Is My Blog Broken AGAIN?

No. It’s not ‘Broken’ exactly.


There IS something wrong with my blog!

Do any of you remember when THIS HAPPENED?

Well, that sort of problem has resurfaced. Apparently, there is some sort of WebHost/Server fiasco that I will never fully comprehend.

I know that a lot of you have been having a hard time getting into my blog and have been unable to leave comments over the last month or so. Thanks to all for your concern and emails. I am working on the problem. (And when I say “I” am working on it, that really means LESLIE had to find the time in her busy schedule to fix my blog.) I can assure you that no one has been banned or deleted and I have not switched to a private blog. Please bare with me while ‘we’ are trying to resolve these issues.

As a result of the constant and ongoing “cannot connect to the server” headaches, I have to MOVE my blog to a new HOST. During the ‘switch’ this blog and I may be “missing” and / or unavailable for the next 2-4 days while we undergo construction.

(I know. I am freaking out about that too.)

You can still try to access my page during the transition and you may try to leave comments. But, I don’t know if you will be able to. I may or may not be able to post or comment on my end. Who knows?

Thanks to all of you for your dedication, support, and patience.



About Meleah

Mother. Writer. Television Junkie. Pajama Jean Enthusiast.
This entry was posted in Drama Drama, Friends, Other Bloggers. Bookmark the permalink.

8 Responses to Is My Blog Broken AGAIN?

  1. I await your return. I hope it is a smooth transition. I know many people who have experienced the problem. Much success to you.

    Keep on Keeping On.

  2. Jillian says:

    I might as well say it here, too: Good luck… I know this must be a pain in the a**!

  3. Arv says:

    we will wait for your return. All the best with the ‘migration’. Cheers.

  4. Dazd says:

    2-4 days?!?!?!?!?! **starts jonesing**

    Good luck with the migration and I will be awaiting your return.

    **nervously fidgets in his chair**

  5. Meleah says:

    wow……soooooooooooooooo……many missing comments.

  6. terri says:

    I feel for you. I’ve been the self-hosted route and finally gave up. Hope everything works out ok for you!

  7. Meleah says:

    TO ALL:

    Everything seems to be in working order.

    (so far!!)

    There are a bunch of missing comments from THIS post…

    But hey…..if THAT is all that was lost / ends up missing….I say AMEN….and WHEW.

    *bows and kneels to kiss the rings of guru blogger Leslie.*

  8. Meleah says:

    Yep. I spoke way too soon. The drama followed right after THIS comment.

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