Wow. ‘Nice’ Vanity Plate

Yeah. Um….

And by “nice” I really mean Ewwwww.

My girlfriend Andrea saw that Vanity License Plate on a Honda Odyssey Mini Van! WTF? I really can’t believe the New Jersey DMV let this one slide.

I know my friend and fellow blogger CardioGirl has seen her fair share of interesting vanity plates.

What’s the craziest, weirdest, strangest, funniest, or even most offensive plate you’ve ever seen?

About Meleah

Mother. Writer. Television Junkie. Pajama Jean Enthusiast.
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78 Responses to Wow. ‘Nice’ Vanity Plate

  1. cardiogirl says:

    I just saw JMCOMBS and assumed that's the guy's initials and last name — as in J.M. Combs. I would never, EVER, put any part of my name on my license plate. There are a lot of psychos driving behind the wheel out there and I don't want them looking me up on Zabasearch.

    Side note: Zabasearch is THE place I go to find out how old people are. I have an insane amount of curiosity when it comes to how old people are. So whenever I meet a new mother at school I put her first and last name in, choose Michigan as the state and nine times out of ten I find out what year she was born.

    In fact just yesterday I learned that my optometrist is 33. I was depressed but was happy that she was at least 30.

  2. Lisa says:

    EWWW! There's a tag around the corner here from work that used to boggle my brain until one day the light went on: nrocinu – I bet you all can get that easily. Me? 4 months and I'm pretty good at this too!

    Anyone know?

  3. Yeah, I never understood why people put their NAMES on their plates? And now I am totally going to check out this Zabasearch site you speak of!

  4. I have no idea! I am terrible at figuring those things out. You're just going to have to tell me!

  5. Ziva says:

    Ewww…! We're not big on custom plates around here. I think the funniest I've seen is TOY-1. We're pretty boring.

  6. Boring plates are good!

  7. Yeah, I read the same as you at first. Maybe the owner is a bit naive and was trying to say, “Come Taker Her.” As in my girlfriend or possibly a challenge to out run the car. Who know what goes through some people's head, but at first read it makes you do a double take for sure.

  8. Okay, spill it…this is driving me crazy!!

  9. Hmmm… Interesting spin!

  10. Yeah Lisa! What does “nrocinu” mean??!!

  11. I can't say we see that many custom number plates in the UK. Other than the rich and famous. Some companies do it though.

  12. Jayne says:

    I sold health supplements for awhile and my license plate said CHZHLTH which was supposed to be “Choose Health,” but everyone thought it meant “Cheese Health.” The ridicule eventually led me to take it off and I'll never have a vanity plate again.

  13. Ewwww! Maybe it got by the DMV because it is spelled incorrectly.

  14. Holy crap! I cannot believe that license plate exists. Even if they called the guy to explain it and it turned out to be the name of his puppies, virgins, and rainbows preschool, they shouldn't have let him take it. I remember applying for a vanity plate that was my nickname MANJO and I got called about THAT! What could you possibly misinterpret THAT to mean??????

  15. I see some weird ones, but this one take the cake!

  16. Ahahahahahahahahaahahha!

  17. Who knows! The DMV is all messed up!

  18. Yeah really what's wrong with MANJO?

    This tag however, is OFF THE CHAIN crazy.

  19. Ron says:

    OMG…it sounds like the title of a porn movie about swapping.



    I know I must be crazy, but I think it's HYSTERICAL! I don't think I've ever seen a license plate that was crazy, weird, strange, or funny. Not like this one!

    Hope you had a great day, my friend!


  20. This DOES sound like a porn movie!

    And, hell yes, THIS is the craziest tag EVAH!

  21. territerri says:

    A friend at work has a Smart Car. She thinks it looks like a toy car, so she wanted her plates to say “Wheee!” (As in, wind it up and watch it go. Wheee!) “Wheee” was taken, so she made it “Ouiii”. Thought that was pretty cool.

    Saw one awhile ago that said “LUVJOURNEY” (that seems like too many letters… something similar.) Saw one this week that said “SONRIZE.” Thought that was kind of cool… kind of preachy… but cool.

    I really hate when you can't figure out what personalized plates mean. That happens a lot in Minnesota.

  22. agg79 says:

    Snort. That's funny. I'm already hearing their theme music in my head right now (Bow Chica Bow Wow).

    I've seen all sorts of plates down here. Some cute, some funny, some plain stupid.

    Funiest plate I've seen lately: PMPN8EZ

  23. See, now THOSE kind of plates ARE cool!

  24. Okay, I think I LOVE that tag! HA!


  25. moooooog35 says:

    Please tell me that a woman was driving this.

  26. LOL! You're right, Ewwww is the right word 😀 Over here we don't have the liberty of having plates like that, our plates are more like prison cell numbers … LOL!

  27. LOL! You're right, Ewwww is the right word 😀 Over here we don't have the liberty of having plates like that, our plates are more like prison cell numbers … LOL!

  28. Maybe it's an Indian name, you know kind of like Kumar. Or is it Kumt? Wow, that would be screwed up. Doesn't anybody know how to spell?

  29. Ker526 says:

    HA HA HA – but seriously what if that person either owned or worked at a sperm bank? then it would all make sense 🙂

  30. It certainly would make a lot MORE sense!

  31. Random Chick says:

    I saw “BALBRKR” on a license plate of a car a woman was driving. Not sure you'd want to advertise that you were a “ball breaker” if you want to get dates. Maybe she didn't want dates…with men.

  32. ladyV says:

    kumtakr as in come take her, the car, or cum taker as this person is being fresh. i wouldn't ride in that. yuck. if it's a mini van, i would imagine a family in that – with kids, so hopefully it means something else. right? right?

  33. ladyV says:

    i'm 39 cg. ha!

  34. ladyV says:

    well you know what my plate is and i love it.

  35. Mike says:


    To ease your mind a little, I Googled it. It looks like “Kumtakar” is actually a real last name. Maybe the DMV let it slide since it was actually their name… as humorous as it is.

  36. Nicky says:

    If you still have it, I would love a license plate that says Cheese Health 🙂

  37. OH MY GOODNESS. How in the world did they get by!!! I saw one a few days ago that totally shocked me – I forgot what it was but it was exactly like this one…. one of those, “How did they get by!” Apparently if you complain they will be reviewed. I think it is awful but the sick side of me laughs when I see these things! I've seen some great ones but I don't remember them… dang!

  38. Yeah, here's hoping its the FIRST thing you suggested!

  39. I covet your plate!


  40. Well that's a TERRIBLE last name!

    I would have it legally changed!


  41. I hear ya girl!

    I cant remember ANYTHING unless I write it down immediately!


  42. oldereyes says:

    You may have seen this one on my blog a while back … taken with the license plate frame, I think it's hysterical; The plate is PMS X6 … the frame says simply – “One Wife – Five Daughters” It's here ( ) if you need evidence. But wow, the one you posted is So Yucky, you gotta wonder if we're reading it wrong. Maybe something about Kansas University …

  43. ummmm ……….. hmmmmmm

  44. Lucy says:

    Custom Plates are common placed around here BUT I have never seen a sexual One or at least realized it (LOL). Most of the time they are sports related, car related or mommy related. For example: Momof6 or Momcar and then OSUFAN and so on…

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