will to drive over it.” I am really considering buying a brand new snow shovel, putting huge red bow on it, and leaving it on his front doorstep, anonymously.

[PS: The Complete Set Of Photos can be found here —> Snowpocalypse 2011]

About Meleah

Mother. Writer. Television Junkie. Pajama Jean Enthusiast.
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113 Responses to Snowpocalypse: The Blizzard of 2011

  1. Anonymous says:

    lol. a mentally challenged astronaut. hahaha. nah you look cute. um the video was funny. timid little guy, isn’t he? can’t press on the gas to get over a mountain of snow. one must step on it!

  2. Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow 🙂

  3. Who uses a $100,000 Mercedes to barrel through snow?
    But is too cheap to buy a shovel?
    This guy!


  4. Anonymous says: made it look like fun…but I know better I live in Canada..:))))).. my old Pops used to say a Mercedes is a sign of affluence but not always intelligence..:)

  5. Well, now that my parents are back and my FATHER will be HERE to HELP –
    Yes, I say bring on another snow storm!

  6. Rickichink says:

    That was some of the funny of stuff

  7. territerri says:

    You guys look great in your ski clothes! 🙂 Those blizzards are nasty. Just when you think you’ve cleared all the snow out, it snows again and you’ve got to start all over! No wonder we look forward to spring so much!

  8. It didn’t matter that we didn’t get any mail, nor could we leave the
    complex, and there wasn’t any garbage pick up for DAYS, because they didn’t
    plow our streets until Wednesday and the storm hit on SUNDAY.

    Because my son and I were too busy sooooo hysterical laughing.

  9. Anne says:

    We had the same problem getting out the doors. I always make my husband do the shoveling. Luckily, we have a neighbor with a plow so he did our driveway.

  10. Terri, I have NO IDEA how you deal with this!

  11. You are soooo lucky!
    We didn’t have so much as snow blower.

  12. Alright, I love the snow. I look forward to our trips to mammoth every year. At most, we shovel snow off our cars (of course) and some snow from the driveway to the cabin. But this…is craaaazy! I love taking our trips and shoveling a little bit of snow. Living there is so totally different I’m sure. Either way, good times.

    Happy New Year Meleah!!

  13. HeSaidHisTelephoneNumberWas911 says:

    That’s some crazy snow. I know how you feel, that was us last year. Loved the play-by-play for your neighbor, “…a f*****g dustpan!”, hilarious.

  14. This really was CRAZY snow.
    In all the years I’ve lived here, I don’t think we’ve ever been hit so bad.

    Happy New Year, Ricardo! Nice to see you over here again!

  15. I’m totally obsessed with No Garbage Guy.
    And the fact that he used a DUSTPAN?
    Killed me.

  16. Loni says:

    NICE!!!! LOL

  17. Ahahhahaha! I know you already saw that movie on Facebook!

  18. Thomas C. says:

    Beautiful post. Thank you!

    In Brooklyn, we decided to jump the very last flight out of town before it hit us full-tilt-boogie. Which meant our dogsitter (an elderly woman who charges us next to nothing, because she hasn’t discovered unlimited long-distance in her own apartment, and she can make phone calls from our house for free) had to deal with it. She couldn’t even get the back door open to let the pugs out–not that they’d have been able to venture out in snow that was over their heads. I think our neighbors took pity on her and shoveled the front steps so that she could get out once a day to feed someone else’s cat.

    It only took Mayor Bloomberg five days to get around to plowing our block, so, um… happy new year?

  19. Yep. We didn’t have any mail, or trash pick up for DAYS.
    This was a REALLY brutal storm that NO ONE was prepared for.

  20. Mike says:

    “…the hell?”

    ahahahaha! Your “notes” kill me!

    That is seriously messed up. I remember what that much snow *feels* like, but we just don’t get those blizzards anymore! In fact, we hardly have ANY snow left. And we’re the ones on Canada. …The hell, indeed.

  21. Greeneyezz says:

    Hehehe I really wish I could muster up some sympathy for you.. I really wish I could, I guess I’m fairly de-sensitized by it! Oh wait a minute…
    I think I FOUND it!… I don’t have a neighbor quite like your ‘No garbage guy’! Strange dude you’ve got there! 😉 (And did you ever figure out why fb wouldn’t let you post it??)

    Seriously though… I do hear you on this crazy storm! About 2 1/2 weeks ago we were POUNDED on severely.. which is kinda typical for Central New York. I had just bought a pair of used X-country skis from someone on my facebook and was all excited to use them…. to have it be in the upper 40’s and 50’s the past 3-4 days… melting it ALL. I can’t believe I’ve been hoping for another huge storm just so I can try them out! (Gotta do something in the wintertime… it’s too hard to hit a golf ball in this snow!) 🙂

    Nice Photo essay! I must say… you look Marvelous in that snow suit!! lol


  22. Ron says:

    OH. MY. GOD! This was perhaps the MOST hilarious post I’ve EVER read in blogland!!!!

