Sesame Street, Katy Perry, Boobs, And Disney Characters

[WARNING: Another title for this post could have been: ‘Wherein I Rant And Possibly Offend Many Readers’.]


I’m sure by now you have all seen [and/or heard] about the drama that ensued regarding singer Katy Perry’s skit with Elmo. Yes?  If not, here’s the clip that everyone’s talking about.

Apparently, that skit was deemed too ‘racy’ by some over-protective parents and subsequently yanked from ‘Sesame Street’. Some of the quotes from these outraged parents include references with respects to Katy Perry’s cleavage. I realize this is a children’s television show, and she does have impressive and ample breasts. However, I do not think that her performance was offensive in the least.

Honestly, I have no idea what people are so upset about. While yes, it’s true, as a fellow parent I have been known to overreact to certain situations that involve my own child [ie: that time he dyed his hair]. But for the life of me, I just can’t figure out the logic behind this kind of unnecessary uproar.

And here’s why…

Have these very same parents ever taken a really good look at the way Female ‘Disney Characters’ are drawn? I’m thinking not. Because if they had? Surely they would have to be just as livid.  Or, am I just the only person on the planet that has noticed the excessively-large-stripper-like-breasts depicted on 90% of the Female Disney Princesses?

I believe my point will be better demonstrated with some photographic evidence.

[Side bar: I did not enhance these pictures in any way, shape, or form. I only wrote captions on them.]

Example One: This is probably the least offensive of them all.

Example Two:

Example Three:

Example Four: Ah yes, the crème de la crème of examples.

So what makes those images okay for children’s eyes? Is it just because they are cartoon characters?

Seriously people.

Boobs are everywhere.

And for all intensive purposes – we as a culture are obsessed with them.

Quite frankly, I think if these parents are going to get their panties in a twist over Katy Perry’s appearance on Sesame Street they should probably also reconsider dressing-up their little girls like these characters.

Just sayin’.

About Meleah

Mother. Writer. Television Junkie. Pajama Jean Enthusiast.
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124 Responses to Sesame Street, Katy Perry, Boobs, And Disney Characters

  1. This “uproar” was ridiculous. Katie looked darling and it was a cute skit. Kids would have liked it and I do not think the boobage was excessive or in poor taste either. Damn! We are a prudish bunch of people. When in Europe, ads actually show nude people in showers using soap. Here, it’s fine to show brains blown out, but not tasteful cleavage to tots!

  2. Silverneurotic says:

    That was actually kind of cute (and I absolutely HATE Elmo). I don't really see the big deal either, but then again, I'm not a parent.

  3. Michael C says:

    Love the text you put in…very clever!! 😉

  4. I AM a parent. And I think this whole thing is ridiculous!

  5. Thanks! Michael C!

    Its sooooooooooo nice to see a comment from you!


  6. Jaffer says:

    It wasn't offensive when those very same parents/people were oogling at Disney Boobies only a decade or two or three ago ? Stop complaining and if your kid doesn't like err… VeggieTales.

  7. I have had that same thought about Disney princesses. You forgot to mention that not only do they have ample cleavage but they display it to its greatest potential.

    I am curious how many of these children feel that red fur is appropriate for any occasion since Elmo wears it. My kids spent a lot of time admiring the Disney princesses but still realize that low cut is inappropriate.

  8. Jaffer says:

    I used to love Belle the 'Beauty' and I can still play several scenes from Beauty and the Beast in my head. But on my next birthday, my Aunt gave me a whole Box of Alladdin and Jasmine VHS ! Belle was soon a distant memory.

    I turned out alright – I think – except when I get annoyed when people start calling me Jafar


  9. Brian Dawson58 says:

    I think we can say with certainty that Meleah will never be permitted to have a “play date” with any of the Sesame Street characters including Oscar the Grouch. Certainly not Big Bird who would undoubtedly crane his neck over Meleah's clevage. That being said, I have to agree with your position. Hell, hasn't Miss Piggy thrown out “her stuff” from time to time to catch Kermit the Frog? Miss Piggy has shown far less restraint in sportin' her boobies to the general viewing public. Where would the world be without breasts? Every year when Genaurdi's Supermarket shakes down their customers' for donations to Breast Cancer Research, I always give. God, I love breasts. They're soooooo magical. But, heh, that's just my opinion

  10. slyde says:

    i guess i never really gave her a thought before, but after seeing her on saturday night live this weekend (where she poked fun at the elmo incident), i never realized just how sexy a girl she is. I'm now a fan!

    i now ALMOST want to do HER as much as i want to do YOU.


