Remember When America Tried “Dumbing Down?”

Well, no more.

We have at last arrived.





Here are just a few thoughts ….

Please leave YOUR THOUGHTS in the comments!!

PS: Thanks to my dear friend, Jim, for sending me this photo. It may or may not have been taken in a ‘Best Buy’ out in ‘Somewhere Pennsylvania’.

About Meleah

Mother. Writer. Television Junkie. Pajama Jean Enthusiast.
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55 Responses to Remember When America Tried “Dumbing Down?”

  1. Jaffer says:

    Sad… very sad. And USA is world super power you say ?

    Well, people do this everywhere. I did just the other day – taking 15 items to a 10 item only counter. This supermarket needs to chillax or just get rid of their express checkouts if patrons are frequently not willing to comply with their rules.

  2. So the Abacus might get back in fashion? 😉

  3. Anonymous says:

    Many, I’m glad they cleared that up.  I thought was going to have to take off my shoes to figure out the count.  What do I count if I have 21 items? 

    Stupid is as stupid does.  Hate to burst your bubble, but you think we’ve hit bottom/arrived?  Just when you think you cannot get any dumber, there is always someone out there working to lower the bar.  And those people are out there walking amoungst us now.     

  4. We should have that here cos half the people here just can’t count in the express lanes!

  5. Jaffer just stole my words!

    Very sad indeed.  If it isn’t working just take away the option. No need to be rude to customers.  It is funny though 😉

  6. Ut-Oh,Jaffer!

    My father would FREAK OUT if he saw that.
    Seriously. I will elaborate MORE in my next blog post!

  7. Now, I don’t know if this photo is real or photoshopped.
    But it’s HILARIOUS. And sad. All at once!

  8. Well….

    I do think we should have express lanes.
    Because if I only have 10 items, why should I have to wait behind someone with 100 items?
    I have things to do, man!

  9. Jaffer says:

    Excellent… I can’t wait. (E-mail me when you post it)

  10. OK. I do understand that and we use it often too. Truth be told, I’d laugh out loud if I saw this sign really. I was just trying to be pedantic 🙂

  11. UPDATE:

    My friend Rogelio Perea did some investigating for me. And here’s the deal on this photo:

    The 1st blogger has the REAL photo. As a regular “express lane” (

    And the 2nd blogger is the one who photo shopped it! (


    Mystery solved.

  12. I would die from laughter if I saw this in a store. Seriously!! 

  13. Oh I will.
    I know how much you love my father stories.
    And this one is a CLASSIC.

  14. I guess it should be explained more clearly.  I know in our grocery stores, people don’t always understand what express means (I am choosing that explanation rather than they are just selfish).  I agree that express lanes are helpful (although I always do the self check out because it requires less interaction with people).

  15. I guess it should be explained more clearly.  I know in our grocery stores, people don’t always understand what express means (I am choosing that explanation rather than they are just selfish).  I agree that express lanes are helpful (although I always do the self check out because it requires less interaction with people).

  16. Anonymous says:

    I thought we were there already there when I started seeing “This beverage may be HOT!” on coffee cups.  But this is certainly a new low.

    I’ve nominated you for the Seven Links Challenge, Maleah, an opportunity to replay some old posts.  Stop by at Seven Links Challenge and see if you’d like to participate.

  17. Ah yes. The good ol’ self-check out!

  18. Awesome! Thanks, Bud!

  19. Silverneurotic says:

    I’m totally stealing that sign and putting it up at work.

  20. I think I already commented on this…even if somewhat peripherally on your Facebook page. Sheesh. Way to repeat yourself. 😉

  21. Ron says:

    Honestly? I have to say that I think the idea is brilliant because I’m tired of getting in the 10 items or less express line with people who obviously can’t read or wish to ingnore it.



    Welcome Back, Nik!


  23. You just barely tolerate me, don’t you? 😉

  24. NO!!! I love both you and Kim!

  25. You haven’t met us yet….don’t be too quick to judge. 🙂

  26. Ahahahhaha!!

    Well then… We need to change that!


    I’d LOVE to meet the both of you.

    And you live right in PA.


    That’s not too far from NJ.

    Unless your way the f*#% out in Harrisburg.

    Then, forget it!!

    Seriously, though…

    Now I am contemplating taking THIS post DOWN.

    Because this photo will work so much better with the story I have to tell about my father
    and an “incident” at the grocery store with respects to the express lane.


    I’ve already jumped the gun.

    I posted this on FB and HERE before completely thinking this through.

    So, I guess I will just leave it.

    And write an entirely NEW post for Monday.

    I am blaming my poor judgment on the lack of food in my system.

  27. Cheryl P. says:

    I think the sign and the comments are hysterical.   I was behind someone at Target that was in the 10 or less line with a heaping cart full, then paid with food stamps that didn’t cover some of her items, then bought gift cards with cash.  She said she hadn’t noticed the sign.  I am for flashing neon if that is what it takes to keep the express line express.

  28. Lucy says:

    Well, I think it is the perfect way to make a point!  We refuse to follow the rules so it is time to make US look like idiots!!

  29. Selma says:

    Holey moley. It’s the end of the world as we know it 😀

  30. Ziva says:

    Finally my third arm will come to good use! I can probably easily get a job showing people my three hands to make it easier for them to know if they belong in the express lane or not.

  31. I think it’s hilarious.

  32. YOU POSTED IT!  I am OH SO HAPPY you did!  I am stumbling, tweeting and sharing….. my mom will LOVE this one!!!!  Love you girl!

  33. Dr. Cynicism says:

    Sadly, this shit is totally NEEDED.

  34. Jules says:

    wow. I haven’t ever seen that before. that is definitely dumbing it down

  35. James Littlejohn says:

    oh my. oh my. oh my

  36. says:

    WoW. WHAT STORE WAS THAT AT? a might bit snarky!

  37. You’re welcome! xoxoxo

  38. Sadly, this is not a REAL photo.

    Originally I thought it was.

    As it turns out, it’s been photoshopped.

  39. Anonymous says:

    Wow! Well, I won’t even attempt to top “ExpressHole” — that is brilliant!!!
    I just want to meet the hand model — 3 hands and all.

  40. ExpressHole totally rocks!!

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