
The scent ofย  burning leaves, fireplaces, and hot chocolate. Cozy sweaters, fleece pajamas, and crispy air on my face. Colorful scarves, rosy cheeks, and curling up in a blanket with a good book. Are just a few of the reasons, I love the Fall Season.

Ah, yes.

[*disclaimer: I did NOT take this photo. But, looking at it gives me a sense of peace.*]

So, my dear readers,ย  what do YOU *love*, or *hate*,ย  about this time of year?

About Meleah

Mother. Writer. Television Junkie. Pajama Jean Enthusiast.
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90 Responses to Autumn

  1. cardiogirl says:

    Get out of here — excellent photo! It reminds me of that scene in “When Harry Met Sally” when they’re walking Central Park with the orange and yellow leaves in the background.

  2. Anonymous says:

    It is one of the seasons I love. The crisp autumn air, the explosion of color on the trees, the gathering of families, the cornucopia of food offerings, spiced wine, college football, pre-Christmas sales, that sudden realization that you only 36 days until Christmas. There’s a lot to love about the fall.

    Except for raking leaves. I could do without too much of that.

  3. I like the fall but my only issue with it is the constant threat of snow. The weather people start mentioning potential flurries in October.

  4. Ron says:

    OH. MY GOD.

    This photo took my breath away! How stunning!

    Yes, my friend….I too love the Fall Season. And for all the reasons you shared!

    Plus…it’s our birthday time, isn’t it?

    tee, hee!


  5. Yeah, I love that photo too.
    Sadly, I did NOT take it.
    But looking at it makes me feel all peaceful.

  6. Oh raking leaves is a daunting task!
    Thankfully we live in a complex and pay association fees so other people
    rake them for us!

    PS: I didn’t take that photo!

    [im going to update this post with a disclaimer!]

  7. Yeah, I am NOT a fan of the snow either!

  8. Steve Skinner says:

    I too love the fall colors and the snap in the air!

  9. Jayne says:

    That’s a beautiful photo. I can see why it makes you feel peaceful. I think I like fires in the fireplace and hot eggnog with brandy. Plus everything is so crisp and fresh.

  10. Jayne, OMG – hot eggnog with brandy = hell.yes.

  11. Marty Wombacher says:

    I like fall and jacket weather, but I try not to think of the impending winter season it leads to. And that is a great photo, where did you find it? It looks like Central Park, but where are all the people?

  12. Bone says:

    Gorgeous. I can almost feel the cool dampness.

    I always wonder why I can never find those picture-perfect fall/winter scenes around here. Well, winter I know why — it rarely snows.

  13. Marty, I found this photo three years ago on another friends blog who also
    did not know the source. Consensus seems to be it was taken in Central Park.
    But yeah, where ARE all the people!

  14. Im not a fan of the snow. At all!

  15. Oscar says:

    It IS a nice picture! Thats all nice – but it only lasts a little while. I don’t rake leaves, so that doesn’t bother me. The foliage is nice for those 3 days. its just a peaceful introduction to hell. WINTER (oh! I scared myself).

    You’re missing something under that blanket.

  16. Anonymous says:

    as i get older, i definitly find myself appreciating Fall much more….

  17. I’m NOT ready for the winter!
    But I wouldn’t mind if things stayed like this for a few months!

  18. Shawn says:

    That is a terrific pic.
    Apart from the pictures I’m not a fan of autumn or the weather that comes with it. I’d take a snowstorm over the cold rain.

  19. Thanks for dropping by!

  20. Ziva says:

    What I hate about autumn the most is that it’s over already. Lots of snow on the ground here. *sigh*

  21. Random Chick says:

    Pumpkin Lattes at Starbucks! ๐Ÿ™‚

  22. Lovely photo. But damned if it doesn’t look butt ugly cold to me!

  23. cmk says:

    I WON’T mention my #1 reason to love fall–you already KNOW that one. ๐Ÿ˜‰ Fall, to me, means no more bugs–of MOST kinds–and no more bats. Who could ask for more?

    Fall has always been my favorite season, with winter (AFTER the Christmas holidays are over) being my second favorite. The snow just gives me a legitimate excuse to be a hermit. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  24. Lyndadesordi says:

    You are right, looking at this pic is very comforting!!! This coming from a die-hard lover of the sun and fun of summer!!!!

  25. Nicky says:

    I love that picture! Fall colours are gorgeous, but filling 42 garbage bags with dead leaves is a drag. Hot chocolates are delicious, especially when you add a healthy dose of Bailey’s Irish Cream to them! Truly though, I am not a fan of autumn. Things are dying, it’s getting colder, I wake up and it’s nighttime dark outside,it’s getting colder, I leave work and it’s nighttime dark outside, it’s getting colder, the wind whips my bottom lip right over the top of my head…I think you can see where I’m going with this ๐Ÿ™‚

  26. I can handle the cold.
    But that’s because I don’t leave my house when its too cold!

  27. I can handle the cold.
    But that’s because I don’t leave my house when its too cold!

  28. I can handle the cold.
    But that’s because I don’t leave my house when its too cold!

    GO WINGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    GO WINGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    GO WINGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  32. Ahahaha.
    OMG Aunt Lynda, WOW.
    You hate this kind of weather!

  33. Ahahaha.
    OMG Aunt Lynda, WOW.
    You hate this kind of weather!

  34. Ahahaha.
    OMG Aunt Lynda, WOW.
    You hate this kind of weather!

  35. Ahahhahahaha! Yes, Nicky, I see where you’re going with this!!!
    ……it’s getting colder…….

  36. Ahahhahahaha! Yes, Nicky, I see where you’re going with this!!!
    ……it’s getting colder…….

  37. Ahahhahahaha! Yes, Nicky, I see where you’re going with this!!!
    ……it’s getting colder…….

  38. It’s a beautiful photo, whoever took it!

    I like all the seasons, cold weather included, except I don’t like rain and wind in the winter time.

  39. I just don’t like DRIVING in the wind and the rain.
    But I love looking at it while in pajamas from my bedroom window!
    And I am NOT a fan of SNOW. At. All!

  40. territerri says:

    I love the color in the trees and the fact that the temps are no longer hot, but not quite cold either. Fall is my favorite season, but it doesn’t last long enough around here, especially this year!

  41. I agree. The fall does NOT last long enough!

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