So, yeah …

My son is 21 years old.
He’s a senior @ Rutgers University + the VP of his PIKE fraternity.
He’s got a 3.7GPA.
Graduating in May.
With a degree in English.
Psyche, minor.

Clearly, he is FAR beyond my control – even though I still pay all of his bills.
But THAT is another, story, for another day.


My son has lived for the band “The Beatles” since he was 5 years old.
John Lennon & Paul McCartney changed his life. So we’ll just call that ‘good’ parenting. Because he might be the ONLY ‘Millennial’ who even knows who those people are.


You should probably know, my son may/or may not have watched the AMC series, BREAKING BAD, at a VERY young age.

So take my son’s Beatle ‘obsession’ + his BB ‘obsession’ + his love for tattoos – another story, for another day.

And this is what happens….


I have a cutting board in my kitchen, of the Breaking Bad character, Jessie Pinkman.
But his face, on my cutting board, is CARVED IN, with catch phrases from the show.





Brilliant, right?






My son?

He decided to combine his love for THE BEATLES and his love for the series BREAKING BAD, and he stole my cutting board idea.

Justin’s newest tattoo?

Outlined with BEATLE LYRICS.








Don’t worry ya’ll!
It’s on his upper thigh and hidden even if he’s wearing shorts.

About Meleah

Mother. Writer. Television Junkie. Pajama Jean Enthusiast.
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9 Responses to FIND THE FUNNY AGAIN, MOFOS! FFS!! – My SON & HIS TATTOOS – Edition.

  1. That is amazingly cool.

  2. K. Wright says:

    SUCH a cool tattoo! Original, interesting. YES! And I love that cutting board. Will you yell at me if I confess I’ve never seen one episode of Breaking Bad? I know, I know. I’m a disgrace. LOL!

  3. Nellie Isabel Norman Kosovan says:

    I’m not a fan of tatoos, but that is AWESOME!

  4. What a cool tattoo! I don’t normally like them but that is really meaningful and you can’t see it in business attire ?

  5. Oh my!! How is that even possible?!!! LOL

  6. My son has 13 tattoos! THIRTEEN and they’re all VERY meaningful!!

  7. BK says:

    OMG!!! That’s a really cool cutting board…and I have to say that’s really cool tattoo too! Brilliant!

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