Happy New Year MoFo’s – Wrapping up 2011

What…a crazy year I had.

Let’s recap.

Shall we?

January started off with a mean case of writers block that ultimately ended with the purchase of a pair of Pajama Jeans. Followed by ‘The Snowpocalyse’ wherein we received over 20 inches of snow and included a video of my crazy ‘No-Garbage-Neighbor’ shoveling out his car with a dustpan.

When February rolled around, sadly, I was forced to deal with the passing of my beloved Gramma Evelyn. And my son diligently prepared for his Gym Class Mid-Term Exam.

In March we decided to undergo a few home renovations. And one of those renovations resulted in my father sawing a sofa in half. Good times. My son directed his very first movie for history class. And I discovered two very strange products.

During the month of April, I finally wrote about my Totally-Super-Awesome Aunt Bea Who Could Easily Pass for Jane Fonda – for the very first time on my blog. And, I complained about receiving unsolicited advice and too many medical brochures from good ole’ Poppa Sye.

And then, the month of May completely kicked my ass. We celebrated My Mother’s Birthday, Poppa Sye’s Birthday, My Son’s Birthday, and Mother’s day. We also discovered The Honey Badger and all its’ glory. I hosted the Which Dog Is Cuter competition. And, I unloaded some raw emotional honesty.

Unfortunately, in June I got into an accident and my car was totaled. But, as awful as that was, at least I got to drive around this SCOOTER for a few weeks.

* But it was the month of July changed my life, forever. First, I had a wonderful visit from one of my closest blogger friends Nicky. And then, I almost died from eating a salad. Like for real. Who knew lettuce could be deadly?

In August, I survived Hurricane Irene with Poppa Sye. And I learned a new favorite word. The Molestache.

By the time September came around, I was ready for this year to be over. However, a few note worthy occasions happened. I got seriously lost while trying to find a house in the woods. I was forced to face my fear of bridges when meeting up with fellow blogger and author Margaret Andrews and I almost married her. And then my 15 year old son, Justin, wrote his very first Guest Post.

In October, we celebrated My 37th Birthday. My father got into an argument with a neighbor over a parking space, AND, he channeled his ‘Inner Larry David’ while yelling at a cashier in the grocery store. Oh, and I drove my car, in public, on the highway, while looking like this.

Thankfully, November was much more laid back than any other month. My family celebrated Thanksgiving by dancing our asses off. And speaking of asses, I live through yet another colonoscopy.

And that brings us to December. Quite frankly, this month sucked. I’ve spent most of my time in the hospital with Poppa Sye hoping and praying for a miracle, until he passed away peacefully at home, surrounded by loved ones.

And yet, somehow?

We still managed to celebrate My Father’s Birthday. Christmas. And Hanukkah with style.

But, as far as I’m concerned….

2011 can suck it sideways, filthy whore, shitbag year!


That being said.

I am truly ready for a New Year and New beginnings.

So, Happy F*cking New Year MoFo’s!

* I will be back to blogging after the New Year.


I am not very good at making or keeping Resolutions. Seriously, I am not joining a gym, nor will I try to quit smoking any time soon. But, I do need to make some changes. And that’s why I like to hear what YOUR resolutions are, because quite frankly?  I am fresh out of ideas.

So tell me boys & girls, what are you going to be doing differently in 2012?


About Meleah

Mother. Writer. Television Junkie. Pajama Jean Enthusiast.
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86 Responses to Happy New Year MoFo’s – Wrapping up 2011

  1. Anonymous says:

    As far as I am concerend 2011 can fuck off. The end of it can not get here soon enough.  I thought for a while that if I could get into a time machine and go back to December 2010, I would completely take a path that would not have led me to where I am today. But shit…. if that had happened, we wouldn’t have gotten so close. I wouldn’t be obsessed with Mary…. I would have missed out on Cutabitch…. so many good friendships and fun times would have been missed out on. So all in all it did have its positive moments.

    For 2012, it’s going to be about me. I am really over being treated like I owe people something. I am almost 40 and still letting people walk over me like I am the fucking Golden Gate Bridge. That certainly will not be happening next year. So I am taking it day by day, and I will take each day as it comes and try my best to kick depressions ass… hard. 

    I hope 2012 is better for you as well 🙂  You deserve everything you desire, 10 fold and more.

    I loooooooooooooove you and you again and you some more!! 🙂

  2. Shawn says:

    I don’t make resolutions. I guess I resolved not to make any.

    2011 is ending much improved over how it started for me, for a few reasons. 

    Hope your 2012 is happy and healthy Meleah.

