Passover 2008

The Complete Photo Gallery Is Located ** HERE **

*Revised Post To Include: Some ‘Quick Highlights’ Of The Day*

Highlight Number One


Highlight Number Two

Man I Love My Family.

About Meleah

Mother. Writer. Television Junkie. Pajama Jean Enthusiast.
This entry was posted in Family, Holidays, Links, TV and Movies. Bookmark the permalink.

18 Responses to Passover 2008

  1. Some how I thought you were suppose to let your hair down towards the end of the day?

    Great shots.

  2. Meleah says:

    Yeah…I tend to do things in the wrong order! hehehe 🙂

  3. Meleah says:

    Thank sweety. I have NOT FORGOTTEN I still need to scan/email. This weekend was sooo much work. And mad crazy bizy.

    Friday = Set Up
    Saturday = Passover
    Sunday = Clean Up. GAH. No wonder I am so exhausted.

    I will bring ‘The Book’ to work tomorrow (yes back to work = stabs self in eyeballs)…I will scan and email from The Office.

    xxoo xxoo

  4. paisley says:

    well honey… all i wanna know is what was up with papa sy “playing with his balls” all afternoon??????

    god you kid looks so grown up!!!! even with boobies!!!!!

  5. Meleah says:

    Ha ha ha ha…I hadn’t noticed that! Now I have to look at my photos with your eyes. And YES…My son looks like a real dood. Like a MAN even. YIKES!

  6. the best friend says:

    AHHHHHH I havent even looked all I saw was scrapblog stuff!!! cant wait to check it out. I love it already…but you know that.

  7. the best friend says:

    Ok wait. Poppa Syes socks. any Aunt Bea related picture, Adam with the face mask, Justin with those two weird things near his chest, and Your Dads shirt – are my favorites.

  8. leslie says:

    DUDE. Do you know how good I am being not nagging, begging or otherwise bugging you?? Are you PROUD? I am navigating these FB telephone calls and IMs and emails without a net, too. I am exercising PATIENCE for once. GO ME. Woot. (I did go to my local book store – they did not have it. I was hoping not to need you to do it. lol)

    Back in the office SUCKS. You need to write up your telecommute ADA proposal thing we discussed.

  9. Meleah says:

    Thanks this was my FIRST scrap blog move. I still have to figure it out. Thanks for the linkage! xxoo

    As for Poppa Sye’s socks? We are all just thrilled / proud that hes is wearing SNEAKERS (even if they are white)…. And The Ron Shirt? Killing me.

    Yes….I am proud. VERY PROUD. I just know how much you do or me, that must be my guilt talking since I haven’t been able to reciprocate for you as soon as I would have liked too.

    As far as my office? Slim to No Chance of making a ‘long term’ change in scheduling. Tomorrow is the first day of a full time back to a 40 hour work week PLUS the commute.

    Pray for me.

  10. The table looks so elegant – our family get togethers are so small now. Looks like quite a time! … the Flicker site is well layed out. My photos are mostly on Picasa – not as good 🙂

  11. Ricardo says:

    Great pics!! I should have taken some of my own. I went to 2 seders this weekend.

  12. Momo Fali says:

    Please adopt me.

  13. Meleah says:

    Yeah we work really hard on that. Thanks for noticing!

    Happy Passover My Friend. 2 Sedars? That would have been too much for me to handle.

    OKAY! But only if your son is included in the deal! xxoo

  14. olly says:

    If you flick through real fast it’s just like being there.
    My ,you take some pictures Skip.Don’t chya?
    The first was the best:)
    Hope you have a great day.

  15. Meleah says:

    Aw. Thanks Olly. And thanks for the lovely message too. xxoo





    (yes I am the only one allowed to abuse Caps Locks)

  16. Jillian says:

    OMG…. that food looks so good. And I’m hungry…. not good to see pictures of deliciousness and not be able to eat it. 🙁

    But I checked out the pics… looks like you guys have a lot of fun together!

  17. Meleah says:

    Totally yummy

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