My Scootah!

Oh, HELLO, Internet!

Wow. It sure has been a long time since I’ve posted anything in this here space. Let’s see if I can even remember how to write a blog. Shall we?

First, let me start by saying, “I’m sorry!” for being MIA for the past two weeks. After my fake vacation [which was wonderful, by the way] I became very ill with bronchitis and strep throat. Needless to say, I was laid up in bed for quite a few days, hopped up on antibiotics. And when I am that sick, I don’t answer my phone, I don’t return text messages, I don’t check my emails, and I’m certainly not capable of writing or reading any blogs.

Thankfully, after several days in bed: sleeping, watching television / movies, and, eating my weight in junk foods, I am feeling MUCH better. However, I think all of that laying around, eating garbage, and taking steroids to clear out my lungs, helped me to pack on at LEAST 10 to 15 pounds. Seriously ya’ll. Just the other day, I knew it was definitely time to go on a crash-diet because when I bent over to pick something up off the floor of the pharmacy, I split my shorts. And, I’m pretty sure the people who witnessed that did NOT enjoy getting a good look at my granny panties. *sigh*

Moving along….

Ever since my car accident, I’ve been doing a lot of walking. And, I suppose that’s a good thing, except for when it’s 106 degrees outside with 99.9% humidity. Sometimes, I really think I would be cooler, if I set myself on fire.

In any event, like I said, I’ve been doing a lot of walking, mostly up a gigantic hill to get to my local country club. A very dear friend of mine, who owns one of those cool electric scooter thingys, decided to take pity on me.  So, while I was on my Stay-Cation, having a blast, I had the pleasure of riding that bad boy around my complex.

And here’s how that worked out…

Clearly, I should be wearing a helmet.

*beep! beep!*

I believe at this point, it’s safe to say, “I’M BACK!” And, oh, how I’ve missed you all so very much! I’ll be making my blog rounds and catching up with everyone this week. In fact, I’m probably leaving you a comment right now.

And that’s a wrap folks!

About Meleah

Mother. Writer. Television Junkie. Pajama Jean Enthusiast.
This entry was posted in Driving, Friends, KHCC, Life, Links, Strong Medicine, Vacation, Videos. Bookmark the permalink.

84 Responses to My Scootah!

  1. Ezekiel says:

    Glad you’re back and feeling better. 😀 Scooter looks VERY fun!!

  2. At least you can balance on a scooter. I can’t even ride a bicycle properly without causing serious bodily injury to myself … LOL!

  3. Oh, it’s so good you were gone, because so was I, pretty much.  I’m so behind in my blog reading!  Glad you’re feeling better!

  4. Oh, it’s so good you were gone, because so was I, pretty much.  I’m so behind in my blog reading!  Glad you’re feeling better!

  5. You look adorable on the scooter.  It looks like a lot of fun!  I am glad to hear you are feeling better.

  6. Oh it was quite difficult!

  7. Girl, I am SOOO behind!! I’m going to be very busy catching up this week!

  8. Aw. Thanks, Anne! xoxo

  9. Junebug says:

    Yeah!!  Welcome back to the internets!  Beep! Beep!  🙂 

  10. Sorry you’ve not been well again.  But glad you are all fighting fit again 🙂
    Mo want one of those scooters!

  11. Lucy says:

    Oh, my gosh you just can’t win, you seem to be catching a lot of bugs this year, you poor thing!  Glad you are feeling better and you enjoyed your staycation!!

    Now, the red scooter too cute but the best is the rap song to the video, I couldn’t stop laughing! Glad to have you back!!!

  12. Nicky says:

    LOVE that video! I love the way you put your foot down when you’re taking the curve!

    Glad you’re feeling better sweet thing! 🙂

  13. Nicky says:

    LOVE that video! I love the way you put your foot down when you’re taking the curve!