  3. Lucy says:

    I don’t make resolutions either, I tried for the first time last year and I don’t remember them much, I am gonna see if I wrote a post, see that is why I don’t make resolutions LOL. 
    Here is hoping your 2012 is a good one!!!!

  4. HeSaidHisTelephoneNumberWas911 says:

    I’m not one for resolutions either, but I have a few things on my to-do list.  I’m going to continue to work on keeping myself in shape and healthy.  I have a couple of “me” things I owe myself, that I’m doing this year. But foremost on my list is keeping a promise, and taking short roadtrip to meet a wonderful friend, in person.  2011 has taken it’s toll, say good-bye to it all.  I hope the new years brings you all you could wish for, and so deserve, and health and happiness as well.

  5. Ron says:

    Great recap of 2011, Meleah!

    Like you, I don’t make New Year resolutions, but rather allow the year to bring me the changes that are needed.

    For some reason, like you, I feel that 2012 is going to be a year of MANY changes for me – lots of growth and movement. So I eagerly anticipate 2012, because I think it’s going to be a great year.

    Thank you for sharing your journey with us throughout this past year. I enjoyed reading every single post. And I look forward to sharing 2012 with you!

    Enjoy your week, dear friend! 

    See ya in the new year!

    ((((( Meleah ))))

    X ya!

  6. Amen, Mo!

    2011 really CAN fuck off.

    And I’m with you. I am also DONE with being such a people pleaser.
    I am going to be out for number one in 2012 too.
    And hopefully I will even finish writing my book.

    And of course, I cannot wait for our Monday Nights to go back to normal. Here’s to the new season of The Bachelor with you, Mary & Cutabitch!

    PS: I am SOFA KING happy you and I have gotten so close this past year.

  7. Thank you, Shawn.

    I hope 2012 ?Rocks The Casbah’ for you!

  8. Anonymous says:

    That’s a great recap of your exploits/adventures of the past year.  You know, if you put all of those adventures you’ve had down to music, you could have another HBO hit on your hands (i.e. Curb Your Enthusiasm).  Yea, I’d have to agree that 2011 goes down in the books as a year that sucked big time.  You’ve had a lot of highs and lows this past year and you deserve s frickin medal for all the drama you’ve put up with.  I hope that 2012 comes out better for you and the rest of the clan.  

    As for resolutions, I only am resolving to make it out of 2011 alive (or at least kicking).  
    2012?  Bring it on!

  9. Thanks, Lucy.

    Resolutions don’t work for me either!

    But, I am truly dedicated to finishing my book this year!

  10. YAY!! You better keep THAT promise, Jim!

  11. Awwww!!

    You’re the best, Ron.
    And here’s to US meeting each other in Real Life during 2012, too!


  12. Ron says:

    Ditto, my friend!

    And yes! Here’s to US meeting each other in REAL LIFE during 2012!

    I look forward to it….X

  13. Thanks Agg!

    I think your right ­ my life would make for an interesting TV show.
    I would LOVE cameras to follow my father around all day!

    And, 2012 better be good!

  14. I won’t be missing 2011 either. I can only remember like 45% of it anyway, and that part sucked. Cheers to 2012 my friend!

  15. Yeah, fuck off 2011!

    Bring it, 2012!


  16. Anonymous says:

    “The Lives of Mel”.  I might actually subscribe to HBO to follow/watch that.  Or would it be on the Lifetime Channel?   I hope this year turns out way better that the last one.  Just remember to save your receipt.   

  17. “The Lives of Mel”


    You crack me up!


  18. Abby says:

    That’s quite a recap, and I won’t be doing one myself, as it looks like entirely too much work to go back into the past. Plus, 2011 kind of sucked and was uneventful at the same time. The end of the year picked up a bit in that I made some personal moves that I’m proud of, but otherwise I kind of feel like I was treading water, which seems to be the majority opinion. Maybe it’s a writer’s angst thing? Anyway, I don’t make resolutions. I think they’re lame. Goals are good. Rules imply guilt. I just try and be a better person today than I was yesterday. Most of the time I fall flat on my ass, but at least I can say that I tried…except today. I’m at work and bitter, and tomorrow isn’t looking so good either.

    Anyway, I wish you a better 2012 and urge you to take the next positive step every day, even if it’s just a tiny little tip-toe to the fridge to get more wine. Be happy with what you do and screw everyone else. 😉

  19. Thank you, Abby.

    “Goals are good. Rules imply guilt” – AMEN.

    And, I’m all about that more wine idea.

    I hope your sucky day ends quickly!

