Happy Father’s Day – 2012

What can I possibly say about my father, that I haven’t already said?

He’s an evil genius that executed the greatest revenge after being ripped off at a gas station. He’s often been confused as Tony Bennett. Once, he nearly bled to death. And he’s been woken up in the middle of the night to kill a spider.




He’s extremely handy around the house. He’s repaired a broken garbage disposal, and a desk drawer, and all of my flat tires. He’s moved an enormous amount of property. And once he sawed a sofa in half. He’s installed a chandelier, and a waterfall, and he puts out dangerous grill fires.

* And he’s been known to dance while he cleans.



He’s an extremely loving father that’s taken me to countless doctors appointments to make me laugh while having my blood work. And when I was utterly devastated, he made moving back home seriously entertaining. He even taught my son how to shovel snow.

* And he managed to get ME into trouble while HE was playing with finger puppets.



My father is famous for channeling his “Inner Larry David” when arguing with bank tellers, the people in line at the grocery store, and by writing notes to rude pig parkers. And in some circles, he’s been dubbed the King of Confrontation.

He’s responsible for scaring the crap out of people in the luggage department and, for driving me insane after hiding a very noisy clock inside my bedroom closet. He’s photo bombed 90% of my pictures. He’s said some of the funniest things I’ve ever heard. He always gets the short end of the stick. And he’s pretended to be a 90-year-old man while trying to score a free bagel.

Oh, and he really loves Hanukkah.



But ya’ll already knew that.

So, I thought about writing him a letter expressing my undying gratitude.
But, I’ve already done that.

And then I thought about telling him how he’s given me more love, and more laughs, than anyone else, on the face of the planet.
But he already knows that.

So… I’m just going to say it simply.

Dear Daddy,

I love you more than the whole sky. I am so lucky to be your daughter. Thank you for every laugh, every tear, every hug, every smile, every word of encouragement, every nod of approval, and every ounce of love you have ever given me. My life would never be this wonderful without you in it.

** Photos of the day can be found by clicking HERE! **

Happy Father’s Day!

About Meleah

Mother. Writer. Television Junkie. Pajama Jean Enthusiast.
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53 Responses to Happy Father’s Day – 2012

  1. We love your Dad too! And now I have to go read, what? A hundred posts about your Dad that I’ve never read before? I’ll be busy. Happy Father’s Day, Meleah’s Dad!

  2. Happy Fathers Day Meleah’s dad! Am I glad I already read all those posts 😉

  3. shadowrun300 says:

    I can’t help but smile as I read about your dad.  What a great guy! I’ve read most of the posts but I had to go back and look at his dancing moves, his funny sayings and his photo bombs.  Hilarious!  Wish him a Happy Father’s Day from me… I feel as though I know him well enough! 🙂

  4.  Awwww. Thanks, Kathy. But I’m pretty sure you HAVE read all of these. At least 90% of them!

  5.  xoxoxox Thank you, Babs! xoxoxo

  6.  Awww. Thanks, Shadow! Will do!

  7. lisahgolden says:

    Awwwwww!!!!!! Your dad is a hoot! I’ve read a lot of these and each time I think that your life really is like a TV show. You dad is handsome and hilarious. Your whole family is lucky. xoxoxox and happy fathers’ day to your daddy.

  8. Happy Father’s day to your awesome dad 😀

  9. Ron says:

    Meleah, what a faaaaaaaaaabulous tribute to your Dad!

    Both touching and humorous.I busted out laughing at …..”This fucking family is killing me.” Bwhahahahahhahahaahaha!Awesome shot of you and your father!

    HAPPY FATHER’S DAY, Meleah’s Dad! You. Rock.!


  10.  Thanks, Lisa! My dad TOTALLY deserve his own reality TV show.

  11.  Thanks, Ron!!! You and my father are BOTH totally-super-amazing men!

  12. agg79 says:

    What a great dad.  Funny, loving, handy, protective, and famous to boot!  Sort of like a MacGyver/Mr Incredible/Tim Allen/Tony Bennet all rolled into one.  And on top of that he has a great daughter who loves to share his story to the rest of the world.  I think I have read just about every saga and video you have posted on him.  Still find it hard to pick my favorite (although the towel caper and the spider rescue are at the top of my list).  I hope he doesn’t mind how you’ve outed him to the rest of the world.    

