My Daddy and The Sofa

I talk about my father a lot on this blog, mostly because he is hilarious. Actually, I have a lot of fun with my whole family. Maybe even too much fun.

Just the other day we had to undergo a quick household renovation, in order to make some changes in Poppa Sye’s bedroom. Of course, I was more than happy to lend a ‘Helping Hand’. And by lending a ‘Helping Hand’ – I really just mean, I stood there, videotaping, and laughing.

Because let’s face it.

That’s what I do best.

I am proud to present yet another ‘Family Video’ to you, my dearest readers.

Please enjoy, My Daddy & The Sofa.


That’s My Daddy!

About Meleah

Mother. Writer. Television Junkie. Pajama Jean Enthusiast.
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101 Responses to My Daddy and The Sofa

  1. Nicky says:

    Um, Meleah? Is it just me? I don’t see a video… 🙁

  2. Anonymous says:

    Oooh. Oooh. Since I am the first one to see it, does that mean I get to review it like Siskel & Ebert?
    Great movie. Really moving. Compelling plot line, character development. I felt like I was really there. Also give credit to the editing department. Two Thumbs Up! Laughed uncontrollably. Academy award potential (for best Actor in a comedy/tragedy household demolition genre).

    Nice job of furniture deconstruction. My one question is: if the couch was too big to remove, how did you guys get it into the room?

  3. Agg,

    Why thank you!
    *takes a bow*

    When Poppa Sye moved in here – four huge movers had to take off door hinges,
    and do all kinds of other things to figure out how to get that sofa into his
    bedroom. Also, at the time, we did NOT have a GIANT PIANO hanging on the
    wall in the hallway that leads downstairs. The movers informed my father if
    he ever wanted to get that sofa out, we’d have to chop it in half!

    And that’s exactly what we did!

  4. Is it working for you now?

  5. Emergefit says:

    In Santa Barbara, they would have just burned it. YES, even inside. Still, all could think about was an epic triceps workout 🙂

  6. Anonymous says:

    This cracked me up! I’ve tried to destroy old furniture before. They really made them well. I kept expecting the chain saw to come out.

  7. Men make sawing look so easy. My dad made it look like he was running a hot knife through butter! I make it look more like your son did ha ha! Fun times.

    I remember those fun times when my parents were younger 😉

  8. Jaffer says:

    Hahaha… OMG what a huge sofa… I bet two people could have slept there laying straight head to toe ! … Perhaps a chainsaw would have done the job quicker !

  9. cmk says:

    Definitely, The Husband would have fired up the chainsaw. A chainsaw IS the best tool to have when it comes to any kind of home renovations. 😉

    When we made our upstairs room into the spare bedroom, the mattress and box spring of the bed didn’t quite want to make it through the doorway. So, we did what was needed: took the door off the hinges and used a sledge hammer to widen the doorway. Once the bed was up the stairs, we rebuilt the wall. That bed will NEVER come down from up there again, unless we throw it out the window or use the chainsaw to cut it up. I’m thinking we won’t be getting a new bed up there in the near future. 🙂

  10. Ron says:


    OMG, that was freakin’ HILARIOUS!!!!!

    That couch was HUGE!!!!

    I always adore seeing videos of your family, Meleah! One day I HAVE to meet them!

    FAB video, girl! Love that last caption of your father!!!


  11. Random Chick says:

    LMFAO! It would have been faster if they blew it up! I wish I had your father’s energy. What does he take for that, and can I get some? Thank you for sharing!!! xoxoxo

  12. I thought my dad was going to have a heart attack at one point.
    They sure don’t make furniture like they used to!

  13. HA!

    My dad made it look so easy, my son had NO IDEA what he was getting into!

  14. Sadly, we don’t have a chainsaw!

    The sofa was 8 feet long. Seriously.
    8 FEET!

    There was NO WAY we could get it back out!

    I’m telling my father to invest in a chainsaw!

  16. Oh hell yes, Ron!
    You MUST come to meet The Family!

  17. I have no idea what my dad runs on to get his energy!

  18. Your daddy is a “ROCK”. That is an awesome video! One time we had to lower a sofa of my mom’s out the 2nd story window because of it’s size. How it got in there in the first place is a total mystery to me. And dang! Is your Dad a great looking man!

  19. Thanks Linda!!

    I really don’t know what we would ever do without him!
    I will let him know you think he’s a hottie!

