Happy 36th Birthday, Adam!

Dear Abercrombie,

Growing up together we were inseparable. Like peas and carrots. We were as close as any two siblings could be. And my happiest childhood memories are the times I shared with you.

Whether we were spying on mommy, or inventing our own secret language, we created an unbreakable bond. An unbreakable bond that’s withstood the test of time, even when we were 3,000 miles apart from each other, and even during those six years we didn’t have very much interaction.




On this day, I want to tell you just how much you mean to me and just how important you are. However, I can’t seem to find the words big enough to express how blessed I am to have you as my brother. Or how happy it makes me to spend time with you now, as if we were still children.

People say, “you can’t pick your family,” but if I could, I would choose YOU for my brother, every single time.

You have risen above the dust and the painful ashes from the past.

You possess a powerful gift by bringing pure moments of joy into other peoples lives, simply with your fabulous sense of humor. Your unconditional love and total devotion to your family keeps me in awe.  You have become such an amazing man. And you have become such an incredible father.

I am ever so proud of you and ever so lucky to know you.


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Happy birthday, my baby brother!
You’re still my very best friend in the whole wide world.
I love you with all of my heart.


** The complete set of birthday photos can be found on my Flickr account by clicking HERE.

About Meleah

Mother. Writer. Television Junkie. Pajama Jean Enthusiast.
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40 Responses to Happy 36th Birthday, Adam!

  1. Jen says:

    This is so wonderful! You are very lucky to have a sibling that you are so close to. I’ve got friends who have taken on that role. I guess either way we’re blessed to have great people in our lives.

  2. Cheryl P. says:

    This is why you are such a wonderful person…you love people and are loved. Everyone should have a sibling like you. That is a wonderful post….oh and the pictures are adoooorrrrrable.

  3. HeSaidHisTelephoneNumberWas911 says:

    “You can’t pick your family”, because you could never find another like him, or you.

  4. Lucy says:

    What a lovely post. I hope your brother has an awesome day and many,many more happy birthdays ahead 🙂

  5. Ron says:

    Meleah, what a faaaaaabulous birthday tribute to your brother!!!

    Love that first photo of the two of you as kids. OMG…it’s freakin’ ADORABLE!

    “People say, “you can’t pick your family,” but if I could, I would choose YOU for my brother, every single time.”

    That right there says just how much you mean to each other!


  6. Awwwww. Thank you, Cheryl! XOXOX

  7. shadowrun300 says:

    Aww! What a great birthday tribute! The picture of you two as kids is absolutely adorable! It warms my heart that you have such a close relationship with your family.

    Happy Birthday Adam!

  8. oldereyes says:

    What a lovely birthday message. I wanna be your younger brother. Oh, wait … I’m a lot older than you are. Could you use an older brother?

  9. agg79 says:

    You are one rocking sister! A really great tribute to your little brother. The party pics look fun. I imagine you two must have been a handful when you were younger. Did you ever really should explain how he got his nickname?

    And your “you can’t pick your family” expression reminds me of a silly one: You can pick your friend, you can pick your nose, but you can’t pick your friend’s nose. Happy Belated Birthday, Abercrombie!

  10. Cheryl says:

    How nice to read a story about siblings who actually love each other and get along so well. Happy birthday Adam. You’ve got one helluva grand sister.

    I decided to post my comment for your previous post on this one because, holy shit, there are 200 million comments over there already. I sure as hell don’t want my words to get lost in that cluster. We’re all dealing with something shitty, sometimes literally and other times figuratively. I haven’t spent much time on social media sites so that was a great catch-up post for me. I wish the ratio of good to bad days was swinging over to the good side. My sister has an autoimmune disorder so I understand that long disappearances usually means bad days. I love that you figured out that laughing at this crap takes away the shame and feelings of being alone for a bit. Sometimes TMI is funny as hell, even when it hurts. Take care and HEAL!

  11. Small Town Mommy says:

    Happy Birthday to your brother! I hope he had an amazing day. It is so wonderful that you have a great relationship. It’s important to have someone you can count on in your life.

  12. Star Traci says:

    What a beautiful tribute to your brother.t is obvious that he inherited an equally wonderful sister! Happy birthday to Adam!

  13. We had a really great day! Thank you! 🙂

  14. You’re the best, Cheryl. Thank you for your lovely words.

    And if I didn’t learn how to find the funny, I’d probably veer into oncoming traffic, by now.

    Since that post my doctors have changed a few meds and added a few new ones, and I am starting to see/fee; a little improvement. And I am psyched about it.


  15. Well, if you had a TRULY GOOD friend, I bet they WOULD let you pick their nose, if you really wanted to!

    Also, my brother and I drove my mom CRAZY all throughout our childhood!

  16. Yes! You can totally be my older brother!


  17. cardiogirl says:

    You really do have the best family ever, Meleah — happy b-day to your bro!

  18. Another loving post Meleah! You have a wonderful and loving family and sadly, they don’t come along too often. Happy birthday baby brother 😉

  19. Thank you, Babs! I wish everyone could have a family & friends like mine!

  20. Awwwwwwww! Thanks, Kelly.

    Oh, um…

    FYI… I know how much you LOVE my “family movie montages” and a new one will be posted on Thursday.

    Also, I have MAJOR blogging catching up to do over the weekend.

    How’s the book coming along with you & Jen? Have ya’ll heard back from any agents yet? Is it totally finished?

  21. cardiogirl says:

    Can’t wait to see the movie!

    Yep, it’s done, however, I haven’t heard anything back yet.

  22. Got your email. And let me just state for the official record, I LOVE YOU. The end.

  23. Jayne says:

    You are so lucky to have a brother you love so much. He radiates such a loving and kind manner. Clearly, runs in the family. Happy Birthday, Adam.

  24. Robert Garrard says:

    Best wishes to your brother.

  25. Thanks Bob G!! Hey, I think we became FaceBook friends today! HUZZAH!

  26. Kelley @ magnetoboldtoo says:

    Like peas and carrots.

    Love it.


  27. territerri says:

    You’re so lucky to have a brother you get along with so well! I have two brothers and our relationships are nothing like you’ve just described. Happy Birthday to Adam!

  28. Thanks, Terri. I am very lucky. xoxox

  29. Jay of The Depp Effect says:

    My relationship with my brother isn’t like yours. We get along just fine, especially now we’ve grown older, but I think there was a lot of jealousy and I KNOW there was a lot of competition when we were young. He was the middle child, I was the ‘baby’ and longed-for girl. Even so, I love my brother! Especially since I lost the other brother and he is all I have left.

    I said it in the other post, I’ll say it again: Meleah, you are a very lucky girl!

  30. Awwww. Jay!

    I am terribly sorry for your loss. But I am glad you and your other brother have a good relationship now!


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