Doing Things Differently™ – My Week In Review [Part Nine]

[Week 9: March 29th – April 4th ]

* For those of you who are NEW to ‘Doing Things Differently™’ or NEW to reading this blog, may I suggest you click on, and read, the links provided in the first two paragraphs of this post? I think that might clear up any confusion! Or, if you don’t have that kid of time, because seriously who does? You can find out HOW and WHY ‘Doing Things Different’ all began simply by clicking HERE. *

‘Once Upon A Time’ A Girl Named Meleah wanted to improve the ‘Quality Of Her Life’ so she started ‘Doing Things Differently™’. And then she noticed the ‘Little Changes’ she made every day had a huge impact on her life. And even though Meleah had a few ‘Setbacks‘ she kept on forging ‘Ahead’.

After completing the first four weeks of ‘Doing Things Differently™’ Meleah stepped up her game by taking things to the ‘Next Level‘.  Meleah momentarily took a break to ‘Visit With An Old Friend’ but she continued ‘Doing Things Differently™’ even after things became slightly ‘Boring’.

Side Bar:

Okay people. It’s been over ‘Two Months’ since I began my quest to ‘Get Healthy’ and that’s probably the longest amount of time I’ve ever taken on a ‘Life Altering Challenge’ and ‘Stuck With It’. Other than writing this blog, and being a Mother, I have a tendency to become bored quickly. And, I think some of you might be growing pretty tired of reading about how I put on my ‘Outfit’ and go ‘Outside’ to take a walk every morning? It’s not all that easy to turn the mundane details of my life into a ‘Riveting Read’.

I held a ‘Great Debate’ when I posed the question, ‘How Many Days In A Row’ will I have to continue ‘Doing Things Differentlybefore it becomes ‘Doing Things The Same’? To which I received multiple and conflicting answers – from all of you my dear readers and friends.

At first, I thought after 30 consecutive days I could consider ‘Doing Things Differently as ‘Doing Things The Same’. But I was wrong. And I say that because getting up, and going on my walks nearly every day STILL FEELS very different to me. Therefore, I have decided to CONTINUE writing these kind of blog posts [once a week, every week] AT LEAST until I reach the 60 Day Mark. [Which really isn’t that far off.] So, I hope you will all bear with me, while I document the rest of this journey. Yes? Of course, to break up the monotony, I will also be posting ‘regular’ blogs and in ‘The First Person’ at least once a week every week too. M’Kay?


Monday, otherwise known as ‘Day Forty-Six’ of ‘Doing Things Differently’ or [D46/DTD] started off at 10am when my Meleah was awoken by the sound of pelting rain hitting her bedroom window. It was the kind of ‘Dreary Day’ that practically justifies ‘Staying In Bed’.

However, since she is ‘Doing Things Differently’ Meleah agreed to ‘Rise and Shine’ if only to drive her son JCH to one of his friend’s houses. After all, he is on ‘Spring Break’ and she really wants her son to enjoy his ‘Vacation Time’. Of course, Meleah committed to this BEFORE she had any idea WHERE this friend’s house was located.

As some of you may already know Meleah is slightly ‘Driving Impaired’. And by ‘Driving Impaired’ she really means, she has a tendency for getting LOST, even within the confines of her own town. And she does not like attempting to drive in ‘Uncharted Territories’ and on ‘Unfamiliar Terrain’ especially when it’s coupled with ‘Craptastic Weather Conditions.’

Judging by the ‘Directions’ Meleah received from ‘MapQuest’, she was fairly certain she WOULD get lost, considering she had never heard of any of the street names. And, she was willing to bet money on the fact that it was probably going to take her at least 30 minutes to travel all of two miles.

And she was right.

It also probably didn’t help matters that the  ‘Defrost’ in her car isn’t working properly and therefore Meleah spent most of her time driving, while wiping the windshield with the sleeve of her sweatshirt, rather than reading the street signs.

Fortunately, for everyone in the car, Meleah’s son CAN read a map. Because during their travels it became ‘Painfully Obvious’ she definitely CANNOT read a map.

[Seriously people. To Meleah? A map just looks like a really bad drawing done by a 5 year old.]

Meleah would like to take a moment to thank her co-pilots for helping her to reach the ‘Proper Destination’. However, it was a rather ‘Unsettling Experience’ to discover two 13 year old boys have a better sense of direction than she does.

Later that afternoon, Meleah made her ‘Daily Internet Rounds’ and commented on her favorite blogs, while cleaning her room, doing the laundry, checking her emails, and scheduling doctor appointments. Just like she always does. And that’s because Meleah firmly believes in ‘Doing Things Consistently’ even if she is ‘Doing Things Differently’.