  11. The Chick says:

    Well put Meleah – I saw nothing wrong with Katy's attire – but it did make for a hiliarous SNL skit ! Did you catch Katy's boobage in the Elmo shirt !

  12. Brian Dawson58 says:

    I, also, have a theory about this whole situation. I suspect that the producers of Sesame Street anticipated Katy's wardrobe 'choice'. I mean, come on… They saw what she was wearing before the cameras started rolling. Katy's cleavage gave Sesame Street some real XXXposure. I'll bet there gonna be some hot demand for that tee shirt shown on SNL. Heck, Cookie Monster may kick the cookie habit, and switch to muffins. Love ya, meleah…

  13. That's exactly my point! Disney Princesses flaunt their 'cleavage' more

    often then not. And yet THAT'S OKAY? WTH.

  14. I loved Aladdin. There are some REALLY funny lines in that movie.

    Jasmine is one of my favorite Disney princesses of them all.

    Complete with her “Giant Jugs”.

    People called you Jafer? OMG. I'm sorry, but THAT? Is really funny to me.

  15. Yes! Excellent point about Miss Piggy, Mr. Dawson.

    EXCELLENT. And the world would be so boring without boobies!

  16. Oh Sylde!

    Yeah, Katy Perry is smokin'!

  17. Oh it was GREAT. I loved *LOVED* that SNL skit.

    Big fat 'Kudos' to her on yet another job well done!

  18. I totally WANT that Elmo t-shirt she wore on SNL.

    And, yeah, hello…Sesame Street did NOT have an issue with her wardrobe

    until some of the parents went all nuclear about it.

  19. BillyWarhol says:

    I agree Fully Completely!! Pure Hypocrisy!! I had to Laff Katy took it in good stride + plans to do a Simpson's Episode!! 😉 mmmmmmmmmmmm DD Cupcakes mmmmmmmmm Homer*

  20. Dang, Meleah, I have no idea what I said the first time! Still, Katy Perry is adorable and her outfit was fine! I thought it was a darling skit and think kids would have loved it! It's weird that we can show violence to tots but not tits. (And Katy's tata's were covered enough to make it “G” rated.) Save me from Puritans who can protect me from salacious thought!

  21. This “uproar” was ridiculous. Katie looked darling and it was a cute skit.
    > Kids would have liked it and I do not think the boobage was excessive or in
    > poor taste either. Damn! We are a prudish bunch of people. When in Europe,
    > ads actually show nude people in showers using soap. Here, it's fine to show
    > brains blown out, but not tasteful cleavage to tots!

    Here's the original post. Feel free to delete the other if you like!

  22. YAY! Thank you for reposting your comment Linda!

    You. Are. Awesome.

    And AMEN to what you said. That's what I'm talking about!


  23. Jaffer says:

    Well, some people know that when I get called Jafar, I get annoyed. So they call me that to press my buttons – only sometimes.


  24. Don't these kids have mums? Don't all mums have boobies?

    It's probably due to my age, but I always find these stars far too under dressed for my liking, but I see absolutely nothing wrong with this! I showed more cleavage than that when I was young!

  25. Terry Towery says:

    With a headline like “Katy Perry, boobs and Disney characters,” how could I resist? 😉

    Seriously, I agree with you. Apparently Disney has a double standard — as in “Double D.”


    Thank you so much for those helpful arrows pointing to the boobs.

    Yes, boobs ARE everywhere! Those parents are definitely overreacting and/or jealous. Katy Perry is adorable and that whole cleavage thing is just her schtick. Lighten up.

    And . . . just because I can:

    GIANT JUGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  27. Well I will make sure I NEVER do that!

  28. Thank you Babs!

    I couldn't agree any more!

  29. Ahahahahahaha! “double D – double standard!”

  30. Seriously, Katy Perry is adorable and hot!

    Arrows are always so helpful.

    And, yes you can JD!! Giant Jugs!! *woot*

  31. marymert says:

    i did notice the boobage and did think it was a bit much, but i have been saying for years that there are too many jugs guest starring in kids/childrens movies and shows. (or innuendo in kids movies to appeal to parents and adults, which makes me insanely angry o the point of foaming at the mouth) even on the disney channel (and other pbs shows)… sometimes they try to hide the teen hooties with hair extensions strategically placed. i tell my girls that it's not appropriate for girls in high school or younger to show that much knocker, wear a tank top for lower cut tops etc. i think its the age group that sesame street is geared to that is probably the problem and as a mom of 3 young kids it did bother me. Every year the line gets pushed a bit further. When i was a kid, you would have never seen that much tata IN A KIDS SHOW.