  20. HeSaidHisTelephoneNumberWas911 says:

    Trust me, I will. It’s very high (“high as F##k” LOL) on my list.   And I’ll see to it that you keep yours too. I wanna be able to brag that I know a famous author. 😉

  21. Okay! That’s a deal.

  22. Lady Banana says:

    Here’s hoping 2012 will be a whole lot better for you!

    Resolutions… well only one really which I sure will be broken on the first day and that’s to eat less!  lol

  23. territerri says:

    You’ve definitely had a bad year. I hope 2012 brings you easier days.

  24. Wow, what a year! It sure flew by. My goal for 2012 is to not to look down the road for more than two weeks and to quit stressing about the future. Happy New Year, to you and your family, Meleah!

  25. Jaffer says:

    I love this post. And I went back to read some of the posts you linked to and the comments I made I had forgotten along with your replies – I laughed and I cried.

    You’ve become my favourite therapist and I love you.

    Here’s to a awesome 2012 !

  26. Thanks, Lady!

    Here’s hoping your grand-baby makes 2012 an awesome year for you!

  27. Thanks, Terri.

    Me too!

  28. I like that one, Marty.

    I like that a lot.

  29. Awwwww!

    I love you too, Jaffer!

  30. Jay says:

    Me?  Oh, I’m going to be boring and lose weight!  And yes, try to make sure I get on that damn treadmill regularly.  *Sigh*

    2011 wasn’t a great year for me, either.  I lost my Mum.  Hopefully 2012 will be better all round, for everyone!

  31. Oh Jay, that’s right.
    I was so saddened to hear about your Mum.

    I wish you the best on that treadmill!

  32. Nicky says:

    I’m not big on resolutions. Jepeto is making noise about us quitting smoking and I’m willing to give it a shot but I think my real resolution this year is to try and enjoy the little things. I’m a workaholic, a list-maker, a doer. I’d like to really try and stop measuring myself by the things I accomplish and more by the things I appreciate. Does that make sense?

    In any case, I really hope 2012 is wonderful for you. You totally deserve a spectacular year!

    I love you, sweet thing. xoxoxox

  33. That makes SO MUCH sense.

    I love the idea of measuring accomplishments by the things you appreciate.

  34. I resolve to stop holding in my farts. They hurt my belly entirely too much…

  35. Ferd says:

    What an eventful 2011 for you! It’s interesting to read the recap. I have now known you long enough to remember all those events! Good times and bad times. Sounds like a wonderfully rich life amongst family and friends!

    No new year’s resolutions for me. Too old for that crap. I just keep trying to get better in as many ways as I can, and try to do as many fun and interesting things as I have time, energy and money for.

    (Unrelated note: I notice your BlogCatalog Recent Viewers widget is dead.)

    Happy New Year, Meleah!
    It was really nice having you as a new eFriend this year! 🙂

  36. It was fabulous virtually meeting you too, Ferd!

    And a lot of things on my blog are broken.

    Maybe I will resolve to fix them in 2012!

  37. Selma says:

    I really have to agree that 2011 sucked. It is one of the worst years I have ever experienced. So many people I know feel the same way. I don’t know what the hell was going on. I agree with MoniqueRenae – I am sick of people walking all over me too. It has to stop. It is stressing me out. Above all, I want 2012 to be as stress free as possible. I don’t know how I’m going to achieve a stress free year but I’m going to try. I hope that 2012 is a much, much better year for all of us. Smooches to you xxxx

  38. Here’s to a MUCH LESS stressful 2012, Selma!!

  39. Anna Lefler says:

    Good Lord!  What a year!  Here’s to a much better one around the corner…

    And I never trusted salad, btw.  Always thought it was sketchy…

    Cheers to you!



  40. Madge says:

    I managed to make all my resolutions happen last year for the first time ever. I’m not making any this year. Ok, maybe one, I’m going to try really hard to de-clutter my life and my stuff. I see this year as the year of Goodwill (and tax write off’s) But the whole of 2011 can take a long walk off a short pier, because it all pretty much sucked.

  41. Salad IS sketchy, Anna!

  42. Woot! Good for you, Madge.

    And 2011 sucked for almost everyone I know!

  43. Madge says:

    isn’t that strange?

  44. Robert Garrard says:

    I hope the next year is better for you than this one was.  I don’t have any resolutions, myself.  I’m just going to try to improve my health, and not step in any cowpies in the process.

  45. 00dozo says:

    Yes, it’s been a shitty year all around.  Let’s just hope nothing drastic happens between now and 2012.  One can only look forward, no?

    Have a great New Year, meleah!


  46. Madge says:

    this pretty much sums it up

  47. I don’t do resolutions but I am planning to spend 2012 working on growing my business.  Someday, I want to be rich and famous (or at least rich).  Happy New Year!

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