Beaten Down

This weekend filled with: non-stop holiday shopping, and returning things I thought I wanted (but apparently did not), fighting for parking spaces, way too many people = severe over crowding in the isles, playing chicken with other customers and their shoppings carts, coupled with one too many late nights (including my office Christmas party) has completely kicked my ass.

Rather than work on any of the 12 drafts that are almost ready not even close to finished for posting, or rather than write a complete work up about the travesty that is Christmas shopping…I only have the strength to leave you with a joke today: (double click for larger image)


About Meleah

Mother. Writer. Television Junkie. Pajama Jean Enthusiast.
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26 Responses to Beaten Down

  1. Nessa says:

    Three wise women rawks… hehehe

    … and the things they would have said after they left were hilarious 😀

  2. Chefmom says:

    That’s too funny!! A casserole! I’m with you..I spent Friday shopping, and the weekend partying. I am wiped out! I hate shopping in stores, I usually do it all online and this year I waited too long. UGH!! Never again!
    And we’ll have to catch up on the Jamesburg/Forsgate thing……Too weird!!

  3. Meleah says:



    I love how they are gossiping in the second half of the joke.

    Chef Mom:

    Um Yeah… WE have ALOT to talk about.

  4. Dazd says:

    That’s why I wait until December 23rd each year to shop. Most people are done and you get some good deals too.

  5. LOL this is really a good one!
    I especially like Virgin my $%#@, I knew her in school! It’s so funny 🙂

  6. Oh yeah, I hate to even run to grocery stores during this time. It’s SO crowded! It is as if people only do grocery shopping once a year, and only in December!

  7. Mimzie says:

    I feel your pain. I’m exhausted too and we’re not even to Christmas yet! UGH!

  8. Meleah says:


    I could NEVER wait that long. I would be too anxious. I just want to get it OVER with. I cant with last minuet.


    I loved this cartoon too. HA HA HA HA.

    I can not deal with going ANYWHERE this time of year. I am serious. I may look into getting one of those ‘personal shopper’ types for next year. Right? Let someone else fight the madness. I sure can’t stand to deal with this.


    I dont know how you keep things so upbeat and down right funny on your blog. I can barely create a sentence, or even concentrate for that matter.

  9. O GAWD…I SOOOO hear you……I am already worn down to a teeny tiny nub from Holiday preparations! So I’m going to take a nap! And it’s only 9:43AM!

  10. paisley says:

    well soon it will all be a memory,, so enjoy it if you can… the little joke thing rocked!!!!

  11. Meleah says:


    I am so very jealous of your 943 am NAP.


    Not soon enough. Seriously, I have NOT STOPPED since two weeks before The Move. I need a BREAK and soon…..

  12. Michael C says:

    Ha! We Three Queens Of Gossiping Are

  13. Dazd says:

    Ok you were busy with Holiday stuff. I got the other two up and running so we can get you up and going anytime soon.

    I’m off from Dec. 21st to Jan. 2nd. Pick the day and time, except this Saturday, and we’ll work on getting you logged in. k?

  14. Lis says:

    HAHAHAHAHAH this one’s a keeper!

    I really, really, really hate holiday shopping. I try to avoid all the shopping centres during this period since I generally prefer not to be trampled to death. Thank goodness for online shopping!

  15. Meleah says:


    HA HA ..Yep.


    Im sofa king busy from here on into Jan 3rd… (home and WORK crap…ugh) but, Ill do my best to get started. xxoo


    I cant. I really CANT stand it. I dont do online shopping…but I guess I probably should….hmmm… next year.

  16. pete says:

    I am not a fan of Christmas shopping, but it seems like everyone around my way has been done with it for a few days now. The stores I’ve been to aren’t busy at all. I don’t do malls, especially this time of year. Maybe that’s where the crowds are.

    I saw a band called “Sofa King” once in Birmingham (Alabama).

  17. dawn says:

    I needed that… thanks for the laugh… ‘virgin my ass’… LMAO

  18. I’ve been shopping so much that I can totally relate to how you feel … LOL!

    And those 3 wise women? Well, they’re women right, what do you expect … LOL!

  19. Meleah says:


    I am so done with shopping….but I still have more gifts to buy. So I guess I have to face another round of trips to the damn malls and face the general public.


    You make me laugh all the time with your cmics / weekend funnies. Glad I could return the favor.


    This is complete HELL.. I have lost the feeling of the spirit that is Christmas Magic….

  20. Roshan says:

    That was so funny about the 3 wise women. ROLF

  21. Rolando says:

    Hope you got me something good 🙂 Yours is in the mail once I find a box big enough for me to fit in.

  22. jeff says:

    Think a lot of folks are feeling frazzled… Time-out needed…

    But funny slides… Good post… I saw a donkey today that looked like it had seen better days. No, what a minute. That was me in the mirror…

  23. Selma says:

    Good joke. I hate Christmas shopping too. In my next life I want a personal shopper!

  24. Meleah says:


    Cracked me up too. Especially the “GOSSIP” on the second half of the joke.


    HA HA HA…. wrap yourself up!


    Right. Everyone I know is on edge.


    Next life? Try NEXT YEAR… I am getting one of those personal shopper types!

  25. Ricardo says:

    Yes the holiday shopping is a beast! I don’t miss it. The people are savages! I’ve had old ladies push me out of the way in stores. No more of that thank you.

  26. Meleah says:


    Its FUCKING NUTS. I will never like shopping, but this has to be the worst time of the year to be out in public.

    *I did discover that there are WAY LESS people in or at any store/mall on a Sunday around 8-10pm.

    Thats a solid 2 hour window of almost alone shopping time…if you stay focused on the task at hand, you can get alot done with little to NO annoyances.

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