Tuesday, otherwise known as ‘Day Forty-Seven’ of ‘Doing Things Differently’ or [D47/DTD] started off around 9am.  And once again, it was pouring outside. Meleah really wished ‘The Weather’ would start ‘Doing Things Differently’ because it seems as if it’s been raining and miserable EVERY Monday and Tuesday for the last month. And, it’s enough already.

Meleah washed her face, brushed her teeth, had a cup of coffee, and proceeded to help her mother finish getting ready for a ‘Family Function’ otherwise known as ‘Passover’.  And even though it was the ‘Second Night’ and even though everyone who was supposed to come cancelled at the last minute – except for the ‘Two People’ in her family whom are often referred to as ‘The Howells’ from ‘Gilligan’s Island’, there was still a lot of work to be done.

Now, Meleah is really only a ‘Half-Jew’ or what some people might consider to be a ‘Fake-Jew’ but, she always enjoys ‘Celebrating’ the ‘Tradition’ even if she is not into ‘Religion’

Sadly, because of the ‘Festivities’ Meleah didn’t have any time that morning to put on her ‘Outfit’ and go ‘Outside’. Therefore, instead of ‘Doing Things Differently’ Meleah decided on ‘Doing Things Drastically’. Meleah got ‘Dressed-Up’ in her ‘Big Girl Clothes’ that included ‘Slacks’ as opposed to ‘Jeans’, and she even wore ‘High-Heels’. [And by ‘High-Heels’ she really means her favorite Slippers.] Meleah implemented the use of ‘Accessories’ by adding a ‘Belt’ and a ‘Necklace’. Heck, she even went as far as to apply ‘Make-Up’ complete with ‘Lipstick’. [And by ‘Lipstick’ she really just means Blistex.]

Meleah was very proud of herself for making it through the entire Sedar while dressed in her ‘Real Clothes’. Because any one who knows Meleah knows that she usually attends ‘Family Functions’ and/or ‘Holidays’ while wearing ‘Sweat Pants’.

Meleah enjoyed a wonderful evening celebrating Passover 2010 with some of her family members, and her son’s two friends who were invited at the last minute to fill the empty seats. Of course, by the end of dinner, Meleah could not get into her ‘Pajamas’ fast enough.

Before going to bed that night, Meleah felt that all too ‘Familiar Rumble’ in her stomach. After her second trip to the bathroom she realized she probably shouldn’t have eaten that ‘Third Plate’ full of Brisket.

‘Day Forty-Eight’ of ‘Doing Things Differently’ or [D48/DTD] otherwise known as Wednesday, began at 8am with the annoying sound of Meleah’s alarm clock. But, since she was up most of the night editing photos and writing, she didn’t fall asleep until after 4am. So, she reset her clock and went back to bed. Meleah woke up AGAIN around 10am. And even though she was still very groggy, she got up and out of bed. After she washed her face, and drank some coffee, she was pleasantly surprised to see that it had finally stopped raining.

Meleah was never so happy to put on her ‘Outfit’ and go ‘Outside’. She walked around the block, five times in a row, for the first day, for the ninth week in a row. And when she came home, rather than smoking a cigarette, she did 50 ‘Stomach Crunches’ and 10 ‘Push-Ups’ for the first day, for the fifth week in a row.

Meleah spent the rest of her day enjoying a good read. She found herself laughing out loud. A lot.  Because this is one very funny book, and it just so happens to be written by one of her favorite authors.

Thursday, otherwise known as ‘Day Forty-Nine’ of ‘Doing Things Differently’ or [D49/DTD] began at 10am. And oh what a beautiful day it was. The weather had finally changed from ‘Miserable Rain’ to ‘Glorious Sunshine’ and Meleah couldn’t wait to take full advantage of it.

Meleah put on her ‘Outfit’ and went ‘Outside’ and she walked around the block, five times in a row, for the second day in a row, for the ninth week in a row. And when she came home, rather than smoking a cigarette, she did 50 ‘Stomach Crunches’ and 10 ‘Push-Ups’ for the second day in a row, for the fifth week in a row.

And then she spent the ‘Rest Of The Day’ [and Night] with her Best Friend ‘Amy The Bartender’ at her favorite local Country Club otherwise known as KHCC, laughing, joking, and stuffing her face full of food.

