Whiskey Tango Foxtrot?

Um. Yeah. Hi.

Remember Me?

*waves to the people*

I am the one who vanished with no explanation in the middle of tweeting.


I think I was banned from twitter.

How did that happen you ask?

I have No Idea.

I was having a GREAT time chatting with my friends over on Twitter when all of a sudden *out of nowhere* I get this message:

“Wow, that’s a lot of Twittering! You have reached your limit of updates for the hour. Try again later.”

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot?

That has never happened to me before.

Has anyone else ever had to deal with that issue?

Or am I just totally abusingTwitter?

About Meleah

Mother. Writer. Television Junkie. Pajama Jean Enthusiast.
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170 Responses to Whiskey Tango Foxtrot?

  1. Barbara says:

    Never happened to me before but I’m not that much of a Twit these days. I’ve missed you. I think I am back blogging….I need it.

  2. Twitter gives you a kind of “time out” if you over load its server by talking a lot all at one. No worries. You’ll be able to tweet again in a few minutes.

  3. Meleah says:

    Aw. Sweety.
    How are You?
    I will be by your blog shortly.
    Good to have you back.
    I am so sorry for your loss.

    I am in total
    “Twitter Time Out!”

  4. Download Adobe Air and either Twhirl or TweetDeck and you wont have to hit refresh and you wont overload the server anymore πŸ™‚

  5. dcr says:

    You broke Twitter! And, I had just posted my photo. You missed all the fun again. Sorry! πŸ™‚

  6. dcr & I were just calling out to you. What the heck? I gave him your link. Want me to tell all who can hear?

  7. Meleah says:

    I am REALLY trying to Down Load “Twhirl” but I am slow witted at 152am!

    I did break it. I hit REFRESH too much, Im trying to break in another way

    Yes Please! Tell everyone Im stuck OVER here until I can break back in!

  8. I’ve been twittering my fanny off and never reached a limit.

  9. dcr says:

    I’ve been tweeting a lot too, but I’ve also been blogging and playing with Photoshop, so I probably wasn’t hitting refresh as often as you!

    BTW, Deborah and Speedcat knocked you down to the #4 position in my Top Commentators list.

  10. DCR is an Alien!

    Are you serious?? That is so bizzare. I tweeted a LOT tonight. Probably more than ever before. No “banning” in my court.

    I thought you went for coffee ice cream πŸ˜‰

  11. Meleah says:

    I know.
    I was/am shocked.
    That’s never happened to me before.
    I was ‘Shut Down’.
    I hit “Refresh” waaaay too much.

    I must abuse the refresh button.
    Hey, at least I am in the Top 10.

    Tonight is “The Most” I have EVER tweeted.
    This is the only time that’s ever happened to me.
    And then I TRIED to install something to try to break into Twitter but I f*cked that up.
    Then I had to uninstall, and FROZE my computer.


    I just rebooted.

  12. dcr says:

    I only have a Top 5, so you can’t let yourself get kicked down too much!

  13. Wait a minute … how did you Direct Message??

    Ha haaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!! You got it bad. (me too)

  14. But, I have a very slow computer so only refreshes so fast.

    I told them & so did dcr….

    dcrblogs Hear ye, hear ye! If you’ve been tweeting with @meleahrebeccah she got kicked out of Twitter for being too chatty. She’ll be back sometime!

  15. DCR … MAKE a top 10, and put it next to your giant brain.

  16. dcr says:

    DCR is an Alien!

    I told you not to spread that around.

    But, it’s okay. I’m native born. I swear. But, no, you can’t see my birth certificate.

  17. BDC_Sharon says:

    Holy crap! I can’t believe you can overtweet!

  18. Awake in Rochester never sleeps … I am certain of that

  19. DCR … I have seen your birth certificate.

    It says 1922

    HA HAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!

  20. Meleah says:


    I just rebooted. My whole computer!


    Hello People!

    DCR is not an alien.
    Is he?

    Direct Message is crazy.

    At least I was able to “SOS” that I was kicked off!

  21. I’m the real Alien! Real deal.

  22. LMAO @ “Breaking into Twitter” That is way to funny!

    … sorry about the crash. Must be the Twitter gustopoes

  23. Is it working now that you rebooted?

  24. Meleah says:

    She (AWAKE) is ALWAYS awake!

    Apparently one can get kicked off twitter!
    And leave it to ME to do it.

    Im dropping to the lowest spot?
    OH NO!!

    You cant be an Alien.
    DCR is the alien. Speedy said so.

  25. dcr says:

    Oh, Speedcat, you were so close.

    No, this isn’t Twitter, but is this where the party’s at now?

  26. @meleahrebbecca @dcrblogs @awakeinrochester

    Can you see me???

  27. Meleah says:


    Yeah Um..I tried BREAKING IN and I got put in β€œTwitter Time Out!”

    @meleahrebbecca @dcrblogs @awakeinrochester

    That is making me pee in my pants.
    Where is Jaffer?

  28. Gosh, how can I be hungry again?

  29. This is so weird … I usually do this in “Hollydale”

    It’s nice to travel with the commentin carnival!!

  30. dcr says:

    I see Eric. I see Speedcat. Ew, I see Hollydale in his underpants! Ew!!!!

  31. Awake ir … How bout heading out for chicken???

  32. Yes, speedy we can see u.

    Can you see me?

  33. WHOAHHHH …. “yes I can”

  34. Meleah says:

    Im starving…all this TYPING

    You are cracking me up!

    “Hollydale In Underpants!”
    Um. Wait…Dont Tempt Him!!

  35. DCR …. WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!

    watch this

  36. Speedy Chicken sounds good .

    Hey, don’t take off your undies ! Ekk

  37. Where is Jaffer?

    …. I will go get him!


  38. dcr says:

    Oh no! I think the time change broke my blog!!!

  39. Whiskey Tango Foxtrot?

    What is that from?

  40. Meleah says:

    Yay! Its only really 1am! whoo hooo

    Its just another version of WHAT THE FUCK. Yanno.
    If I was a trucker & talking on a C.B.

    Did you find Jaffer?

    Im telling you speedy will take “IT” out!
    And then get chicken….

  41. tIME CHANGE???

    OOOOPS my caps lock was on again. I forgot all about the time change. I sleep one more hour, or stay AWAKE one more hour?

  42. Whiskey Tango Foxtrot?

    I never knew that either

  43. Meleah It’s from a movie too. Can’t remember which one.

    Time change…forgot!

  44. Meleah says:

    Yeah, Its really only 1am! Yay!

    What movie?
    Im gunna Google it!

  45. dcr says:

    Whiskey Tango Foxtrot?

    I knew.

    Right now, all my blogs are toast. πŸ™

  46. Meleah

    ok. I can’t ..old computer has hard time doing 2 things at once.

  47. dcr…….what? what happened?

  48. @DCR …. wha????

    @Awake In Rochester … I know exactly what you mean. I had win 98 and dial up until a few months ago.

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