Are You There, Internet? It’s Me, Meleah.


It sure has been awhile since I’ve been able to write anything. [*blows dust off keyboard*]

I wish I could regale you with glorious tales explaining my sudden and abrupt disappearance, but sadly, that’s not the case.

Less than two weeks ago I was rushed to the hospital. I had to undergo a very painful emergency procedure, which subsequently left me in extreme agony thereafter. Even the magical powers of heavy-duty painkillers didn’t provide much relief. Quite frankly it’s still a little difficult to find a way to sit comfortably. And, I still have two more follow-up doctors appointments later this week to ensure all is healing properly.

Without going into any details, I have decided not to write about what happened publicly for several reasons.

1. It’s highly embarrassing and utterly humiliating.

[Yes, I know. Normally those kinds of stories are my specialty. But not this time.]

2. It’s pretty graphic.

[And by graphic, I really mean it’s so disgusting, that reading about it may actually cause your eyeballs to rupture.]

3. I still cannot figure out how to convey this story without making my own stomach turn.


I have shared what happened with a few of my long-time-readers, and close friends. And I am open to emailing curious minds that NEED to know. However, if you request an email from me in the comments – don’t say I didn’t warn you.

I am happy to report, that I am doing MUCH better. And even though I am not ready to start writing again, I’m confident that I can begin making my ‘Internet Rounds’ by reading and commenting on all of YOUR blogs. Because oh, how I’ve missed ya’ll!

PS: While I’ve been out of commission I celebrated another birthday. At 36 years old I am now officially closer to 40 than I am to 30. Lovely.

About Meleah

Mother. Writer. Television Junkie. Pajama Jean Enthusiast.
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112 Responses to Are You There, Internet? It’s Me, Meleah.

  1. cardiogirl says:

    Aww yeah! I'm first!

    Happy belated birthday and I do want to know but I'm sort of afraid to know, you know? I wonder if I could write a coherent sentence using the word know four times instead of just three. Here's to a speedy recovery and more birthday cake!

  2. agg79 says:

    Happy Belated Birthday. It sucks that you had to celebrate it in such a fashion.

    I am shocked and sorry you have been going through so much. I know that it had to be one hellofa situation to keep you down for so long. I only hope that everything is alright now and you are getting better. Wishing you a speedy recovery.

  3. Nicky says:

    Happy belated birthday Meleah, but more importantly – speedy recovery! Poor you, you've really been through the wringer lately. Please let me know if you need anything, seriously. The internet isn't the same without you 🙂

  4. Noemi says:

    Feel better soon, Mel!

  5. The Chick says:

    Holy Crap ! Ok, you know I need to know. Please email me sweetie 🙁

  6. moooooog35 says:

    May I be first to congratulate you, then, on your successful sex-change procedure.

    It's 'Mark' now, right?

  7. Marty Wombacher says:

    I wondered what happened to you. Happy belated birthday, you don't look a day over 29! Sorry to hear about the health problems and I wish you a speedy recovery and if you have any pain pills left that you don't need, I could dispose of them for you. Feel better soon and if you want to share the information via email feel free. Okay, I'm dying to know what's going on. Maybe you should rethink writing a blog about it. They say the best humor comes from pain. Just a thought.

  8. BobG says:

    Happy belated birthday. Don't worry about being 36, I've been married for 37 years, so think how I feel. You look better than a lot of girls younger than you, so your age doesn't matter.
    Hope you recover soon; hearing that you had something seriously wrong is troubling; the fact that something bothers you that much concerns me. When it comes to medical problems outside our control, it doesn't make any sense to feel disgusted or humiliated, it's not your fault. If you decide to let some of us know the details, believe me we will not think anything bad about you.

  9. Ron says:

    OMG, I was sooooo happy to see that you had posted, because last night I was getting ready to email you to see how you were.

    I've MISSED you!

    HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY, my Libra friend!

    So sorry to hear about your emergency, and GOD, if anyone can have compassion and understanding it's me, considering the emergency dental surgery I had to go through back in July – ICK! And please do email me if you wish, because trust me….I can take reading anything after posting about my abscess drain!

    Sending ya a BIG hug, girl….

    (((( Meleah )))))


    You take care!

  10. Aw. Thanks Cardio Girl!

    Well if you have a strong stomach, check your email inbox!

    If you don't have a strong stomach delete the message I sent you!


  11. Thanks Agg. I seriously had THE WORST month in September.

    Hopefully October will prove to be better!

    Thank you for the birthday wishes.

  12. Aw. Thanks Nicky. You're such a sweetheart.

    I'm lucky to have found you and I am even luckier to call you my friend.


  13. Okay! But you've been warned!

    Check your inbox.