    I give you 10 stars and a standing ovation!!!!!!!

    When I saw what your son wrote on your windshield, I laughed so hard I shit! OMG, I adore you family!

    And that video? Beyond brilliant! One of these days you have to share with me how you do all that cool stuff on your videos. I’ll pay you – ha!

    I cannot believe the amount of snow you got in Jersey. We got A LOT here in Philly, but not that much. It was wind that was the worst. I thought it was going to blow me to Denver!

    Thanks for an awesome post, girl!



  23. Yeah, I was clearly unprepared for this storm!
    But NOT as unprepared as No Garbage Guy!

    I have NO IDEA why FB will no longer allow me to post ANY new videos/movies.
    I should probably send out and email and investigate that ASAP.

    IF we get another storm like this, my father better be here to help.
    And NOT away on vacation.

    I cant handle all that shoveling! Or that ‘outfit’!

  24. Ahahhahaha. You’re VERY welcome Ron!

    And, I am more than happy to teach you everything you need to know about
    movie making – for free.

    Hopefully one day, we can get together and meet in Real Life for a training
    session. Plus you’ll get to meet the family. And I’ll even treat you to a
    night at the infamous KHCC!

  25. Anonymous says:

    Oh, am I ever glad to be here in Socal where it’s only VERY WET! Great cake.

  26. Anonymous says:

    Sounds like you mentally challenged astronauts had a “ball” up there in the Snowmageddon of 2010.
    As a former resident of the institution of NJ, I don’t miss that one tiny bit.

    Don’t worry, the snow will stop by March and you’ll be back out on the golf course.

    Love the vid of the crazy neighbor. Not a real bright bulb, but I’ll give him points for style, At least he gave you some more amusing fodder for the blog.

  27. Greeneyezz says:

    Yes. I think you should email them. At least to be given an explanation as to why. Perhaps it might even clear things up from their end and remove the ‘ban’. <— NaughtyMeleah 🙂

  28. moooooog35 says:

    On the bright side: SNOW FORTS!!

  29. And, he gets *points* for being REALLY creative!

  30. Melissa says:

    You are absolutely effin’ hilarious! I definitely will be back!

  31. Oscar says:

    I felt your pain – being not far fron you! 28 inches for us!

    Fortunately my son, son-in-law and daughters boyfriend were there and well my shoulder surgery…

    I watched them shovel. But had drinks ready when they got in.

    Love the video! Spend a little time looking out the window do ya?


    Happy New Year !

  32. But you see, these weird people do give us something to laugh at don’t they? What a very strange man, and why would he wait until the middle of the night to do it?

  33. Why would anyone want to live in Florida when there’s so much fun to be had up north? I hope you included your son when passing around the stiff drinks afterward! (And I have to say, you both look quite fetching in those snow suits!)

  34. Anonymous says:

    Wow, that’s a lot of snow! It snowed a little here and the country almost came to a standstill, I dread to think what would happen if we ever got as much as you do!

  35. Oh God Meleah, that’s dreadful. You neighbor is a goofball. Hide the cats.

  36. BobG says:

    Snow is Mother Nature’s way of saying “Up yours!”.

  37. cmk says:

    That amount of snow? Up here, it is called Tuesday. 😀 But thankfully, the Lake keeps us–for most of the winter–from getting as much as the rest of the UP does. But when the storms come in out of the east, LOOK OUT!

    Our neighbors up the street are hardcore: they just use an arm to brush a small opening to see through the front window of their car and drive. NO shoveling with a dustpan or anything. You can imagine how high their driveway is by the end of winter. This drives The Husband so crazy, that he goes with the snowblower and clears the mouth of their driveway for them. By the way, have I told you that I married a nutcase? 😉

  38. FragrantLiar says:

    Wow, well when I come to a snowbound wilderness, I’ll be sure to bring my dustpan.

    that snow accumulation was crazy! And you looked interesting in your astronaut suit.

  39. Mike says:

    LOL you make the funniest videos. I’ve been anxious to see it ever since I saw you talking about it. That guy is way more persistent than me. Really, though. You can get a snow shovel for like $5 at Target.

  40. Nice to meet you too.

  41. Im seriously obsessed with my crazy neighbor.
    It’s bad!

  42. Because he’s crazy!

  43. My son had a stiff cup of hot chocolate!
    Mommy doesn’t share her liquor with anyone.


  44. It was insane! Totally fucking insane!

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