Thursdays Trivia-M*A*S*H


When I was all of 8 and 9 years old, my family used to have a Friday night tradition. We ordered in Chinese food, gathered in the livingroom with paper plates and watched M*A*SH* (re-runs) together. That TV show holds some of my favorite childhood memories.

(I mean c’mon, how can you resist a TV show that used the name “HOT LIPS” for a main character?)

And now for my own OTHER BLOG “PIMPAGE”

The MeleVision weekly Trivia Game is back on! Come and play! Have fun testing your M*A*S*H knowledge over HERE.

(A big THANK YOU goes out to my blogging buddy, Steve C, for his dedication, commitment and all of his hard work!)

About Meleah

Mother. Writer. Television Junkie. Pajama Jean Enthusiast.
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15 Responses to Thursdays Trivia-M*A*S*H

  1. Dawn says:

    I loved MASH! and still watch an occasional re-run 😉

  2. Selma says:

    I loved and still love MASH. The humour and timing is spot-on. My son and I watch the re-runs on cable. He is 11 and loves it too. You should hear his impression of Hot Lips – it is hilarious!

  3. Meleah says:

    DAWN: Me too!! It’s always on somewhere late at night. (MASH & Three’s Company)
    SELMA: My son is 11 too, maybe I should have him check it out.

  4. leslie says:

    I *heart* MASH 🙂

  5. Michael C says:

    I LOVE MASH Meleah. Watched 2 episodes last night on TV Land, as a matter of fact!

  6. leslie says:

    OMG, that was fucking long. And also, two of your questions I couldn’t answer because the actors names weren’t listed (which of these actors guest starred” and the other “which of these actors” one. 😉

  7. Meleah says:

    LESLIE: I know you heart M*A*S*H! (and THANKS FOR PLAYING on the OTHER SITE!! You did well!)
    MICHAEL C: I’m telling you M*A*S*H is always on! and THANK YOU TOO for playing over there!)

  8. Lis says:

    Can you believe I’ve never seen a single episode?

  9. Dan says:

    M*A*S*H was one of my favorite shows as well. I watched every episode multiple times. Great memories!

  10. Meleah says:

    DAN: toads…..

  11. Ricardo says:

    Have you ever seen the movie? there are words to the M.A.S.H song. I remember the last episode being a really big deal too. huge show.

  12. FV says:

    Oh my dear Mel,

    What are you trying to do to me, I just turned 40 and you expect me to remember MASH ?? I loved it when I was a youngin’ now I can’t barely remember the theme song, but I would like to thank you for bringing so many memories 🙂


  13. Lis says:

    Yeah, now I feel so deprived. There aren’t any reruns on TV either. Maybe I’ll hunt down the DVDs when I’m feeling rich.

  14. Meleah says:

    FV: If you are losing your memory now…. that’s a BAD sign.
    LIS: You should invest in the DVD’s … this is WORTH watching. (I just know you will appreciate the humor in the show).
    RICARDO: No! I never saw the movie. I dont think? But I know I did see the last episode.

  15. FV says:


    I’ve been losing my memory for as long as I remember, which is not too long ago 🙂


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