Friday, otherwise known as ‘Day Fifty’ of ‘Doing Things Differently’ or [D50/DTD] started at 10am and once again, Meleah put on her ‘Outfit’ and went ‘Outside’ and she walked around the block, five times in a row, for the third day in a row, for the ninth week in a row. And when she came home, rather than smoking a cigarette, she did 50 ‘Stomach Crunches’ and 10 ‘Push-Ups’ for the third day in a row, for the fifth week in a row.

And then her ‘Seasonal Allergies’ wreaked havoc. Meleah couldn’t stop sneezing, sniffling, or coughing. Meleah felt so sick and so exhausted from all the medication she couldn’t even enjoy the day. She spent her time indoors watching back-to-back movies all the while wanting to rip her face off.

Later that evening, Meleah spent ‘Quality Time’ with her 13-year-old-son, and for THE FIRST TIME EVER? SHE BEAT HIM AT VIDEO GAMES!

Saturday, SHOULD HAVE BEEN ‘Day Fifty-One’ of ‘Doing Things Differently’ or [D51/DTD]. But Meleah still didn’t feel too good. So, she decided to ‘Take The Day Off’. That is until that evening, when her brother Abercrombie came down for his weekly visit. Meleah, and her brother, and her son, embarked on a miniature ‘Shopping Spree’ at the local mall. And that was very much ‘Doing Things Differently’ for Meleah because she would rather SET HERSELF ON FIRE than set foot inside of THE MALL!


When they returned home, the three of them, along with Meleah’s Mother, watched ‘The Stupidest Movie’ of All Time, otherwise known as ‘Team America World Police’. But, even though it was an awful movie, Meleah never laughed so hard in her entire life. Watching her brother and her son have such a good time together literally made her heart sing.

Sunday, otherwise known as ‘Day Fifty-Two’ of ‘Doing Things Differently’ or [D52/DTD] started precisely at 930am. And while Meleah did NOT get dressed in her ‘Regular Outfit’, she did get dressed up in her new ‘Golfing Attire’.

Meleah spent her time enjoying another ‘Day Of Golf’ [for the third week in a row] with her brother ‘Abecrombie’, her Best Friend  ‘Amy The Bartender’, her pretend Sister In Law ‘Suzy Mazz’, and a surprise ‘Guest Appearance’ was made by the one and only ‘Crazy-Eyed-Shady-Ninja’, otherwise known as ‘Nightingale’.

Meleah is happy to report that she played better than she had the previous two weeks and she is finally starting to LOOK THE PART of Golfer. But more on that another day!

And, that’s a wrap.

About Meleah

Mother. Writer. Television Junkie. Pajama Jean Enthusiast.
This entry was posted in Doing Things Differently, Driving, Family, Friends, Golf, Holidays, KHCC, Life, Links, Photos, Religion. Bookmark the permalink.

69 Responses to Doing Things Differently™ – My Week In Review [Part Nine]

  1. Sounds like despite the rain and your allergies it was a pretty good week for you. Great photo of you and Suzy on the links! And your lipstick/Blistix line cracked me up! Thanks for the laugh!

  2. peedee says:

    Actually your DTD post help keep me on track! And your funny no matter what you write. 😉 Keep it up girl!!

  3. michellegartner says:

    I think DTD continues for as long as your body tries to revolt against what you are doing. I exercise regularly but my body still hates it and hates me and tries to revolt against me by doing things like eating a handful of jelly beans every time it (my body) walks by the kitchen. Or sometimes the sabotage comes in a slice of 560 calorie carrot cake. Sigh… I want candy now.

  4. Nicky says:

    I think you should continue your DTD series as long as YOU need to. It's obviously helping you stay on track. And you still turn “boring” into FUNNY!

    LOVE the matching golf shirts!

  5. Aw! That was SO sweet of you to say.
    I really feel like people are getting sick if these posts!

  6. Yeah, my bosy is definitely still revolting!
    And brownies are my weakness!

  7. Thank You Nicky! I really appreciate the support. Sometimes I need a little validation! You rule.

  8. Chuck says:

    They say that when Satan lies He speaks his native tongue. When you write, you speak funny, YOUR native tongue ! I always laugh…. check your email for a brilliant (totally worthless) missive from moi.

  9. Your email cracked me up!
    And I am VERY happy to hear that you are NOT sick of these blog posts!

  10. I look forward to spring all winter long. But when it comes, so do my allergies. At their worst, I feel drained of all energy and my nose doesn't stop running. And nothing works, I've tried it all from Claritin, to Rhincort, to shots. So I have to deal.
    I heard a disturbing story that someone discovered that Hook Worms cure allergies. I think it was on some TV show, 60 minutes or something. But are you kidding me? Infecting myself w/hook worms to rid myself of a month of a runny nose. I don't think so!
    Sorry to take up too much space. Glad you're still doing things “Differently” or the “Same!”

