Day 19: White

I am participating in this 30-Day-Photo-Challenge.

Along with these fine people:
Mike WJ
Nicky and Mike
Elizabeth A.

About Meleah

Mother. Writer. Television Junkie. Pajama Jean Enthusiast.
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68 Responses to Day 19: White

  1. Nora Blithe says:

    Ha!ย  Very funny!ย  I kept hitting reload and wondering where the picture was.ย  You got me.

  2. Cheryl says:

    I wonder how many of us DIDN’T consider this? I know I did.

  3. HeSaidHisTelephoneNumberWas911 says:

    Nice!! LOL

  4. I almost didn’t believe you put up a photo and then I clicked there, and it says a jpeg is there. Okay, I guess I’ll believe you. ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. Ziva says:

    This is actually a photo that you took? I’m just asking because it’s looks so perfectly white that I don’t think I could take a photo like this myself. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  6. nonamedufus says:

    I thought April Fools was the first of the month?

  7. 00dozo says:

    I like the angle of the shot.


  8. Cadeaux says:

    That’s too easy, dammit.ย  Even I, with my deranged sickness, came up with the equivalent of the macaroni/pasta face.ย  Altho I have to agree that the angle is very good.

  9. Mike says:

    Nice polar bear ๐Ÿ˜‰

  10. Ron says:


    Meleah, that was freakin’ BRILLIANT, girl!!!!! I was just about to tell you that something must be wrong with your blog because NO picture loaded!!!!!

    BRA-VA on an excellent ‘white’ photo entry!!!!

    Clever you are!


  11. laughing mom says:

    Best picture of white EVER! You should win some sort of photography award for this!

  12. That is really well done. ย It totally looks like there isn’t even a photo there.

  13. Linda R. says:

    I’ll say you nailed that one!ย  Cool!

  14. Anonymous says:

    hahaha. i thought my percocet was playing mind games on me.

  15. Ahahahhaahaah! Yes!

    Clearly today’s theme was the EASIST one for me!


  16. But the theme wasn’t white that day!
    Otherwise it would have been PERFECTION!


  17. NEVER. I loathe cheaters.

    I have not cheated, or been late, or missed a single day, or even missed commenting & tweeting the other contestants photos!

    However, today’s theme was the EASIEST theme for me!


  18. Yeah, it was tough to capture!


  19. Thanks, Mariann!


  20. HOORAY!!

    I laughed my head off when I came up with the idea.
    And I am dying laughing at all of these comments!


  21. Oh I agree, LaughingMom!

    Let’s tell Ziva & MWJ!


  22. I worked very hard on this one.
    I had to get the angle and the lighting just right!

    Thanks, Anne!!

  23. Thank you, Linda!

    He he he he

  24. Percocet? YES PLEASE!

    Oh wait, never mind. I’m on Vicodine!


  25. Ha! A.K.A. Johnny Winter in a snowstorm!

  26. Cheryl P. says:

    You are a sly one…I thought I had cursored past it and backed up to look again.

  27. You are using “white space” for your picture.ย  Man! That’s outta the box!

  28. Lucy says:

    You had me so confused?ย  Then I looked at the Title!

  29. Ha, did you really take a picture of something white? I love it. You’re a NATURAL ๐Ÿ˜‰

  30. Anonymous says:

    Well, aren’t you the clever little smartass? Wish I had thought of it! You made me laugh. That is a good thing.ย 


    That was my goal!


  32. HOORAY for making you laugh!


  33. HA HA!ย  I stared at the screen, waiting for it to load, annoyed at my slow connection! LOL YOU WIN!

  34. Squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

  35. Anonymous says:

    Okay, there’s minalimist, and then there’s nothing. This is nothing.

  36. ย And, if you CLICK the center of my blog post, you will see there IS in fact a WHITE PHOTO in the middle.

  37. ย

  38. Anonymous says:

    Ok, Ms Smartypants. ย I’m just like the others. ย I kept waiting for the picture to load up thinking my dang computer was having problems. ย  ย Nice non picture picture. ย Reminds me of one of those 3D pictures that has some hidden image if you look hard enough (Why, yes, I do see a picture of the dog on a tricycle).

  39. Yep! I found a white photo ๐Ÿ™‚

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