Sorry Ya’ll….


About Meleah

Mother. Writer. Television Junkie. Pajama Jean Enthusiast.
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27 Responses to Sorry Ya’ll….

  1. Your words will come back….you’re writing your book now so blogging takes a back seat, right? Keep up the hard work, you have a best-seller on your hands 🙂

  2. Meleah says:


    Thank you!

    This past week, I had a really difficult time with Chapter Nine in my book. At one point, I felt like I might have been better off banging my head into a brick wall. It all sounded so flat to me. I thought about deleting it and starting over completely. Instead, I took a long break, I got out of the house and I slept on it. I did all of the things I normally do that help me when I am STUCK. Sadly, NOTHING was working.

    I lost all hope, and all of my words, from Tuesday night all the way till Thursday.

    I found that I could write the ‘bar scenes’ just fine – with ease almost. (Yes, they take a lot out of me, but they flow properly.) But, when I have to flash back to the regular life scenes, that’s when I get all jammed up. I couldn’t figure out WHY that was happening.

    I asked one of my friends from high school, who has been the most encouraging and super supportive of my book and she said something that helped put everything into perspective.

    “Because when you write about Jasmine she is just a ‘character’ if you will. I can totally see why writing about you, as you, would be so difficult. You barely knew who you were during those times. AND you were doing your best during those times to avoid being ‘you’. Writing about the person you were trying to avoid being would be extremely difficult.”

    That paragraph provided so much clarity that I was able to dive into Chapter Nine without any more hesitation. I am halfway finished with it and I plan on completing it this week.

    Oh. And, I also spent my entire week, comfortably wearing an outfit that will now and forever lovingly be referred to as my Uniform. And by “Uniform” I mean I wore the same black sweatpants, and the same Rolling Stones t-shirt for five days – In A Row.

    Anyway. Hopefully I will have some blog worthy material soon.

  3. I drank the whole carton … 😉

    Sometimes creativity comes in short/long durations. You will spark!!!

  4. … and where can I find the twinkies and bacon?

  5. Kiss kiss hug hug!!!!! You are toadily awesome! 🙂 xoxox!!! Tell Speeedy I wanna bite of his twinkie!

  6. Meleah says:

    Ah ha. Maybe I need a glass of milk to inspire a blog post! I will send the twinkie along with the DVD prize in Monday!

    You are toadily awesome!

  7. Deep fried twinkies or bacon? Just for that I’m going to do an all out search for those lost words … hehehe … Hope you get your writing groove back soon Meleah 😀

  8. Stephanie says:

    I totally get it. Heck, I haven’t had blogging inspiration for a couple of weeks now, and I’m not even writing a book! I may take a brief hiatus myself soon. Here’s to a week of prolific progress on Chapter 9!

  9. agg79 says:

    Keep the faith. Your muse will show up and words will flow again.
    Do not rush your writings on our account. Like the rest of your posse, I’ll await your next chapter (with antici-pppation).

    In the meanwhile, babble all you like on your blog. Even your ramblings are way better than mine.

    How about deep fried bacon-wrapped twinkies?

  10. Meleah says:

    Please get together a search party!

    I just haven’t really left my house or done anything that is blog worthy. Ive been writing my book, and I dont want to bore you all with the mundane details of my writing process!

    “deep fried bacon-wrapped twinkies?”

    That may just be the best idea of all time!

  11. amy the bartender says:

    ARGH!!!! it’s a crappy day, and NO blog!!!! hopefully beau will add me as his friend today so i have something to make me laugh. maybe you can send me my own personal blog of “the weekend your parents came up to khcc.” i’m sure you could find your words for that!!!!! love you!

  12. Sleep Meleah, go to bed and sleep for 20 hours, when you wake up, the words will find you.

  13. When I get stuck, I get outside and take a walk. Sometimes I go to Starbucks to get an iced tea … sometimes it’s just a walk to nowhere … but it always seems to help :-D.

  14. Meleah says:

    Beau is total comedy. Im sure he will add you. and, I am considering writing that story Just For Us! LOL

    Good Call!
    I just may do THAT!

    I tried that! But Ill try again. Hopefully something will come to me this week that is worth posting as a blog!

  15. They’ll come back soon. And I will wait. 🙂
    I’m not going to hold my breath though, I can only hold it for about 2 min on a good day. Something tells me it won’t be enough.
    I’ll still wait though.

  16. terri says:

    I know that feeling. And one thing I do know, is they will come back when they are ready. Hopefully it won’t take too long.

  17. Meleah says:


    Usually when my words come back, they come back stronger than ever!
    Let’s hope THAT happens SOON.

  18. Paul says:

    Hmm, bacon…

  19. Selma says:

    No worries. You get that book done. Chapter Nine already? That is brilliant!!

  20. Meleah says:

    It’s all about BACON.

    Yep. Chapter Nine. Did you ever get the password for chapter eight? I emailed you. Ive been DYING to hear what you think of it!

  21. Oscar says:

    I get stuck once in a while. Relax. We’ll look at your reruns when we need our fix o’ Meleah!


  22. I like what Oscar said! HA!

    Seriously for you to even be this far along in the book in such a short time for a 1st time book, it’s great! You are way to hard on yourself. Writer’s block is so normal. Keep at it but take breaks when you are having trouble. It will be worth it.

  23. They are there, you just need some R&R to unblock them. I want to try a deep fried twinkie !

  24. Meleah says:

    Thanks doll.
    Ps; Every time I see your name on my blog,
    I think of my nephew MDW.

    I am really hard on myself! HA.
    Thanks for your support!

    The Girl:
    Deep fried twinkies are crazy!

  25. Jay says:

    Good luck finding those words, Meleah!

  26. teeni says:

    When you do get hold of your muse again, make sure you handcuff her to a chair or something and keep her in your closet! LOL.

  27. Meleah says:

    Thank you.

    This “writers block” situtation is driving me insane.

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