Keeping It Real

The other day while driving my car, I caught a glimpse of myself in the rear-view mirror. Now, I don’t know if it was the way the sunlight hit my face, or the fact that I’ve been up all night, almost every night, writing. But whatever the case, the wrinkles around my eyes looked much deeper than they normally do. And I could pack a week’s worth of luggage, complete with hot-rollers and hairdryers, in the bags under my eyes. And, I made the mistake of mentioning this to my 15-year-old son, Justin.

Here’s how that conversation went down:

Me: “Wow. I really look old today. Don’t I?”

JCH: “I have two words for you, mom.”

[insert pause]

JCH: “Olay Regenerist.”


* Does anyone else have suggestions for under-eye wrinkles and bags?

About Meleah

Mother. Writer. Television Junkie. Pajama Jean Enthusiast.
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93 Responses to Keeping It Real

  1. cmk says:

    Gain weight!  ;D  I keep saying I can’t lose the weight I carry around because 1)  the wrinkles will finally set in and b) the boobs will lose any semblance of what they are supposed to be and iii) I won’t be able to purchase enough body powder to use underneath all of the loose skin that would be left.  (Hey, I HAVE to have excuses for when the doctor asks me why I haven’t lost any weight.  :D)

    Seriously, though–the best advice for non-wrinkly skin?  Make sure you picked good ancestors.  I think most of the ‘aging’ we go through has more to do with genetics than anything else.  Other than that, I have nothing.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Quite a charmer you have there.

  3. I suppose we all can’t escape the wrinkle. For me it’s how my head of black hair hardly has any black left … siggghhh …

  4. Linda M. Rhinehart Neas says:

    Wrinkles are hard to escape without surgery and then you end up looking like a mannequin. The bags under your eyes…sleep works…cold compresses…cucumber slices  are heavenly…smell good, too.
    That said, we all have our days…get some rest and pamper yourself a bit.

  5. Nicky says:

    I’m not going to lie and say moisturizer is not a girl’s best friend, BUT it sounds like you just need a good night’s rest!

  6. Thanks CMK!

    I’ll try gaining some weight back!

  7. Oh yeah. He’s a real wise ass!

  8. I’m like the sleep & cucumber idea.
    Thank you, Linda!


  9. Probably!

    And, I did get a new moisturizer.
    I’ll report back if it does any good.

    Love ya, Nicky!

  10. Ron says:

    Meleah, I don’t mean to laugh, but this CRACKED ME UP….
    “And I could pack a week’s worth of luggage, complete with hot-rollers and hairdryers, in the bags under my eyes.”
    Bwhahahhahahahahaha! That was a BRILLIANT visual, girl!
    And you’re son’s reply….
    “JCH: “Olay Regenerist.”


    Btw, I LOVE the skincare line Renergist from Olay. Honestly, it’s truly some of the best (and inexpensive) skincare on the market. I use some of their products and really see a difference. Also, as Linda suggested, cool cucumber slices under the eyes does wonders.

    Have a super Sunday, dear friend!


  11. territerri says:

    Nope. No great ideas here. But if you figure it out, let me know. Personally, I need to figure out how to get rid of the huge frown wrinkles between my eyebrows!

  12. Laughingmom says:

    First, what does your son watch or read that he comes up with that response? Mine would have answered “yes” without even  looking at me!
    Second, having just talked about my burning raccoon face, I would like to say that I’ve been walking around with all sorts of Butt products on my face and I wouldn’t be surprised if I soon started pooping out of my nose due to orifice confusion!

  13. Mike says:

    The internet sez that Preparation-H works for under the eye swelling/bags, but can you really trust the internet?

  14. That’s hysterical!  I was 28 years old and my son was watching me put on my make up.  He was 8 years old.  John said with a completely straight face, “Mom, you are really aging gracefully.”  Uh, thanks.  Yeah, aging gracefully is good, huh.  The implication was that I was aging.  Say what, you little shit!

    Sleep will help.  Tea bags and cucumbers help too.  But mainly you need to get enough rest and drink a lot of water.

  15. Mike says:

    I have a suggestion.  How about SLEEP?  😛
    I don’t know how you’ve managed to stay up like that every night.  There’s no way I could do it.

  16. Ha ha ha! Sounds like you’ve got a budding comedian there! I use Clinique moisturizer, a former girlfriend told me about it years ago and so far it’s kept the wrinkles at bay pretty much. I’ve still got the Clinique, the girlfriend got married, moved to California and has two kids. She said she was moving on because I’d never grow up. She was right!

