Writing Rituals And The Muse

I’m pretty sure we all have our own brand of Writing Rituals.


For me, whenever I sit down to write I must have a few things in order.

  1. I can only use my computer.
  2. I light my favorite scented candles.
  3. I make a fresh pot of brewed coffee.
  4. I open a new pack of cigarettes.
  5. I need complete silence. [I cannot write with music or the television playing in the background, and so help the person who interrupts me when I am in the zone. Which explains why I do the bulk of my writing in the middle of the night.]
  6. Lastly, I wear the ‘Same Outfit’, and I refer to it as my ‘Writing Uniform’. [Don’t worry. I wash it every night.]

But lately, no matter what I was doing? I was still having a very difficult time stringing together sentences. And it was certainly NOT for a lack of material. I have a plethora of blog fodder. However, I was finding it ‘Half Past Impossible’ to properly articulate or convey those stories. And by that I mean, I sat in front of my computer for days and days only to construct long-winded and boring posts. [read: pure drivel.] No amount of editing would help, and no matter how many times I tried walking away or starting over, NOTHING sounded right. It all just came across flat.

And here’s what was the MOST vexing.

It seemed like I was only able to come up with any ideas [or words for that matter] when I was driving my car. But, since I was behind the wheel of a moving vehicle, I could not very well write down any of those ideas. And by the time I got home? My brain would completely go blank. Clearly, my muse was messing with me. She showed up at the most inopportune times and then she vanished when I needed her.

After two weeks of this nonsense, I was beyond frustrated. I was just about ready to rip out my own hair and set myself on fire – when something almost magical happened.

I took my son shopping for some clothes at Target when I stumbled upon a set of pajamas that I just had to have. Of course, I immediately purchased them. On the ride home, I decided these pajamas would be perfect to use as my new ‘Writing Uniform’. And wouldn’t you know it? Not two seconds after making that decision? My head was filled with words. Oh yes, those elusive and ever-so glorious words that I had been searching for – finally arrived.

I was smiling from ear to ear while funny phrases and silly puns galloped through my mind. But, then I realized I was IN MY CAR! And that meant if I didn’t figure out a way to retain these thoughts, ideas, and words, they would most likely be gone by the time I got home. So what was a girl to do?

In a panic, I asked my son to grab my iPhone. He did. Then, I told him to hurry up and find the camera button. He obliged. And thankfully, I was able to record everything! When I got home? I washed my new pajamas. I got dressed in them. I played back all of my notes. And I’ve been able to write ever since.

Yes people. I think I found my voice again. Apparently, I needed to out-fox my muse and buy a new Uniform.

So tell me…

What are some of YOUR ‘Writing Rituals’?

And how do you coax your muse into delivering substantial material on demand?

About Meleah

Mother. Writer. Television Junkie. Pajama Jean Enthusiast.
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83 Responses to Writing Rituals And The Muse

  1. I don't have any such rituals, for me, it's just finding time to even blog … LOL!

  2. Yeah, finding the TIME to blog has been very tough this summer. It's the first year my son is NOT going to camp and I'm pretty busy trying to keep him entertained/occupied. It's also the first summer I've been playing SO MUCH golf. And while I have a TON of material from the course, I'm find it hard to translate into blog posts, considering that very material is mostly made up of Inside Jokes. I think I just need to SCRAP that entire draft, and choose a whole new subject to write about. Besides, I have some self-depreciating stories I could share. Those usually go over well!

  3. agg79 says:

    Fire up the computer. Start the coffee. Walk the dogs. Check e-mails. Log into work (see what kind of day I'm going to have). Read the local headlines. Open up my blog for any comments (none 🙁 ). Check my favorite blogs for updates. Try to start a new posting if my muse is awake. Sometimes the words just spew forth, other times – nada.

    I find that I have great ideas throughout the day for themes. A trick I use is to jot down the idea and e-mail it to my home address. With a blackberry, I can do it on the fly. Sometimes I e-mail an idea from my laptop when I have time. I think your iPhone technique is great. You ought to post some of those comments/videos. That way we get to see a great mind at work…

  4. sheilasultani says:

    I do the candle, coffee, cigarette thing, but quiet? Never in this house with three little brats running around. I also have my favorite comfy clothes which are usually lounge pants and t-shirts from Gap. Whenever I get ideas I usually start a draft blog post and keep adding them there. At least you don't get blog post ideas during sex – can you imagine, pulling out your iphone and blurting out post ideas?

  5. Ann T Hathaway says:

    Dear Meleah,
    My ritual is different depending on the kind of work. Journaling and metaphoric connections-through reading, photographs, for memoir-type things.

    For novels, the people honestly start talking and I just start writing down their conversations. I think about the people before I go to bed every night, and let them talk in my subconscious that night.

    Must have coffee. Must have own computer. Must Smoke. The last time I quit, no words. I am sure that can be overcome, but hell. I do not answer phone while writing either.

    For poetry, no music, especially-WORDS. Go outside of my house when my press of words is coming. Sit at neutral table in quiet coffee house and write as much as possible. Go home and type it.

