Happy 15th Birthday, Whosteen!

My one and only child turned 15 years old.


Every year I have tried to make a big deal about my son’s birthday. In fact, I usually let him stay home from school so he and I can spend that day doing something fun together. I’ve thrown outrageous parties for him. And, I’ve been fortunate enough in the past, to have been able to afford most of the presents he’s ever wanted. But as he’s gotten older, I’ve also given him things that were much more ‘meaningful’ and a lot less ‘materialistic.’

Like for instance…

When my son turned twelve, I wrote him THIS letter.

When he turned thirteen, I made him THIS video.

And when he turned fourteen, THIS happened.

That being said, I’ve thought long and hard about what I could give to him this year, or how I could make this birthday as special or as memorable as other birthday’s gone by.

I thought about embarrassing him by posting old photos.

But that might make him mad.

So then, I thought about publicly thanking him, for FINALLY cutting his hair!!!

But again, that also might make him mad.

So then, I thought about sharing the book report he wrote, back when he was 10 years old, regarding King Arthur. But I’ve already done that.

And I then thought about sharing the story when he got into trouble at school after completing the 12-week D.A.R.E program, simply for speaking his mind. But I’ve already done that too.

And then for a split second, I considered writing him another letter, or making him another video.

Because I really wanted to tell my son just how proud of him I am. I wanted to tell him how he amazes me every single day. I wanted to tell him that even though sometimes I really miss seeing his tiny little fingerprints all over my freshly cleaned glass tables, windows, and mirrors, and, as much as I’d like to remind him about learning the difference between ‘hot candles’ and ‘regular candles’, I have never loved him more than I do today. I wanted him to know that he has surpassed anything I ever imagined. I wanted him to realize that he is becoming a truly wonderful man in this world. And I wanted to tell him how much I love his brilliant sense of humor, his gorgeous smile, and his infectious laugh.

But he’s a bona fide teenager people, and he really doesn’t give two craps about things like that anymore.


Instead of doing any of that, I am going to do the unthinkable.

I am taking my son to the store to buy him YET ANOTHER brand new guitar.

Because that’s all he really wants.

And he totally deserves it.

Happy 15th Birthday, Whosteen!

[* The complete set of birthday photos can be found right HERE!* ]

About Meleah

Mother. Writer. Television Junkie. Pajama Jean Enthusiast.
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101 Responses to Happy 15th Birthday, Whosteen!

  1. Thank you, Ron!

    My son has a lot of cool shirts like that.
    Sometimes I like to borrow them!

  2. Ahahahahhahahahah!

    Yeah, he was supposed to be Mozart for a school project!

  3. I’m SOFA KING thrilled he decided to cut his hair!

  4. Since this is my ONLY child, I do get to spoil him on his birthday.

    Thank you, Slyde!

  5. Random Chick says:

    Happy Birthday to your beautiful son. I like his Tshirt in the “before and after” hair photos. Just like his mom. 😉

  6. Rachele says:

    Happy Birthday to both of you. Enjoy the guitar and new haircut. It makes him look older 🙁 Loved the video and the letter.

  7. Stafford says:

    Every time a guitarist gets a new guitar he/she is already eyeing off the next one. I did too, but now am down to one again, bought second hand in 1962, saved from a life of capos and Country music! Now it fills my need to express the occasional bout of music-itis. Happy Birthday mate!

  8. Happy Bday to your handsome son!

  9. Aw… Thanks for reading/looking at them Rachele.

    He does look like he’s 17 with that haircut!

  10. Thank you, Christine!

  11. Happy 15th Birthday, JCH! I can’t even remember being 15! But, then again, I can’t remember last night!

  12. Linda R. says:

    Happy 15th birthday to your son. I bet he loves his new guitar!!

    Congratulations to you for raising such a special young man.

  13. The fact that he’s 15 is just CRAZY!!

  14. Awww! Thank you, Linda R!

  15. Happy Birthday! I love the gift of a guitar for him! How cool is that! Have a fun night!

  16. Mike says:

    What an awesome mom you are. I’m sure he’ll be excited. You should post a video of him playing sometime.

    I’ve always wanted to learn how to play the guitar, but never forced myself to sit down and do it.

    Happy birthday, JCH!

  17. Thank you, sis!!


  18. Thanks, Mike.

    I will definitely post a video of him playing his new guitar!