  14. Ahahahahaha! I think THAT would have been LESS painful!


  15. Thanks Marty.

    I will send you the email. Maybe YOU can tell me HOW in the world I can

    write a blog post about it!

  16. Oh Bob. Thank you.

    You've always been such a wonderful source of support to me.

    IF I ever figure out HOW to make this situation humorous, I MIGHT reconsider

    blogging about it. But, that's doubtful!


  17. Oh Ronnie! You rock.

    I love you to pieces.

    I will send you the email. But trust me, it's HORRIFING!

    Thank you for my birthday wishes.

    Check your INBOX.


  18. Roshan says:

    Dearest, what's wrong with your health these days? You always seem to be getting ill. I hope u are going to feel better soon and back to 100% in no time. Hugs

  19. Happy Birthday Meleah! I am so sorry you have had health issues. And you have been in pain. This actually sounds bad. In any case, get yourself well. We'll all be here when you get back. Again, I really am sorry you're been going through something nasty.

  20. Silverneurotic says:

    Oh no, you were sick! I'm soo sorry. I'm definitely sending some healing vibes your way, just to guarantee that everything is healing up correctly. I'm pretty sure that I wished you Happy Birthday on Facebook, but Happy Birthday again.

  21. Thank you so much Linda. September has been such a rough month for me.

    Hopefully, October will be BETTER!

  22. Thanks Nik!

    You rock.


  23. Jaffer says:

    I was thinking of you earlier this week – but then I thought you deserved a break from the internet.

    I am so sorry whatever happened but I am glad you were able to post something

    Happy Belated Birthday !

  24. Geoffrey says:

    still awaiting the blog related to the picture! 🙂 Happy belated birthday. Unfortunately I think I have socks that are 36…

  25. Ahahahaha! Okay. I will work on that later this week!

  26. Random Chick says:

    Hi Meleah! Glad to see that you're back! Come visit my blog. I've moved over to WordPress and I LOVE IT!

  27. Sorry to hear about a bloggie break that was unplanned and unwelcome. We unfortunately endure a lot of surgeries at our house – so know all about healing and pain and quaffing those pain pills….hope you heal soon….off to read your take on the Katie Perry tempest in a teapot…

  28. Yikes! Sorry to hear you've had such trouble. But I'm glad you seem to have come through it with colors!

  29. Thanks Paul. Almost on the mend. At least I can read blogs from my bed!

  30. I'm a Luddite — where do I sign up as a follower?

  31. Hmmm. That's a good question!

    I think you can click on the big blinking orange RSS feed

  32. geechee_girl says:

    hugs to you my love 🙂

  33. Right back at YOU!


  34. With me having gastroparesis… stomach troubles and digestive troubles… I can relate to problems you deal with considering your problems. I have a few guesses… I am concerned and wish I knew what happened, but if you would like to keep that private I understand. But my heart goes out to you – I knew you were having some issues but not anything like you have described… I am so upset for you!!! Hang in there… you are too amazing a person to have bad things happen…. keep strong!

  35. Thank you so much Katherine.

    You rock!

    I will send you the email with the story about what happened.

    For once, it's NOT stomach related – but man I wish it was!

  36. cardiogirl says:

    I am one nosy mofo — I love “Mystery Diagnosis” and “Dr. G: Medical Examiner” on Discovery Health — so I was actually looking forward to your email. Thanks for indulging my curiosity. That's crazy woman. I'm so sorry to hear about that and yet I definitely learned whole lotta something new today.

    Day-um; I hope your recovery is swift life a stealth ninja.

  37. Loz says:

    Glad to hear you're OK but being a coward I'll pass on the details 🙂

  38. Glad to have you back! And glad you're feeling better. Whatever the procedure was, it's clear they didn't take your sense of humor.
    Rest well, and don't rush it. Take care.

  39. Jayne says:

    Sorry you've been down for the count. I don't need to know, but I need you to know I'm thinking of you and sending you my wishes for a speedy recovery. And Happy Birthday. The 40's rocked so don't feel bad about getting there.

  40. Thanks Woman! I told you it was messed up!

    And this whole experience sure taught me A LOT about the female body as


  41. Good Call! And, Thank You!

  42. Thank you One Of The Guys!

    Im ALMOST healed.

  43. Aw! Thanks Jayne!


  44. Ker526 says:

    I hope you get better quick, and I might not comment much, but I am a regular reader and love your blog. I can't believe you can't “spin” this one into something “bloggable” …so I hate being curious, but I need to know if you don't mind sharing.

    OH and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! 36 is the new 21 🙂

  45. Hi Ker. Nice to *meet* you. Thank you for the lovely compliment.

    And sadly, I am REALLY having a hard time spinning this one into something

    readable for the internet. I will send you the details, but you've been


    PS: Im loving 36 is the new 21!


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