Monday: I didn’t clean. I didn’t launder. And I didn’t take out the trash. NOPE! Instead, I spent the day engulfed with ‘Social Media’ projects for my friends new retail business. And it was awesome! And then I spent that evening arguing with long-time-friends about how & why I won’t/can’t quit smoking.
Tuesday: I still didn’t clean. I still didn’t launder. And I still didn’t take out the trash. NOPE! Instead, I spent the day engulfed with ‘Social Media’ projects for my friends new retail business. And it was even more awesome!
Wednesday: I woke up early, got dressed, and went to the retail store to take some more photos for: Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and the future business website. While I was there, I helped create some Excel Spread Sheets for Inventory Management purposes, because I’m nice like that.
Oh, and my son, Justin, had some new head-shots taken. Y’ALL!! CAN YOU BELIEVE I CREATED THIS INCREDIBLY HANDSOME 22 YEAR OLD MAN!! #ThanksKurtis
Thursday: I finally cleaned, and laundered, and took out the trash, because it was actually necessary. And then I spent the rest of the day playing with website layouts, and coming up with ideas, and researching the products sold in my friends new retail shop. And then I went to bed early AF because I knew Friday was going to kick my ass!!
Friday: BEST! DAY/NIGHT! EVER!! Y’all have come to know one of my best friends, Claudia. Well, her beautiful daughter, Jackie, has become my ‘adopted’ daughter and I love her MORE THAN THE WHOLE SKY! And it was her Sweet 16th Birthday Party. And it was AMAZEBALLZ!!!
Over the past year, I’ve become incredibly close to the whole Russo/Attardi family – sharing many birthdays, family functions, and holidays together – which only made this celebration even more special! In fact, we had SO MUCH FUN, NO ONE WAS ON THEIR PHONES! These are the only photos I have until Claudia gets the real/actual pictures from the photographer!
Saturday: I was HUNG THE FUCK OVER.
Hung. The. Fuck. Over.
That is all. Carry on.
Sunday: I was/am/still a little #hung.the.fuck.over. because I am WAY too OLD to party THAT hard! But at least I managed to get out of bed, if only to write this blog post! Now if you’ll excuse me, I am going catch up on all of the television shows I missed this week while drinking excessive amounts of water. #stilldehydrated
And that’s a wrap.
See you next week, folks!