    that being said we as society have made permanent babysitters of our boob tubes. its our responsibility to police what our kids watch. we certainly cannot expect the media/entertainment companies, which is a huge part of our cultural machine, to moderate what they put out for the few handfuls of people that actually care or pay attention to what their kids are watching. wheres the money in that?

    also i believe the intent of the content should be taken into consideration. watching this elmo vid- even though i think her melons could have been covered better, or at least taped down- i dont see any evidence of sexualization or overt innuendo.

    all IMHO of course. All that being said,i tried as hard as could to come with as many names for cans as i could 🙂

  32. No reason whatsoever to pull the clip from Sesame Street. Overprotective parents? I feel this has nothing to do about protecting a child, but more of an adult's obsession hitting the red zone of sicko. Sadly the kids those 'overprotecting' adults are parents of have now a good chance to end up with the same shortcomings when their turn to raise children comes about.

  33. Thank you so much for sharing your honest opinion with us!

  34. Interesting take on the subject Rog!


  35. Nicky says:

    You know, I always wonder about the parents who are “outraged” by these things. Arial is definitely showing more skin than Katy showed, and to boot, Arial defies her father, sells her voice to a witch in order to be with a guy and justifies the whole thing with this classic phrase: “But Daddy, I'm sixteen!”

    Nothing outrageous about that. Millions and billions and gazillions of parents took their little princesses to see that movie, then bought the DVD and the dolls and then dressed their little darlings up in seashell bras for Halloween. Hypocrite, much?

  36. territerri says:

    Okay, I just have to say that I honestly sat here wondering why the Sesame Street video was offensive. Were there suggestive words and phrases in the song? It was only near the very end that I wondered if the uproar was over her cleavage. I have to agree with you that television and movies are filled with characters that have “perfect” bodies. I'm not sure why it's okay for a cartoon character but not for a real person like Katie Perry.

  37. Bravo Nicky! BRAVO.

    I think that's my one of my FAVORITE comments of the day!

    [so far!]


    It's all too shocking what some parents DO allow their children to watch.

    And you stated that point PERFECTLY.


  38. Exactly Terri!

    I watched the Katy Perry video a bunch of times tying to grasp what everyone

    was so up in arms about. Was her cleavage excessive? Maybe. [Not in my

    personal opinion.] And certainly NOT ANY MORE than all of these Disney

    Princesses. Where's all the “outrage” over that?

  39. Ron says:

    OMG…I'm soooooo in agreement with you on this. What's the big deal?!?!

    Honestly? I see nothing “racy” at all about this video.

    Excuse me, but if you want to talk about “racy”, what about the Disney character “Jessica Rabbit” in the cartoon “Roger Rabbit.”

    Now THAT'S a bit racy, yet no one even said anything about her HUGE boobies and voluptuous figure.

    Am I right?


  40. Oh My God RON!

    I can't believe I forgot to add the most absolute quintessential character to drive home my point. Thank you so much for bringing up Jessica Rabbit! You know what my FAVORITE line from that movie was? When she said, “I'm not bad… I'm just drawn that way”

    SERIOUSLY!! She has to have been THE MOST provocative cartoon ever!

  41. cmk says:

    While I feel as if she could have been covered up a bit more–hey, I'm from a different generation than most of the people who have commented here–I really don't see how these parents are complaining. If they can PROVE to me that the ONLY thing their kids watch are kids' shows, then maybe I will understand–and it BETTER be kids' shows that have NO boobage on display at all. However, to act as if their kids never saw more boobage than that in their little lifetimes, is ludicrous. These are the same people who will march to let any mother nurse in public–yes, it is natural and I have no problems with it, to an extent–even if the kid doing the nursing is 5 years old and there is NO coverage of the exposed boob at all. The older I get, the less I understand people.

  42. Marty Wombacher says:

    I totally agree! And I liked your Disney examples at the end! You're right, boobs are everywhere! All I have to do is look in the mirror to see one! Great rant, Meleah!

  43. Oh, CMK. You are not THAT old!

    I think you made some very valid points. And I agree with you. There is

    something VERY wrong about a kid nursing at 5 years old and there is NO

    coverage of the exposed boob at all. YIKES.

    Not that I am anti-breast-feeding!

    But 5? So. Not. Cool.

    Love you!


  44. Ahahahha! Thanks Marty!


  45. Gallivanter says:

    This is kinda ridiculous, a testament to the current times we live in, the world is getting more ironic, and also witnessing the influx of hypocrites as well. Haha!

  46. Lucy says:

    Oh, I had no idea that this was happening. Here is a thought, pay attention to what your child is watching and if you don't like it change the flipping channel!

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