NaBloPoMo | Day 3: Naps

Okay, people.

I am totally working on my Hurricane Sandy story as requested. And it might very well become a three part miniseries because there’s just way too much to put everything in one post.

Also, since I am still stuck out here in Pennsylvania and since I am participating in both NaBloPoMo and NaNoWriMo I’m finding it slightly difficult to get as much writing done as I would like.

And it’s not just because I am away from my usual writing set-up within the comfy confines of my bedroom, also known as my purple paradise.

It’s mostly because it’s really hard to focus when you’re sitting next to this hot mess.



Seriously, y’all.

How am I supposed to get any work done?

Especially when I am laughing so much.

About Meleah

Mother. Writer. Television Junkie. Pajama Jean Enthusiast.
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28 Responses to NaBloPoMo | Day 3: Naps

  1. territerri says:

    Your brother is TOO funny! How does anyone actually sleep like that?

    Hope things settle down soon so that you can go home and really settle into your month of writing!

  2. I’ll send Henry over… he’ll make short work of your brother’s nap. Then you can get some work done. (If Henry doesn’t decide it’s your turn for doggy play time.)

  3. Lucy says:

    Oh,my gosh, too funny!! I think you are going to get some different type of blogging material from your new location LOL

  4. Cheryl P. says:

    Hot mess…exhausted mess…potato….pa-tah-to. (still, I see why you are laughing)

  5. Ron says:

    “Seriously, y’all.

    How am I supposed to get any work done?

    Especially when I am laughing so much.”

    Bwahahhaahahhahahaha! OMG…that photo CRACKED ME UP!!!!!!!!!

    Looking forward to reading your Hurricane Sandy story, Meleah!

    Have a peaceful weekend, girl!


  6. Thanks, Ron!

    My area STILL has no power. So it looks like I’m staying in PA a little longer.


  7. I have NO IDEA how he’s sleeping like this!

  8. HeSaidHisTelephoneNumberWas911 says:

    Well, it’s easy to see how he hooked Leah. Who could resist that? And never spilled his beer, Yes! Best of luck with your writing, in the face of adversity.

  9. shadowrun300 says:

    Too funny! I can see why it would be hard to write in your current environment, yet you MUST be racking up tons of material!

  10. Meleah, you never EVER bore me… in fact, I leave your blog laughing ALL THE TIME… or being so moved I am choked up. I had not seen the picture… I read “this hot mess”… looked down and DIED LAUGHING!!! XXXOOO!!!!!!

  11. agg79 says:

    Classy. I’m sure you don’t do anything juvenile like balance a beer bottle on his belly or place something on his head. I’m sure that is inspiring you to write all sorts of stories.

  12. Nah, we just took photos of him like this!

  13. SilverNeurotic says:

    How is that even comfortable?

  14. Right?

    I have NO IDEA how he slept like this.
    He even had full mouth open & snoring!

  15. Pingback:   NaBloPoMo | Day 4: Still | Otherwise Known As Hurricane Sandy – Part 4 — Momma Mia, Mea Culpa

  16. ladyV says:

    interesting position. that is all.

  17. Selma says:

    Does he do a lot of yoga? I’m impressed by his balance. HAHAHAHA.

  18. oldereyes says:

    That picture is dying for a caption. If I think of one, I’ll come back and post it.

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