On Being Thankful

I like to think I spend a lot of time reflecting on all of the things I have to be grateful for. And I do. But, it’s not all that often that I write those things down. So, in the spirit of Thanksgiving, I’d like to share my gratitude list.

The Top 40 Things I Am Grateful For:

1. My son Justin. For he is truly the light of my life, even when he drives me nuts.

2. My Mother and My Father. Their undying love and support forever amazes me. And, for providing a roof over my head, food in my stomach, and the never-ending supply of toilet paper and laundry detergent. No, seriously. Thank you for that.

3. My whole entire family. Both sides. We may be crazy, and slightly dysfunctional, but I’d be nothing without each and every one of you. And we sure know how to have a great time together.

4. My Best Friends. You all know who you are.

5. The Written Word.

6. This Blog, and all of the wonderful people that have come into my life as a result.

7. Your Blogs, because each and every one of you [at one time or another] have made me laugh, made me cry, held my hand, inspired me, and taught me so very much.

8. My Apple Computer and my iPhone.

9. The Internet. Yep, I’m looking at you Facebook.

10. My Journals.

11. My Camera.

12. Television.

13. Music.

14. Sleeping-In.

15. Starbucks Coffee.

16. Newport 100’s.

17. Hard Rain and Thunderstorms.

18. Golf.

19. New Socks.

20. Fresh Linens

21. Fabreeze and other assorted Cleaning Products.

22. Mason Jars and Straws.

23. Scented Candles.

24. A Good Book.

25. Pajamas.

26. Great Food

27. Art, Museums, and The Theatre.

28. Health Benefits.

29. A Sense Of Humor.

30. My Brains.

31. Heated Debates.

32. Love.

33. Fireplaces.

34. Change.

35. My Past.

36. My Present.

37. My Future.

38. Laughter.

39. Tears.

40. Baby Wipes.

I hope everyone has a safe, fun-filled, and wonderful Thanksgiving. Enjoy this fabulous holiday weekend!

About Meleah

Mother. Writer. Television Junkie. Pajama Jean Enthusiast.
This entry was posted in Apple, Family, Friends, Golf, Grandma Ev, Holidays, Humor, Life, Links, Love, Photos, Videos. Bookmark the permalink.

70 Responses to On Being Thankful

  1. Nicky says:

    What a great list of things to be thankful for! Happy Thanksgiving Meleah! Hope you enjoy all of the things on your list (well, maybe minus the health benefits and baby wipes!). xoxoxoxo

  2. Thank you Nicky! xoxox

  3. Selma says:

    A wonderful list. I am thankful to know you. You are a very special person. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  4. Aw! I’m thankful to know YOU too Selma! <3

  5. Anon says:

    Baby Mel was cute enough to eat !

    I had to take a minute a #7.
    Excuse me while I try to get rid of the cats on my blog … LOL

  6. Ron says:

    Faaaaaaaabulous gratitude post, Meleah!

    And as I was reading your list, I couldn’t help but notice all the similar things I too am grateful for….

    21. Fabreeze and other assorted Cleaning Products.
    15. Starbucks Coffee.
    6. This Blog, and all of the wonderful people that have come into my life as a result.

    And YOU, being one of those wonderful people!

    I’m so freakin’ blessed we met!

    Wishing you and your family the best Thanksgiving Day EVER!

    X ya, girl!

  7. Aw!! Ronnie! I feel the same way!

  8. BobG says:

    Among other things, I’m thankful for your blog, that tends to brighten my day when I read it. Hope you have a happy Thanksgiving holiday.

  9. BobG says:

    Among other things, I’m thankful for your blog, that tends to brighten my day when I read it. Hope you have a happy Thanksgiving holiday.

  10. Why thank you Bob! And, you’re welcome!

  11. Why thank you Bob! And, you’re welcome!

  12. Marty Wombacher says:

    That’s a fabulous list! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your wonderful family, Meleah!

  13. Same to you Marty!

  14. Anonymous says:

    Damn. Was going to use this meme for my blog but you stole if from me.

    Baby mel is a cutie. Who could imagine auch cuteness would turn out such a dynamic/unique/great person? We all should post pictures from our youth just to show our roots.