    As for WHY, it is just life. It lives, doesn't it? It has to happen or I am not complete.

    Thanks for asking!
    Ann T.

  6. Jaffer says:

    I don't have any rituals – but I do come up with good ideas when I am walking and great ideas when I am in the toilet – both of which times I have do access to a pen and writing pad.

    Doh !

  7. Anne says:


    You are the second person I have read about who has special work pajamas. I can't believe I never thought of that before. I can't wait until I no longer have to drive kids all around town and can start wearing work pajamas.

  8. The Chick says:

    Just like you – it hits me in the car and I scribble notes while driving

  9. Thanks Agg.
    MAYBE I will post the audio of my thinking process!

  10. Shelia:
    That would be HILARIOUS.
    And would probably make for a very interesting post!

  11. Oh Ann, I shut my phones off too! I forgot to mention that one!
    I like your methods, and the next time I get stumped for two weeks?
    I might just try out some of your ideas!

  12. Working in Pajamas = BEST THING EVER!

  13. You write and drive?
    That's funny!
    I'd be too scared of crashing my car!

  14. Marty Wombacher says:

    Since I have to update my blog every day, I have no rituals. Half the time I'm still half asleep, but the rule at my blog is if I don't update every day I have to start my journey all over again. So every morning I have a self-imposed deadline. It's really been good for me and has taught me to write even when I don't want to. (P,S. Everytime I try to enter my website it says it's not a valid value, do you know why?) Looking forward to your new blogs!

  15. Marty:
    Hmmm. Maybe I need to implement self-imposed deadlines!
    And no. I have NO IDEA why you are getting that message?

  16. Ron says:

    OMG….you are too funny, girl!

    “I decided these pajamas would be perfect to use as my new ‘Writing Uniform'”

    And you know what? I TOTALLY believe you too! Sometimes even changing or adding one little thing different to our lives opens the gates of inspiration.

    You and so alike in our rituals.

    I can only use my computer (no handwriting), complete silence (no TV or music), and of course…my cigarettes!

    Glad to hear your new PJ's did it!

    Happy Monday, my friend!

  17. dcr says:

    I was going to suggest a tape recorder, but an iPhone will do. 😉

  18. Happy Monday to you too!
    Who knew something as simple as NEW pajamas would do the trick!

  19. I get my best ideas while driving in the car too. Usually when going to visit my mother who lives 40 miles away. I don't record them, I just let them swim around my head while I drive. Because I am alone (without kids) it works well and I can remember and develop the ideas.

    You must post a picture of these magical pajamas.

  20. It sure did!
    Thanks DCR!

  21. Lucy says:

    I do my best thinking in the shower. It drives me nuts!! I lose a lot of it by the time I get dressed and like you I can't just get dressed, sit down and write but I do keep a journal and I jot notes down. BUT, I must have NOISE to write and mostly TELEVISION. I obviously and not watching what is on but I must have the background noise. I have just learned how to schedule posts, I know, waaaaay behind the times. I tried once, failed and never tried again BUT just recently tried again, worked and now I am on a roll. Anyways, I with scheduling I am learning to write all posts as I have the MUSE and then schedule them!!! I am hoping that this will help some!! Especially since I have a new adventure on the horizon and will need to schedule posts so my blog doesn't get lost in the shuffle!!

  22. I will totally post a photo of my new magic pajamas.
    I wish my brain worked like yours.
    Seriously, if I don't write it down?
    I cannot remember anything anymore!
    Maybe I'm having an early onset of Alzheimer's!

  23. Lucy:
    Its VERY wise of you to take full advantage of writing everything you can
    while your muse is clearly running on all cylinders.

    And I am totally super excited to hear about your new adventure!

  24. silverneurotic says:

    I write while lounging on my bed with my netbook. I have to have music on, and I take frequent breaks (every page or so) where I will either visit a blog or read a few pages of whatever book I'm current devouring. I get distracted when people are around or the tv is on, but music and some new to read every few minutes seems to do the trick.

  25. ladybanana says:

    I have no rituals or routines, I'm lucky when I have the time and energy to blog at all after a long day at work 🙁

  26. Kellypea says:

    What rituals? hahahaha Still trying to blow the dust off of my writing brain after putting it in a closet for a year. Let's say that I'm completely convinced now (like, didn't I already know?) that if you never take the time to day dream, relax, or have the time for truly creative pursuits, trying to write is like trying to light a wet log. *sigh* So yah. Trying to get back into some kind of a routine. Did come across some great writing advice today, though. Check it out http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/jacketcopy/2010

  27. I need to take breaks fairly often as well. Otherwise I find myself rushing
    too much and things never sound right when I rush them!

  28. Aw. Yeah, finding TIME to blog is also an issue for me this time of year.

  29. Thanks Kelly Pea!
    I think that was definitely part of my problem.
    For the last two weeks I was trying to FORCE a blog post.
    And when it's not truly genuine it SOUNDS that way!

    I sincerely hope YOU do get back into a writing routine.
    You have ALWAYS been one of my FAVORITE bloggers. And I really miss you!
    BTW, I am STILL president of your fan club!