  11. silverneurotic says:

    I think you know how I am about driving to new places too. Today I was asked by my sister to take her to an apartment complex so she would apply for a lifeguarding job…then drop her off at a friend's house as her friend was giving her a ride back to school. It was on the other side of town, where I don't normally go and my sister is terrible at directions (she barely knows her right from her left…and I'm NOT exaggerating). But I managed.

  12. Oh I love LONG comments!

    Please, I would try just about ANYTHING to make these allergies go away. Medications really do not seem to work all that well, and they tend to knock me out rendering me completely useless. But, I am dying over here! I've never heard of people using Hook Worms? But, I'm with you – NO THANK YOU!

  13. Oh, I know exactly how you are. I'm so glad you managed!
    I hate driving to new places SO VERY MUCH.
    And, I have been known to confuse my Lefts and Rights far too many times!

  14. Momo Fali says:

    Momo would like to DTD, and she is TRYING to do DTD, but sometimes life keeps slapping her in the face, and getting slapped really hurts, and then Momo is all like “Stupid life! Quit slapping me!”, and then Momo runs out of energy to DTD.

    But, she REALLY wants to! (Facebook side note: Momo wishes she could look the part of golfer as good as Meleah does!)

  15. Meleah LOVES Momo! And Meleah really 'dislikes' when Life Slaps Momo in the face. But Meleah thinks Momo IS DTD with her grapenuts dieting!

  16. I love your DTD posts. They are so very interesting and different. I love your zealous use of quotation marks, they make everything seem either dirty or bad on some level. Like you are up to something. Glad your golf game is getting better.

  17. BK says:

    Yet another successful week of Doing Things Differently. Nothing beats spending quality time with family and friend. 🙂

  18. Gina says:

    Hey Woman. I'm sure this won't surprise you but I can't find my way out of my own town yet either. My daughter is always like, Jeez mom, and you've lived here how long? I finally bought a GPS (when I worked as a medic) and it has relieved so much anxiety I can't even begin to tell you. When ever I had to go somewhere new, panic would set in for days. I actually have to factor in 'getting lost' time when I go places. I could go somewhere seventeen times and still have no idea how to get there.The GPS has helped me learn a bit about direction.

    How's the WIP going?

  19. YAY! Thanks Jen! I have been known to abuse quotation marks and exclamation points every now and again, but I am very happy to hear YOU enjoy these blog posts!

  20. Now THAT is very true!

  21. Gina, wait, you get lost too? Imagine that. YET ANOTHER THING we have IN COMMON!
    Um and holy shit I always schedule extra Get Lost Time for traveling!
    I really should just invest in a GPS already.

    I will be busting my ass this week with my book project. After all, we're in a race!

  22. Anne says:

    I am directionally challenged and I have discovered that maps just make it worse. I am no longer allowed to look at a map because it will get me lost even if I know where I am.

  23. RonnieC says:

    ” I have a tendency to become bored quickly.”

    OY VEY…do I know that feeling!

    um…I'm wondering if it has anything to do with being LIBRA'S?????


    ” the ‘Two People’ in her family whom are often referred to as ‘The Howells’ from ‘Gilligan’s Island’….

    OMG, that made me HOWL! The Howell's were my favorite character on that show. I love how Mr. H always called Mrs. H…”LOVEEE”

    Well, it sounds like you had another great week of doing things differently. And I think it's great that you're documenting this on your blog, because one day you may want to go back and read it.

  24. Maps really DO make things worse! Ahahahahahhaha

  25. Its definitely because we are Libra's!
    And, OMG, my Aunt Bea and my Uncle Sol really ARE just like the Howells! I'm not even kidding.

  26. Jules says:

    Lol sounds like me with Chapstick.. I never wear lipstick, but I always have some type of Chapstick/lip balm handy.

  27. Chapstick/Blistex = YES. Lipstick = NO! I always feel like I look like a WHORE in lipstick! Even if it's a nude/sheer color!

  28. she even wore ‘High-Heels’. [And by ‘High-Heels’ she really means her favorite Slippers.] Oh you do make me laugh!
    I'm afraid my DTD has slipped a bit 🙁 Don't tell me off. This old gal has many years of habit to change, but I will.

