Okay people. I don’t really like to talk about my ‘Annoying Medical Conditions’ very often on my blog. Why? Well, because it depressing. But considering I have been sick for the entire month of September – I don’t have much else to write about.
I’ve been stuck on a never-ending cycle. And one that’s almost impossible to break. You see, when I do get sick [which is all too often] I usually have to take antibiotics. In turn, those trigger a ‘Crohn’s Attack’ [because they are so harsh on my G.I. tract]. And that inevitably makes me even more hyper-sensitive to food. Therefore I had yet another near-death ‘Food Allergy Reaction’. Then I can’t eat anything other than clear liquids for several days in a row. Which of course weakens my immune system even further, leaving me drained, depleted, and utterly exhausted. And then I can’t fight anything off. And then I get sick. And then I need antibiotics. And round, and round, and round we go. UGH!
And, quite frankly? It’s enough already.
I’m sorry to be such a ‘Debbie Downer’ especially on a Monday Morning. There is one good thing about being sick. I’ve been able to watch unbelievable excessive amounts of television. So, if you feel like talking TV with me, feel free to come over here.
Otherwise, I’ll try and find a way to write something more uplifting later this week.
Sorry to hear you are sick so often! 🙁
Just dropping in to say hi and hope that you're feeling much, much better! (Considering you wrote this a few weeks ago) 🙂
For what it's worth, I've had a lingering illness with a cough that keeps coming back. It sucks. Hope you are better!!!
Thanks dood.
Being sick is no fun! There must be an answer to your illness cycle. Heck, I’m just being tested for illness and I’m sick to death of it. Get better soon baby! 😉
Its sofa king frustrating!
You're not a Debbie Downer! We're all here to read about what's going on with you, even if you're sick. I hope you feel better soon!
You're too kind. Thank you