    You’ve got a lot to be thankful for & I agree. In spite of some of the challenges that have been tossed your way, you have a lot to be thankful for (as do we all). Though I do like your priorities. Family first. We should all take time to stop and remember what we should be grateful for. I’m with Jaffer on #7 sans the cats. I count myself lucky to have stumbled across your writings and appreciate how you have shared your life lessons/humor/wisdom with the rest of the world. For that, we are thankful.

    Here is wishing you and your family have a fantabulous Thanksgiving!

  15. Anonymous says:

    I CAN’T BELIEVE I just wrote a VERY LONG comment about each and every one of your 40 items and when I went to hit post… your blog farted!!!! All that work for the last hour went POUF! Happy Thanksgiving anyway! **Grumpily going to bed**

  16. Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  17. Lyndadesordi says:

    God, I love you, Meleah!!!! <3

  18. Meleah, you are one very special and beautiful person. I am thankful for having such a great person who stops by our little blog and always has a nice comment. You brighten our day and I wish you and yours a very great Happy Thanksgiving, gobble gobble

  19. I love you too Aunt Lynda!

  20. Aw!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    You just made my day!

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  21. You can still make [and post] your gratitude list!
    Hell, half the internet is doing it!].

    Thank YOU so very much for your lovely comment, Agg
    You have been SUCH a wonderful part of my life
    and I am privileged to share my stories with you.

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  22. Anonymous says:

    Great list, Meleah but what happened to the last ten items? Happy Thanksgiving … it is great blogging with you!!

  23. OlgaTTB says:

    What?!?!? Your boobs didn’t make The List?!?! 😉 ahahhahaaaaa….. Happy Thanksgiving! ~xoxo

  24. Ahahahahahhaha! Okay, we can add my boobs!
    I love you Olga!

  25. OlgaTTB says:

    We love you too! 🙂 ~xoxo

  26. xoxox xoxox times INFINITY

  27. Anonymous says:

    if you read the fine print on your contract about children..in paragraph 24 subsection three.. you will see that it is the obligation of the child to “drive you nuts”… 🙂

  28. So.Very.True.

    Happy Thanksgiving, Robert!

  29. Lucy says:

    I hope you have a wonderful day!! And, Gosh, I can relate to soooo many things on the list!!

  30. Happy Thanksgiving Meleah…

  31. Ziva says:

    Happy Thanksgiving! We don’t really do the whole thankful thing over here, because when the entire country is covered in snow 10 out of 12 months we have a hard time being thankful for anything at all. But if I were to list things I’m thankful for, all the wonderful people I’ve met blogging (including you), would definitely be on that list.

  32. Right back at’cha Rog!

  33. Awwwww! YAY.
    And, um…I could NOT handle that kind of snow.

  34. Dazd Confzd says:

    Happy Thanksgiving! I am amazed you came up with 40 reasons why. I am so tired I can only think of a few. lol

  35. Dazd Confzd says:

    Happy Thanksgiving! I am amazed you came up with 40 reasons why. I am so tired I can only think of a few. lol

  36. Barbara says:

    Happy Thanksgiving, Darling!!! I love your wonderful list.

  37. Happy Thanksgiving Steve!

  38. I don’t know how long your Thanksgiving lasts, but I hope you had/have a great one 🙂

  39. Thanks Babs! We started celebrating Wednesday night – and we will be going strong visiting family all over the state of NJ through Sunday!

  40. Anonymous says:

    Defi itely a lot to be thankful for. Loving the shot of you and your son, and how did I miss the one of you when you were little? You uploaded that forever ago. Since I just lost my aunt to lung cancer, I ‘d say maybe try not to be so thankful for no. 16 k? Hugs

  41. I know Kellypea.
    And, I am SO sorry for your loss.
    I am actually thinking of quitting after New Years again.
    We’ll see.
    Love you woman.

  42. Noemi says:

    I hope you had a good Thanksgiving, Mel. Your list made me realize all the more how much we have to be thankful for.

  43. Shinade says:

    i can’t remember if I stopped by yet…oh my being blond is so very difficult. This is a wonderful list and I am so glad you had a wonderful day. I hope you have a great weekend!

  44. territerri says:

    Love your list of things to be thankful for… from the simple to the profound. And I am so thankful that I can call you a friend.

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