  19. cmk says:

    Ahhh, 15–I remember it well with my girls. (As you can see, I DIDN’T say ‘I remember it fondly.’ ;)) My oldest granddaughter will be turning 15 in July. I don’t want to feel this old. 😀

    Happy birthday from me to ‘the boy.’ And you’ve done a fine job, Meleah!

  20. Thank you, CMK.

    And, yes, I am having a hard time adjusting to this age.
    He’s very independent and usually very polite.
    But when that attitude kicks in?
    It’s NOT pleasant.
    Not even a little.


  21. Ziva says:

    A gorgeous boy, with a beautiful mother. You two are so adorable!!

  22. Anonymous says:

    Hey, Meleah, congrats to your son AND you on his fifteenth birthday. Fifteen was where things got “bad” with my son so I don’t have many fond memories of him in that time. It took many years for us to recover (twenty?) and I’m not sure we are all the way there. Treasure what you have with your son … from someone who didn’t have it.

    I like your letter to him. I am building a Father’s Legacy Blog for my son and daughter with stories and pictures and thoughts. One of the things it will have on it is a letter to each of them. Hard to write given where we’ve been.

  23. Cheryl says:

    What a touching post. As the mother of a grown son, it touched my heart. Those are such special times. Really loved the pics, too.

  24. Awwww!! Thank you, Jayne! xoxo

  25. Thank you Cheryl. It’s getting tougher and tougher to let go of him. Even though I know that’s the natural/healthy progression of things.

  26. Momo Fali says:

    Happy, happy birthday to your son (and mine)! The haircut is AWESOME! You can actually see his handsome face!

  27. Why thank you, Ziva!

  28. Thank you, Bud.

    And I do realize that I am VERY lucky to have the kind of relationship I
    have with my son. I cherish every moment!

  29. It’s a MIRACLE!!

  30. territerri says:

     Happy Birthday, JCH!

    Wow, he looks so much older with short hair!

  31. Selma says:

    HAPPY 15TH BIRTHDAY JCH. What guitar did you get? How exciting. Hope you’ve been having an amazing week!!!!

  32. MomZombie says:

     Whosteen looks to be a fine young man — and a good sport. He inherited your good looks along with your joie de vivre.  Happy birthday.

  33. Thanks, Terri.

    I think so too!

  34. Thanks Selma.

    I bought him the Les Paul he wanted. He’s in heaven!

  35. Aw. Shucks. Thank you!

  36. Anonymous says:

    Happy Belated Birthday to JCH!  And nice job of taking/rounding up a bunch of incriminating and embarassing photos, mom.
    He looks much better with the shorter hairstyle.  Although, he really made it work with the powdered wig. 

    Nice guitar present.  Future rock star? 

  37. Anonymous says:

    He seems to love the guitar but teenager or not, I am quite sure that he is not nearly as mad as you might think at your ou pourings of love! 
    Happy birthday, indeed!

  38. Jules says:

    Happy Birthday!!!!! Hope he enjoys the new guitar 🙂 

  39. Ferd says:

     Missed it, but wish JCH a happy belated for me! 🙂

  40. Thank you StarTraci!

  41. Roshan says:

    Ah 15, I remember those days. I had my first girlfriend, smoked a full cigarette for the first time, had my heart broken, got elected a school leader (1 of 4), had a ton of fun, made a lots of friends during the summer….! Magical. 

  42. Anonymous says:

    Happy belated birthday to your son!!! (your definitely slacking since I’ve been away… you forgot a picture of the guitar and son together… how do we know if you got him a REALLY boss guitar or if it’s really a ukulele?)

    On an unrelated topic, I’m looking at that last picture of the two of you and the thought popped into my head that your son must really hate it when you steal his jeans.  I thought that only happened to me because I have only daughters… although for me, there is a light at the end of the tunnel.  They are all now taller than I am and very soon they will ALL be bigger than me.  I can finally get my clothes back… but Whoosteen?  Yeah, I’m thinking he might have to start hiding his jeans… and maybe his t-shirts… (I would sooooo steal the missing vowel one!) The only question left is… who’s feet are bigger?

  43. Oh I steal his t-shirts all the time. His pants are too big for me!
    And YAY. I’m glad you’re back to blogging again, Lemon!
    I’ve missed you!


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