Day 12: Fear


I am participating in this 30-Day-Photo-Challenge.

Along with these fine people:
Mike WJ
Nicky and Mike
Elizabeth A.


About Meleah

Mother. Writer. Television Junkie. Pajama Jean Enthusiast.
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55 Responses to Day 12: Fear

  1. Anonymous says:

    i’m right there with you. i fear death and cemeteries

  2. That’s pretty much one of my greatest fears too. Not death, though sure I do fear that a bit, but there’s something about cemeteries that has always freaked me out.

  3. Cheryl says:

    Today is the day when y’all realize I’m not normal. I love cemeteries. They’re so restful to walk through and admire all the beautiful old headstones. As for death, it’s inevitable. Death was my worst fear up until about 10 years ago. I’ve made peace the that fear. I’m much more afraid of living so long that my body is useless.

  4. Middle State says:

    Old cemeteries are so atmospheric and they hold such interesting mysteries. I love all the upright, ornate headstones.  I do not like the modern cemetery parks with the embedded markers. Blah. 

  5. laughing mom says:

    At least you are on the right side of the fence!

  6. I love old graveyards.  I find them very peaceful and tranquil places.  Fences?  I don’t like them either.

  7. Me too, Val!
    BIG. TIME.

  8. Cemeteries = totally-super-creepy.

  9. ” I’m much more afraid of living too long for my body.”


    I totally GET that!

  10. I don’t like fences either!

  11. Mike says:

    I don’t fear death. The thing that causes it though…that’s another story.

  12. When it’s my time, I can only hope I pass quietly, and peacefully, in my sleep!

  13. Great black and white shot, the fence really drives the fear factor home!

  14. Nora Blithe says:

    Not my day for serious comments I’m afraid.  (See, fear!)  Does anyone else think those two bushes look like boobies?

  15. Ahahahhahahah!

    Thanks, Nora!

    I will take FUNNY over SERIOUS any time!


  16. Cheryl P. says:

    This must be a Cheryl thing!!!! I agree with the other Cheryl…I love the history of cemeteries and the sereneness (is that even a word?) of cemeteries. I don’t necessarily want to participate as an occupant any time soon, but I love the idea that families have a place to memorialize those they loved.

  17. Ziva says:

    I don’t mind cemeteries. I mean, not as long as it’s in the middle of the day. And it’s sunny. And birds are singing. And there are lots of living people around. And they’re holding my hand. And running really fast with me to get the hell out of there.

    Love the photo, Meleah. 😉

  18. nonamedufus says:

    You’ve tackled a very grave subject today, Meleah. 

  19. Ahahahahhahahahahhaah!!

    That’s what I’m saying!!

  20. cmk says:

    Cemeteries really don’t bother me.  As a matter of fact, I used to walk to the town cemetery–which was only a couple of miles away (as the crow flies) from the house where I grew up–just to have a peaceful time.  It was really cool to look at all of the 100+ year old markers and try to figure out the language that was written on them.

    As I age, I find that I fear death less and less.  I guess it has a lot to do with not being ‘needed’ as much as I was when the girls were still at home–and I feel as if I could ‘go gentle into that  good night’ with no regrets.  However, I fear the WAY I may die–I pray it WON’T be painful and lingering!

    GREAT picture, by the way.  I have been enjoying all of them on both yours AND Ziva’s sites!  🙂

  21. 00dozo says:

    I don’t much fear cemeteries as I do about the manner in which I might end up there.  I think your photo truly represents the similar fear of many.  Nice shot for today’s theme.

    (Besides, my wishes are that I be “toasted” anyway.)


  22. Me too. I wanna be “toasted” as well.

  23. I don’t fear cemeteries anymore, though I did when I was very young.  At least I know I won’t end up in one 😉

  24. Nicky says:

    That’s a really great shot, Meleah. And I love it in black and white!

  25. Cheryl says:

    Having watched this and cared for family members who’ve experienced this, I have some idea how painful this is and how much dignity is lost. I don’t know which is worse: the slow disappearance of a loved one to alzheimer’s or watching someone who’s fully congnizant lose control of their body. Since it’s not a contest, I’m gonna say they suck equally.

  26. Jayne says:

    This is interesting because where you see fear, I see peace.

  27. Anonymous says:

    I wasn’t sure if you were afraid of the fence or what’s beyond it.  I’m like a few others, I am not afraid of cemeteries any more.  Guess I am too old to care.  I look at it as just one more rest stop in life (gee, that sounds downright esoteric).  Life’s got enough problems that to worry about cemeteries and the zombies that might show up.  

  28. That is interesting.

  29. Kristen says:

    I’m there too. I actually really don’t like to step on the graves.  Wouldn’t you have flipped out if you would have run across a bell? 

  30. Lucy says:

    Yeah, I am not ready either!

  31. Jules says:

    oooh, that is a good one. I love the black and white too. Makes it more eerie. 

  32. Mike says:

    Eh.  Dead people don’t really bother me.  It’s the living ones you have to worry about.  :-/

  33. Selma says:

    I’m the opposite. I’ll happily go and sit in a cemetery. But shopping malls? Watch me freak out!

  34. Oh me too!

    I LOATHE the MALL. And shopping in general!

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