  30. Jeez, I'm glad I'm not the only one! But I'm glad you recaptured your muse. Sometimes actually breaking up the routine can help. Sounds like you needed to do just that. And of course having some type of voice recording device can help too. You never know when the muse might strike. I've lost lots of great material when I don't write stuff down. Saying to myself, “I'll remember, is a joke.”

    I think summer is a difficult time in general. I have so much less time since I'm home full time with my kids. It's driving me crazy and I barely have enough energy to get a few things done after they're in bed. The last thing I want to do is write!

  31. Sadly, I don't. I sometimes write a long blog post, read it back and it's boring, so I save and close the document. I come back to it the next day and it either does nothing for me, so I bin it, or I find myself madly editing it into a somewhat amusing post. If it isn't right when I first write it, I always come back another day, never the same day.

  32. I am seeing that all over the internet – bloggers everywhere are having a
    difficult time writing,and or reading/commenting. It's just that time of

    And yeah, I have a better chance of becoming a lottery winner than I do of
    remembering something without writing it down!

  33. That's great advice. Thanks Babs.

  34. Now, Meleah, you do not need to wash the writing uniform every night. Writing does not get you dirty. I'm glad you got pj's because if you write in the middle of the night, I'd hate for you to feel the need to put on “the outfit” to do so. I have no rituals other than yelling at the dogs when they bark and break my train of thought because someone with a dog walks by our house. My iphone has a recording device. Yours may too. Might be just the thing for when you are driving.

  35. cmk says:

    If ideas don't come to me at 4:00 AM, as I'm FINALLY falling asleep, then they come to me in the shower. And THAT is why I had to buy myself a Droodle. (http://www.thedroodle.com) Don't know what I ever did without waterproof paper! 😀

  36. Ahahaha. Linda! That's true. Just writing does NOT make me dirty!
    But all that smoking and occasionally spilling my coffee ON my pajamas
    [otherwise known as the Writing Uniform] does make me dirty!

  37. Jayne says:

    If I don't write first thing in the morning before the day imposes its demands, I'm basically screwed. Whenever an idea strikes me, even if it's only a title, I jot it down in a word doc and file it. So I have tons of docs with just a few words that I sift through from time to time and often one will jump up and down and cry “Pick me! Pick me!” And I do… Lately, I've been buried in “real” work which I also do at home on the computer so my brain has been fried and it's been harder to light that spark.

    Maybe I need new pajamas… 😉

  38. Yes! Apparently 'New Pajamas' are essential!

  39. Momzombie64 says:

    Don't let high speed get in the way of great ideas. I also get my best ideas while driving. I keep a notebook and pen in my console. Over the years, thanks to a long career as a reporter, I developed the amazing skill of writing with my right hand while driving with my left. Never did my eyes leave the road. I revise and correct at red lights. Dome light employed when necessary. Always have a notebook and pen handy for getting those flashes of brilliance down before they vanish into the ether.

  40. Nicky says:

    I only had trouble the one time when it was 95 degrees with 100% humidity and my brain melted. Oh yeah, and that other time I quit smoking and my brain decided to cop an attitude and refused to think of anything other than what an idiot I was without nicotine – my brain is SUCH a tempermental bitch! I can even write with the TV going and/or the kids yelling and fighting (like now!) because if I couldn't I'd never be able to DO anything ever.

  41. territerri says:

    I love that you have your ritual so nailed down. Mine's not so disciplined. Of course, I have to have MY laptop and I prefer to be sitting in MY recliner. But it seems like this house is never free of noise, so peace and quiet, though preferred, is hard to achieve. I really prefer if other people aren't around, but again, there are 5 people living in this house, and getting up in the middle of the night isn't an option.

    So… I'm forever working on the ideal environment. I take advantage when I can and just do the best I can. Someday maybe I'll have my own little quiet office where I can shut the door and keep all the noise and people out for a while when I want to write.

  42. Hdwoonie23 says:

    Hi there! I don't write well enough to have rituals … at least any I am aware of. Hard pressed to come up with something I guess it would be that it's hard to begin, stop, begin again, stop, etc. I tend to write in one big spurt.

    PS … I saw your comment on Stafford's post and agree with you!

  43. mikewj at toomanymornings says:

    Your muse is a pair of pajamas? I love that!

  44. Thanks Momzombie!
    You're pretty freaking talented to be able to drive and write at the same
    time without taking your eyes off the road! I may need some lessons!

  45. Oh snap! Its been 100 + degrees WITH 100% humidity for WEEKS in NJ.
    Maybe I have lost too many brain cells in this heat wave!

    Yeah, um, there is NO WAY I will try quitting smoking! At least not at this
    point in my life! I cant IMAGINE trying to write sans nicotine!

    Kudos on being able to write with all that noise!

  46. Here's to you getting that kind of space one day!
    I don't know how you do it, and how you do it so well even with 5 people in
    the house and during daylight hours!

    I have 5 people living in this house too, but that's why the only time I can
    write is during those crazy nighttime hours!

  47. Stafford is such a funny poet! He makes me laugh a lot!
    Welcome to my blog.

  48. Indeed. My muse IS a pair of pajamas!

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