    Glad you’re feeling better sweet thing! 🙂

  14. Woot! Last night you made me laugh sooooo much. Thank you for that!

  15. Woot! Last night you made me laugh sooooo much. Thank you for that!

  16. They are sooo much fun! But I don’t recommend riding one in high-heels!

  17. They are sooo much fun! But I don’t recommend riding one in high-heels!

  18. Ahahahhaah!
    I figured since I was driving SO SLOWLY that song would be funny!

  19. Ahahahhaah!
    I figured since I was driving SO SLOWLY that song would be funny!

  20. OMG, Nicky. It’s great to feel better and to be back online. I’ve REALLY missed everyone! And….UM…HELLO!! I cannot even wait until Thursday. I am so excited to meet you in Real Life that I can’t even sleep! xoxo 

  21. OMG, Nicky. It’s great to feel better and to be back online. I’ve REALLY missed everyone! And….UM…HELLO!! I cannot even wait until Thursday. I am so excited to meet you in Real Life that I can’t even sleep! xoxo 

  22. Anonymous says:

    when you posted on Facebook last night that you split your shorts, i sat up till 4am waiting for you to post a pic…

  23. Ahahahhahahha! There was NO WAY I was taking a picture of that!

  24. Ron says:

    Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay….you’re back!!!!
    You have been VERY missed!
    Sorry to hear about your bronchitis. I was talking to my boss on the phone yesterday and she told me that she came down with the same thing. Also, another blogger friend too!
    OMG…that scooter thingie looks like soooooooo much fun! Even though I mostly walk everywhere, I’ve seen them around the city and often thought they would be great for city traveling.
    Anyway, glad you’re feeling better and that your back online, girl!
    I know exactly how feel about being sick and…”I don’t answer my phone, I don’t return text messages, I don’t check my emails, and I’m certainly not capable of writing or reading any blogs.”
    I’m the same way. Libra thing, perhaps?

  25. Cheryl P. says:

    Welcome back,  You were missed.  I was beginning to think that the staycation was so much fun it was becoming permanent.  Are you putting together  a slide show of your staycation pictures for us to see?

    I am sorry to hear that you weren’t well though.  Step throat and Bronchitis…my, my you are such an over acheiver.  You even strive for ultimate levels of sickness.

    Glad you are feeling better and I am so glad you are writing again.

  26. Oh Ron, I have missed you so much!

    I guess bronchitis and strep are going around with this crazy weather
    And all of these out of control allergies?

    And, yes, that probably IS a “Libra Thing”!

  27. Hey Cheryl!

    It’s SOOOO good to be back and feeling better!
    I’ve missed ya’ll!

    I did NOT put together a slide show of photos of my staycation.
    But this video sure highlights the best parts!

    * I am totally abusing the exclamation point. *

  28. I’m so sorry you were feeling rocky.  That’s not good stuff!  Damn!  I’m hoping you feel stronger and better every day.  Poor baby!

  29. Ha ha! Mo in high heels would be a sight for sore eyes!

  30. I’m finally on the mend. I was in pretty bad shape for a while.
    Thanks, Linda.


  31. That would be awesome!!!

  32. Linda R. says:

    Glad your feeling more the thing.  Being sick is NO FUN!  I’m a touch under the weather now myself.  Probably picked something up on vacation.  I guess that’s better to get it on the way home than at the beginning of my trip.

  33. Jayne says:

    That sucks that you got so sick, but I’m sure glad you’re back and feeling better.  I’ve thought a few times about getting a scooter just for errands around town and to save on gas, but I think I’ll stick to horses.  

  34. 00dozo says:

    Ha!  I remember when I first split my pants.  Thankfully I had a sweatshirt (or something like that) that I could use to tie around waist to cover my ass – or the “split” as it were.  These days I wish I had an ass to fit a pair of pants that I could split.


    Glad to have you back and that you are feeling better!  I feel your “heat” (85+ humidity here – GAH!).

  35. welcome back..I want a scooter….:)

  36. It’s CRAZY hot here! Ugh! But, I’ve started my diet & exercise again.
    Hopefully, I will NOT split any more pants in the future!

  37. Hello, lovah! You can borrow mine!

  38. Anonymous says:

    I want one!  I want one!

  39. Laughingmom says:

    YO! Meleah, you need a leather jacket when you ride your hog! Glad that your are feeling better!!

  40. Mike says:

    Those are some serious wheels! In red no less!

  41. Sandra says:

    And we missed you! I actually kept wondering, “I wonder where Meleah is? I bet she’s on vacay!” As for the strep, didn’t you just get over an illness? You need to eat more veggies! Glad you’re back!

  42. Sandra says:

    And we missed you! I actually kept wondering, “I wonder where Meleah is? I bet she’s on vacay!” As for the strep, didn’t you just get over an illness? You need to eat more veggies! Glad you’re back!

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