  29. ladyV says:

    well you could walk backward for exercise, that would be doing things differently. 🙂 not sure how long you would have to keep it up to be DTD, maybe change what you are doing, even though you are still doing the same thing?

  30. Gina says:

    Oh, and my lipstick is Dr. Pepper Bonnie Bell Lipsmacker. I have them stashed everywhere in my house, the glove box in my car and one in my pocket at all times.

    Why do they call it a glove compartment? They would have to be some awfully big gloves.

  31. buggys says:

    I feel your pain. I attempted to do things differently last year. It lasted nearly 4 months and I fell off the wagon. I'll undoubtedly try again. Good job and keep writing these posts! It's inspiring and I like reading them.

  32. JDatIDoThings says:

    Wow, you are inspiring! I loved reading your account of DTD! And I'm gonna have to look into this whole DTD thing, because Doing Things the Same hasn't been working so great for me. Keep up the good work!

  33. I would never tell you off! Its HARD to DTD!
    And its really really difficult to try and change sleep patterns!
    Believe me I know first hand!

  34. I have done MORE things differently this week. And it's been great!
    Thanks Val.

  35. I keep my blistex everywhere too!
    I have at least 10 tubes hiding all over the house, my purse, and in my car.
    I have to be prepared at all times!

    And yeah, why DO they call it a glove box?

  36. Wow. You lasted Four months? That is GREAT!

    I'm only at Two Months, but I am already seeing a difference in the way my
    clothes fit. I just hope I can tone up a little bit more before the summer
    gets here!

    Thank you for the encouraging words about these kind of blog posts.
    It REALLY means a lot to me!

  37. buggys says:

    I lasted 4 months of no smoking.

  38. OK, when you become a rich and famous novelist, the first thing you must do is go out and buy a GPS device that talks to you and tells you when to turn left and when to turn right and you'll never get lost again. Of course, when you become a rich and famous novelist, I suppose you could just hire a personal driver. Whichever. Your choice.

  39. WOW! I cant last 4 HOURS without a cigarette!

  40. Im all about having a Personal Driver!

  41. buggys says:

    I know!

  42. territerri says:

    “…And by ‘High-Heels’ she really means her favorite Slippers.”

    This is what I love about you! I would so rather wear slippers than heels, jeans than dress pants and fleece pajama pants!

  43. That's truly amazing!

  44. Katherine says:

    Love it… “fake jew!” I loved going to my friend's special meals and Jewish celebrations. They welcomed this pale white Catholic girl with open arms, and fed me more amazing potato pancakes than I care to admit. After that brisket, aren't you glad you didn't have that evil tissue that burns your butt!!???? 🙂

  45. AhahahahhahHAHHAHh! Yes! I am VERY GLAD we are now fully stocked on Toilet Paper in this house!!!
    And we are always welcoming pale white Catholic girl with open arms into our home too! 🙂

    PS: This is why I am a “Fake Jew”:

    My grandmother, my mothers mother, “MANGA” was an Italian Catholic lady. My uncles, my cousins and relatives on her side of the family are also Italian Catholic. My grandfather, my mothers father, “POPPA-SYE” is Jewish. When Manga & Poppa Sye got married way back in the day, their interfaith wedding was a huge taboo.
    My mother, Pam, [an only child] was raised with both religions and ideals. She was allowed to choose which religion she wanted to be when she grew up. Somewhere along the way, my mother eventually decided to embrace the Jewish religion. I’m not exactly sure when or why.

    While my brother Adam went on to attend Hebrew school complete with having a Bar-mitzvah, I went off to tour with the Grateful Dead.

    Later on, my mother married her high school sweetheart (my now stepfather). He is what I like to call a ‘Pseudo-Jew’. My stepfather, Ron, was born and raised Italian Catholic. His whole side of family is also Italian Catholic. My stepfather converted to Judaism in his previous marriage and raised his son my stepbrother Lee with the Jewish faith.

    So. Let’s break this down.

    My family (on BOTH SIDES) are Italian Catholics. EXCEPT for my immediate family.

    My mother, my stepfather, both of my brothers and both of their wives and all of their children, are Jewish.

    But I am not really ANYTHING at all! I just show up at whatever holiday we're having!!

    The coolest thing about my family’s religious situation? Up in here we celebrate all of the Jewish holidays AND all of the Catholic holidays. It’s like getting to party together practically year round.

  46. What's your golf handicap anyway? Just curious.

    I don't know what mine is. I can't find it in the woods. 🙂

  47. Oh please! We dont keep score. At least NOT yet! Ahahahahhahaahha

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