  17. HeSaidHisTelephoneNumberWas911 says:

    Gotta love your son.  You have to, you’re stuck with him.  I can’t speak first hand on the moisturizers, as you can see.  But, I hear great things about Olay products, from those who know.  And I won’t even mention the whole sleep thing.

  18. I can’t advise on that I’m afraid. I have never used any creams on my face or around my eyes.  I say, if a cream makes you feel better, wear it, but I truly don’t think there’s a cream on the market that actually makes skin any younger, or removes/prevents wrinkles. It’s a temporary ‘feel good’ thing 🙂  Getting more sleep, and limiting exposure to the sun helps.

  19. YAY!!

    I am thrilled this made you laugh.
    Because that makes ME laugh.
    And as long as I can laugh ­ I can LIVE with these wrinkles!!

    You’re the best, Ron!!


  20. I’m seriously considering Botox.
    Like, for real.
    Not that I can afford it.

    But I am looking into it.
    And researching doctors.
    Just in case I magically discover a windfall of money!


  21. 1. Television.

    2. I’m ready to pile Preparation H on my face.

  22. I’ve heard that, too!

    But, Imma little skeered!

  23. Um…

    That’s what my son SHOULD HAVE SAID!!

    If he said that, maybe I wouldn’t be so obsessed with this issue!!

  24. Going to bed at 6am, and waking up at 10am – probably isn’t ideal!

  25. I think I prefer Garnier products.

    I guess I will test them BOTH out and report back to y’all later!

    And, thank you, for ALWAYS making me smile.

  26. Ah, yes.

    I think the sun has definitely played a role in the way I am looking these days.
    I used to lay out – with BABY OIL on my whole body, to get tanner, quicker.
    * sigh *


  27. We’ve all done that when we were younger. The trick is not to do it as you get older. That’s when it seems to wrinkle the skin more 😉

  28. HeSaidHisTelephoneNumberWas911 says:

    My pleasure.

  29. Ron says:

    You too, my friend!

    The BEST!

    Keep on laughing!


  30. My days of tanning [AT ALL] are OVER!
    It’s BIG ASS HATS and SUNBLOCK, from now on!

  31. Laughingmom says:

    The smell takes some getting used to – but it does help with some stuff. I could never let anyone inject me on my face. With my luck I would end up with one eyebrow high up on my forehead and the other frozen in a permanent angry bird look.

  32. “And the other frozen in a permanent angry bird look”

    Made me laugh so much my head spun!

  33. 1st of all, shud up you are beeyootiful!  Secondly, I dont mind the wrinkles around my eyes so much….it’s the droopy jowly thing thats starting to happen around my mouth/jawline i dont LIKE AT ALL!  Makes me look angry or sad when I’m not!  🙁  Let’s “face it” getting old sucks. Period. BUT, thirdly, it beats the alternative!  🙂

  34. Anonymous says:

    Q: Does anyone else have suggestions for under-eye wrinkles and bags?

    A: Olay Regenerist.

    I hear it works 🙂  Of course in my case, my black don’t crack so I don’t know much about wrinkles and that kind of shit, but it is veryyyyyyyyy important that whatever you do, do not rub or pull on the skin below your eyes.  It is a very sensitive area.

    Oh and get a lot of sleep!!!

    I googled and found this –

  35. Jaffer says:

    Sleep works.
    Actually make sure you get most of your sleep at night. A nap in the afternoon is a must. 

    Shh… don’t tell anyone, but sometimes, I wear foundation to hide those dark lines – especially if I need to look awake in photographs 😉

  36. Well…

    You’re right about how getting OLDER sure beats the alternative!

    And, Shawn, you are one of the most beautiful women I know.
    So there!


  37. Aw! Thanks, Mo!

    You’re the best!

  38. Jaffer, you do NOT!


  39. Jaffer says:

    What ? Every actor does it 😉
    Ok I am not an actor.

  40. That is SOFA KING funny to me!

  41. Robert Garrard says:

    A bit of wrinkles never hurt anyone; women with perfectly smooth skin always reminded me of mannequins.  When you consider all the medical stuff you’ve gone through, and the fact that you probably have trouble sleeping, you are looking just fine.  You are by no means old.  Have more confidence, lady, you’re doing great.

  42. Thank you. Thank you, very much.

  43. Shawn says:

    You can’t believe everything you read. It makes for a lousy toothpaste.

  44. Lucy says:

    I avoid mirrors and remain blissfully ignorant, oh, and use a bunch of Mary Kay products and Make up which I am sure helps me psychologically, whatever works, right?

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