  13. Oh he’s used to me following him around like a stalker taking photos of him. And waiting for him to say or do something I can blog about.


    I’m so lucky to have such a funny, and loving daddy.

  14. Ron says:

    (((( You ))))


  15. HeSaidHisTelephoneNumberWas911 says:

    You have one of the greatest dads around, without a doubt.  I was grinnin’ through your entire post, recalling all your previous daddy posts.  And I have never, ever, seen a photo of him without a smile (or a “gotcha” smirk). How fitting that someone as awesome as you has such an awesome dad.  Happy Fathers Day Ron!.

  16. Awww. Thanks, Jimmy!

    And Happy Father’s Day to YOU too!

  17. Cheryl P. says:

    That is one wonderful post. You are lucky to have such a great dad.  This is how dads are supposed to be and few are. Wonderful post, Meleah.

  18. Thank you, Cheryl.

    I am SO VERY grateful to have a father like this.

  19. Lucy says:

    Oh, I remember so many of your Dad stories and I love his photo bombs!  I am sure he is having a great day!!

  20. Thank you, Lucy!

    It’s been pretty low-key, today.
    Just like he wanted.


  21. HeSaidHisTelephoneNumberWas911 says:

    Thanks  xo

  22. Linda R. says:

    That is a fabulous Father’s Day post.  I could feel the love radiating from the screen.  You are both very lucky to have each other.  Wish him the best for me!

  23. Why thank you, Linda R.

    And I will be sure to tell him for you!


  24. Selma says:

    He really is an exceptional Dad. I am so glad you have each other – it makes the world seem not such a bad place after all. Happy Father’s Day xxxx

  25. Your daddy is the coolest dude ever!  Handsome, sweet, funny, and a touch deranged.  What more could anybody ever ask for!

  26. I think everyone loves your dad.  He is quite entertaining.  I hope he had a fabulous father’s day.

  27. Awwww…..

    Thanks, Selma!

  28. Thanks, Anne.

    His father’s day was SUPER chill.
    We didn’t do much of anything.
    And that exactly what he wanted.

  29. YOU MADE ME CRY ON THIS LINE!!  “I love you more than the whole sky.”  Your dad ROCKS, just like you!

  30. Kristen says:

    I love this post. And seriously… I love your dad too. How weird is that. 🙂 But I feel like I know him from reading all these stories. Love them!

  31. Awwwwwwwwwww!

    I love you Katherine.

    And I really DO love my daddy more than the whole sky.

    And YOU made ME cry [and laugh] with your post about your father. xoxoxo

  32. Awwww!!

    I love YOU back!


  33. ladyV says:

    i loved this post but was scared to come here because i didn’t want to cry, you make me weep a lot with your touching posts and i’m already crying a river. this one did make me smile, not a tear. secretly when i was at your house i was hoping to meet your dad. he is a hoot and seems like loads of fun.  i’ll get a photo with him later and his autograph. 

  34. ladyV says:

    okay a small leakage, dang.

  35. Dad deserves a cut of your blog’s profits. If you had any. Does anyone? Happy D Day!

  36. Oh, Valerie!

    You’re more than welcome to come to my house ANY TIME!
    And meet my father. And have dinner with us.
    And hello, we can go bowling right across the street!



  37. If I made any money from my blog,
    I would totally give it ALL to my father!

  38. ladyV says:

    aiiight, i’ma take you up on that one day. i know, well almost, how to get to your place without getting lost. next time i’ll stop the music and pay more attention to where i am going and still get lost.  i, however, want you to teach me to play golf.  been playing on the computer. i have to get some clubs and give my arm a few more weeks to get over the trauma. 

  39. territerri says:

    Your dad has a great smile too. You can tell how much he loves life just by looking at his face.

  40. ~G says:

    You’re quite the lucky girl Mel. And he’s quite the lucky dad to have a daughter like you.

    Thank you for sharing your life with us.

  41. Thank YOU for reading!

  42. oldereyes says:

    You’re a lucky woman to have him, Meleah.   And it’s nice knowing that YOU know it.

  43. This was a great Father’s Day post, your dad is a great guy and I enjoyed re-reading some of your wonderful stories about him!

  44. Thank you, Marty!
    How’s the job hunt going??

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