Happy 39th Birthday – To Me

Thirty-eight was probably the worst year of my life, especially regarding my never-ending annoying medical issues. I’ve struggled a lot and I’ve certainly cried a lot. But I’ve also laughed a lot – mostly because of the people in my life, like you.

In fact, I would like to use this opportunity to express my gratitude, to my amazing friends, for making my life way less shitty – literally and figuratively. I would not have been able to get out of bed, fight the good fight, or find the funny, without your support, virtual hugs, comments, emails, text messages, and love.  And I just want to thank each and every one of you – with my WHOLE heart.


Here’s to my last year before turning 40!



About Meleah

Mother. Writer. Television Junkie. Pajama Jean Enthusiast.
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64 Responses to Happy 39th Birthday – To Me

  1. Abby Heugel says:

    Happy Happy Happy Birthday! Here’s to a year of health, happiness and hope 🙂

  2. Roshan Menon says:

    Happy happy birthday, it’s your birthday. Enjoy this day. For next year you will be 40 and a new decade begins. Lots more adventures. Have a great one Meleah!

  3. Yo Momma says:

    Happy birthday, my love. Time to go birthday shoe shopping, and shirt shopping, and dress shopping, and accessory shopping,and outfit shopping, and jeans shopping, and nice pants shopping, and purse shopping, and whatever I left out shopping!
    I love you more than all the whole sky. xoxoxoxoxox

  4. Rock Chef says:

    Happy Birthday! And that is certainly a happy looking cake!
    I hope that this is a better year for you! Someone else can take the crap this time around!

  5. Happy Birthday Meleah, awesome cake – could have used some more chocolate, but that’s OK! Best day!

  6. Lucy says:

    Happy Birthday to you,Happy Birthday to you,Happy Birthday Dear Meleah,Happy Birthday to You AND MANY MORE 🙂

  7. Ron says:




    Have a super-day, my fellow Libra!

    (((((((((( You )))))))))))))


    P.S. love the cake!!!!!

  8. MomoFali says:

    Have a wonderfully fabulous day, and here’s to a terrific year ahead!

  9. Happy Birthday, Darling Mel. I couldn’t ask for a sweeter, nicer, or more beautiful little sister! I hope this next year is a GIANT improvement over the last one!

  10. Lauren says:

    What a yummy looking cake. Enjoy it! and have a fantabulous birthday. Damn. I missed the prompt. : )

  11. ReformingGeek says:

    SM-OOOCH! Happy Birthday! Next year, it will be the 1st anniversary of your 39th birthday!

  12. HeSaidHisTelephoneNumberWas911 says:

    Wishing you a Very Happy Birthday Melee! Here’s hoping the coming year is a year of change, for the better. Have a fabulous day shopping with Yo Mamma 😉 xoxo

  13. Indigo Roth says:

    Happy Birthday Mia. I dearly hope this year will be full of positive change for you. Indigo x

  14. Happy Birthday, Monkee 🙂

  15. Cheryl P. says:

    Hap-hap-hap-py Birthday, Meleah. Hope this year goes by without any health issues. Be sure to wish for that
    when blowing out your candles. Have a great B’Day!!!

  16. Cheryl says:

    Happy birthday, peanut! Here’s to a year that’s filled with far less medical drama, so much laughter that you literally pee your pants, and continuing to feel so completely loved and blessed. I’m so glad that you are part of my life.

  17. Shawn Ohara says:

    Happy Birthday kiddo! Hope this year is filled with health and happiness. As I remember, 39 was a good year.

  18. oldereyes says:

    Happy birthday, Meleah, from someone in his last year before seventy. You are the same age as my son, Aaron, so I guess that makes me old enough to be your father. Hope this is a better year for you.

  19. Margaret says:

    Happy Happy Birthday, my beautiful girl! And I’m sorry I laughed a little when you said, “for making my life way less shitty – literally and figuratively.”

  20. Nicky says:

    Wishing you all you could possibly hope for plus chocolate, because everything is better with chocolate. 🙂 Love you, sweet thing!

  21. Abby says:

    Happy Birthday Meleah!!!! Thank YOU for making all our lives less shitty! Have a wonderful year and many many more!

  22. shadowrun300 says:

    I hope your 39th year is one you’ll want to repeat over and over and over again – like me. I’m on my 5th year of being 39.
    Anyway, I really do hope it’s a happy, HEALTHY, year for you. You certainly deserve it!

  23. mike says:

    Made it with 10 minutes to spare 🙂 Happy Birthday! Hope you had a spectacular day 🙂

  24. agg79 says:

    Happy Birthday Mel! A few hours late but I hope your birthday was epic!
    We are all happy to help make life a little less shitty for you.

  25. Mmmmm……. piece of cake, please? Have a very happy birthday, Meleah 🙂

  26. I love you too mom! And as soon as I’m NOT sick – and as soon as I feel good enough – I cannot WAIT to go shopping with you!

  27. Im totally wishing for that!

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