30 Days Of Photography | Day 23: Underwater


* I am participating in a 30-Day-Photo-Challenge along with these fine people.

About Meleah

Mother. Writer. Television Junkie. Pajama Jean Enthusiast.
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70 Responses to 30 Days Of Photography | Day 23: Underwater

  1. MalisaHargrove says:

    If you were in my part of the country and saw a turtle crossing a road, you would expect rain. It is an old wive’s tale but one that most around here believe. Yes, it usually does rain with 24 hours after a turtle crosses a road.

  2. HeSaidHisTelephoneNumberWas911 says:

    Way! And no, he didn’t go ’round in circles.

  3. ladyV says:

    oh wow, how cool is that!

  4. Coco says:

    How big is this turtle? They are beautiful and funny to watch. Nice photo!

  5. That’s super cool to know!

  6. Cheryl P. says:

    Yes, I agree…hard to think of a reptile as cute and cuddly. Creepy is as good of adjective as anything I can think of.

  7. TURTLE! And slow enough to capture on film like you said!!!!! Yeaaaa!

  8. Kelley @ magnetoboldtoo says:

    those little buggers freak me the hell out.

  9. agg79 says:

    I’ve woken up some mornings feeling like he looks.

  10. Pingback:   30 Days Of Photography: Round Up [2] — Momma Mia, Mea Culpa

  11. Selma says:

    Awwww. Ain’t he cute?

  12. He scares me! Glad he doesn’t live in my house!

  13. I think it’s gross!

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