  20. THIS is beyond awesome. The video is so well done: professional looking. I bow in your presence, oh video goddess.

    Your dad looks very good. Nice butt. Hmm I mean pants. (Oh please don’t be offended…) And the curly hair on your boy is so adorable (oh please don’t tell him I said “adorable”) Frazier apparently had it easy. His father’s chair was only 1/3 of the size. LOL

  21. Porkstar says:

    hahaha your father has a lot of energy. I’d have reached the ‘fuckthisshit” 5 minute limit in 30 seconds. lol

  22. Ahahahahhahahahahahaha!

    I promise I won’t tell anyone what you said!
    And there is NOTHING you can say that will offend me!
    I have a very good sense of humor. You’re in good company!

    Thank you for your compliment on my video/moviemaking skillz!


  23. Me too, Porkstar.

    It really took about TWO HOURS to finish sawing that damn sofa in half!


    And at least now you know what my laugh sounds like.
    I told you I’m LOUD!

  24. Madge says:

    That is Sofa King funny, I was thinking as it was finally cut in half that now Papa Sye has a sectional.

  25. Jay of the Depp Effect says:

    Ahahaha! Yep sawing is not so easy as it looks, is it? I think your son found that out! The trick (IIRC) is not to let the blade wobble, or get out of alignment, but it would have helped if someone had taken hold of the end of the sofa and held it for him! LOL!

    We had a table like that. It stayed in the house until we changed the patio doors and then AT LAST, we could move it out.

  26. Anonymous says:

    too funny. i would have pushed it out the window and watched it split.

  27. Jay!

    Well, I would have helped.
    Except that I was too busy laughing and recording!

  28. We totally would have, but there was no getting that out any window!

  29. Lynda DeSordi says:

    This from your uncle Vic…”He’s a sick bastard!!!! Why didn’t he use a sawzall”!!!!! LMAO!!!!!!!

  30. AHAHHAHAHAHHahahhahahahahah

  31. Ba-HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!! I love the applause. 🙂

  32. Poor Grandpa, see they just don’t build um like that anymore. Hey this could be a new sitcom, it has a ring to it like My Mother The Car……. oh wait, that show didn’t last long at all…….nevermind 🙂

  33. Thank you, Margaret!

  34. Mike says:

    Don’t worry about Nicky. Her computer has “issues”. If it still doesn’t work, I suspect she’ll be calling me and I shall be “working for cheese” soon 😀

  35. Okay. I was worried I did something weird!

  36. Sandra says:

    OMG Meleah this was excellent! I can’t tell you all the ways it was excellent!…no, no, that’s not true! I will tell you all the ways it was excellent! First of all, your film skills would impress my 15 year old independent film studies know-it-all kid…and that’s saying ALOT! Second of all, I loved the running written commentary. I was like, “How did she do that?” And can I say, without creeping you out, that your daddy has a fine set of pipes on him. He is one fit man! And the entire ordeal was hilarious right down to the “One hour later”…”another hour later!” This made my week! By far the best thing I’ve watched, and I watched Sister Wives and Teen Mom 2 and I really like those shows, so believe me when I say, your video was so fucking hilarious and terrific!

  37. Oh Sandra!

    I think your comment just made MY day.
    Thank you, love!

  38. Ferd says:

    Loved it!
    My favorite part was your laugh!

  39. One of the Guys says:

    I’m not sure what’s funnier:
    Your dad’s saw dance.
    Your son trying to saw…that can be tricky to get started.
    Or you laughing.
    But I enjoyed myself. We have one of those couches over here too. I never thought to saw it in half.

  40. Hahahaha … I loved your dads ‘saw dancing hip shaking’ … I would have just got myself a chain saw and sliced the darn thing to pieces … LOL!

  41. Thanks, Ferd!

    I hate the way I sound, glad someone likes it!

  42. I think the last photo is the funniest!!

    It’s so nice to see ONE OF THE GUYS over here again!
    I’ve missed ya’ll!

  43. I loved the one-handed move!

  44. Marty Wombacher says:

    Ha ha ha! Great video, I love your family’s sense of humor! And the applause at the end of it was the icing on the cake! Bravo!

  45. Thank you, Marty! It was such a funny day – at least for me!

  46. Linda R. says:

    Great video! I am wondering if they had to cut it in half to get it out, then how did they get it in there in the first place?

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