Post Breakup – Part Four

Initial Breakup
Part One
Part Two
Part Three


This is the fourth and final chapter of the ‘Post Breakup’ Files. Now that I’ve passed the 60 day mark – I literally can’t talk about him, or them, or any of it any more. I can’t keep torturing myself like this. I can’t keep giving this breakup the power to ruin my days. And I can’t even think about him anymore. I need to ‘Magic Erase’ him from my brain. I don’t want to process anymore. I don’t want to cry anymore. I don’t want to dwell, or pine, or feel this pain anymore. I need to move the f*ck on already.


I just want to take these past four years, and these past 65 days, and put them into a vault, lock it up, and throw away the keys, forever.


A lot of people, including my therapist, have told me, “One day you’ll realize this was the best thing that ever happened to you.” And I sure do hope that’s true. My therapist also pointed out how much I’ve accomplished, and so quickly, and how NONE OF THIS would be happening, if I weren’t on my own again. So, yay. There’s that. And now, this is me: completely letting go, walking away, closing the door, locking the vault, and never looking back again.





Last week went a little like this…


Monday, I cleaned the house, did the laundry, took out the trash, and all that jazz. Just like I always do, every Monday. Then my best friend, Tiffany, came over and gave me the best hair ever and I could not be happier! If you want the best hair ever too, please click HERE to contact Tiffany directly!


Tuesday, I ran errands and I got shit done. I also saw my therapist, just like I always do, every Tuesday. We discussed how it’s important to stay focused on myself right now and how not to be so hard on myself. I have a terrible habit of beating myself up and obsessing about what I should’ve, could’ve, would’ve – done differently. She also told me to take this time to appreciate the little things; like coming home to a perfectly cleaned house and not having it destroyed, messed up, or ruined by anyone. Because I am only going to be ‘completely alone’ for a little while longer, before my son moves back, after he graduates from college on Mother’s Day. She explained this is MY TIME and how to use it wisely.


Wednesday, I woke up feeling like COMPLETE GARBAGE. It’s allergy season and HOLY F*CK I am suffering from the effects; itchy-watery eyes, running nose, ears popping, sore throat, and a horrible cough. The only thing that made me feel better was overdosing on antihistamine medications. But that proved to be a bad idea as I spent the rest of the day/night in a complete brain-fog-haze. However, instead of beating myself up and feeling guilty for ‘not doing enough’ I ate dinner at 4pm, watched The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills and New York City and went to bed at 8pm! Why? Because this is MY TIME, YO!


*** Thursday morning, the medication haze went away and I was ready to tackle the day. I got up, I got dressed, I grabbed my clipboard and my ‘work-bag’ and I hustled my way over to my very first client’s house! She’s a 70 year old woman that can’t possibly pack by herself to move to North Carolina. Also, she didn’t feel comfortable hiring a moving company, or having strange men in her house all day, touching her things. We agreed on the pricing/payment options and I booked my first ‘job’ for next Tuesday! ***

That evening, one of my closest friends came over to celebrate. We gossiped, we caught up, we drank our favorite cocktails, we shared deep secrets, and then we laughed, and laughed, and laughed. It was really nice to let my hair down and enjoy the comforts of my kid-free condo!



Friday, I woke up dying from allergies again and raced to my favorite healer of all time, Dr Gendy. He prescribed medications, gave me a vitamin injection, told me that I looked fabulous, and sent me on my merry way. That afternoon I had lunch with my mom at our local Country Club, otherwise known as KHCC. And then we went shopping at Walmart to stock up on paper products and cleaning supplies. Friday night I relaxed and caught up on everything recorded on my DVR.


Saturday morning, my groceries were delivered via Peapod service. And I have to say, even though I am no longer feeding an army, having the groceries delivered to my front door, without ever having to step inside the food store, is still one of my ALL TIME FAVORITE pleasures in life!

*** That afternoon I began to feel really antsy. I wanted and needed to do something productive. And that’s precisely when I received a phone call, asking if I would be inclined to come Organize, Clear, and De-clutter a local Storage Unit. UM YES PLEASE!! I threw on jeans, a comfy t-shirt, and my lucky hat. I met with the client, derived a plan, and then I jumped into action. I worked my face off from 12-4:30pm. Hanging off ladders, lifting crazy heavy objects, totally channeling my inner strength and calling upon my freakishly strong upper body strength. I think this is the first time I’ve ever appreciated my ‘man-shoulders’ that make me look like a football-playing-line-backer. When I was finished – sweaty, filthy, and covered in bruises – I never felt so good! After I got paid, I rewarded myself by going to Walmart and buying a new mop. Yes, that’s right. My reward = an actual mop. ***



Sunday, I woke up a little stiff and a little sore. After three cups of strong coffee, I wrote this blog post. Then, I uploaded before/after photos and updated my business website OCDWITHME. Please feel free to check it out the main page by clicking HERE. Or you can go directly to the before/after photos by clicking HERE.


And that’s about it.

See y’all next week!!



About Meleah

Mother. Writer. Television Junkie. Pajama Jean Enthusiast.
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