How Much Is That Doggie In The Window?

It all started early one muggy evening. I was at home minding my own business, when I received a text message from my best friend, otherwise known as, Amy The Bartender. Amy had posted a photo on Facebook of her dog, Douglas Wilson.

And then, she asked me to log into Facebook to leave a comment.

Because, apparently, that very picture had sparked a little competition between Amy and our other friend Geralyn.

The contest was over who’s dog is cuter.

I immediately went over to Geralyn’s Facebook page and informed her that Amy’s dog, Douglas Wilson, was not only cuter than Geralyn’s dog, but possibly the cutest dog, of all time.

Geralyn kept trying to defend the cuteness of her own dog, however, she didn’t have any pictures of her own puppy posted on Facebook.

That is, until the next day….

When Geralyn, posted this picture:

From the moment Geralyn uploaded that photo of her dog?

All hell broke loose

And here’s why:

* Of course, as Amy’s best friend, I am completely biased. And therefore, my opinion doesn’t carry very much weight.

And that’s why I need you, my dear readers, to help settle the score!

I am opening the comments for your votes.

You can vote as many times as you’d like.

Here are the contestants:

Geralyn’s dog, Cesar.


Amy’s dog, Douglas Wilson.

So tell me boys and girls, which dog is cuter? Douglas Wilson, or, Cesar?

Asking, ya’ll seems like the only way to end this battle, once and for all.

And I’m counting on you!

Go to the comments and vote, now!

About Meleah

Mother. Writer. Television Junkie. Pajama Jean Enthusiast.
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178 Responses to How Much Is That Doggie In The Window?

  1. I know Douglas is a REALLY good dog!

  2. laughing mom says:

    By the time I got through the comments – I had the wrong dog name on my brain – Douglas looks like a cairn – you know Toto from the Wizard of Oz… 

  3. Aw. He does look like Toto!

  4. Anonymous says:

    i vote for the one eyed dog, cause he’s black. i like black.  they both are cute.  girl, i thought you were going to say you got a dog.

  5. MomZombie says:

     Douglas. That other dog, or one like it I should say, bit me when I was riding my bike past its house. So, not exactly an objective vote. Then again, when are votes ever objective?

  6. Nicky says:

    I dunno, to me, they both look cute in that “I’m a pesky creature who will force otherwise intelligent human beings to walk outdoors in -35 degree weather and pick up my poop, oh and also, I will eat you if you have a bit too much to drink and slept a little too deeply, nighty night” kind of cute.  So, yeah, I think the goldfish is the cutest.

  7. No, sadly, I don’t have any pets.

  8. Well, I have to be honest. Cesar may have the pubie one-eyed-Jack persona, but Douglas Wilson reminds me of a bottle brush. Just sayin’. They are both absolutely adorable, but being I’m a big fan of pirates of the One-eyed Jack persuasion, I’m giving a higher thumbs up to Cesar. Aaarrrr. 

  9. Well, I have to be honest. Cesar may have the pubie one-eyed-Jack persona, but Douglas Wilson reminds me of a bottle brush. Just sayin’. They are both absolutely adorable, but being I’m a big fan of pirates of the One-eyed Jack persuasion, I’m giving a higher thumbs up to Cesar. Aaarrrr. 

  10. Roshan says:

    Man I just love dogs so much. I usually don’t like small dog breeds, with exception to Corgis (I think they are awesome) and maybe Dachshunds. ok among these two – well you gotta go with Douglas.

  11. Anne says:

     I really wanted to say that Cesar is cuter because everyone is ganging up against him and it makes me feel bad.  Unfortunately, Douglas is really, really cute so I have to say Douglas.  He looks freshly groomed.

  12. Ron says:

    Hands down……DOUGLAS!!!!!!

    OMG, if I ever had a dog, I would want one that looked just like him. He’s ADORABLE!

    So, that’s my vote!


  13. Brian Dawson58 says:

    Truth be told….  My daughter’s puppy, a  Shih Tzu  , is so much more cute.  But, …  if the choice is between Cesar and Douglas, … then I say, “Hail Cesar”.  He’s the undisputed winner…

  14. Brian Dawson58 says:

    Douglas  has a GIANT HEAD!  BDawg

  15. Brian Dawson58 says:

    Douglas  has a GIANT HEAD!  BDawg

  16. Madge says:

    Douglas is adorable, but so is Cesar.
    Douglas has smoky good looks, but Cesar looks like the life of the party. It’s hard to choose, but I think I pick Douglas.  

  17. True! I am NOT objective at all.

  18. Ahahahah! Yes! Good point, Nicky!

  19. Douglas IS all fresh and new and clean in his photo!

  20. Thanks Bdawg!!

    PS: I really miss you.

  21. Ahahahahahahah.

    So do YOU.
    I thought you would pick him because they two of you have that in common!

  22. Woot! Another one for Team Douglas!

  23. Douglas Wilson, hands down.  Though, omg, what about Boo?  He’s adorable!

  24. Oh “BOO” wins all! No question about that!

  25. Oh “BOO” wins all! No question about that!

  26. Oh “BOO” wins all! No question about that!

  27. My vote goes to Douglas Wilson! (Do I get a free drink from Amy for this?)

  28. Um, can a cat vote? Generally, I am FOR anybuddy with curly furs.  But I do think Douglas is a little bit cuterer.  But only a little bit. 

  29. Yay! Another one for Douglas!

  30. Ferd says:

     Well let’s see…
    I like horror movies, including Children of the Corn.
    And I’m a child of the 70’s, when pubic hair was still “in.”
    But I gotta admit, Cesar is butt ugly and Douglas is indeed Winning!

  31. Yes! Thank you Ferd!! HAhahahahahhaahh

  32. Amybartndr says:

    douglas does NOT have a giant head FYI!!!! it is totally in proportion to his little, stocky body!!!! 

  33. Amybartndr says:

    douglas does NOT have a giant head FYI!!!! it is totally in proportion to his little, stocky body!!!! 

  34. Amybartndr says:

    yes marty, you do. and i dare bdawg to come in to khgc after saying douglas has a giant head!!!!

  35. Amybartndr says:

    yes marty, you do. and i dare bdawg to come in to khgc after saying douglas has a giant head!!!!

  36. Amybartndr says:

    cats CAN vote, and douglas has curly hair like me, when it gets longer. he had a shortter cut cause that pic was from the summer. however, douglas’ has does NOT look like pubic hair when it is longer.

  37. Amybartndr says:

    cats CAN vote, and douglas has curly hair like me, when it gets longer. he had a shortter cut cause that pic was from the summer. however, douglas’ has does NOT look like pubic hair when it is longer.

  38. Amybartndr says:

    free drink for you too ferd!!!!

  39. Amybartndr says:

    free drink for you too ferd!!!!

  40. Amybartndr says:

    he is NOT at all goofy looking!!!! and he’s probably the most friendly dog you could ever meet!!!! here’s another pic. show this one to both harry & honey and let me know what happens!!!!!

  41. Amybartndr says:

    he is NOT at all goofy looking!!!! and he’s probably the most friendly dog you could ever meet!!!! here’s another pic. show this one to both harry & honey and let me know what happens!!!!!

  42. Amybartndr says:

    douglas is part pomeranian, and part yorkie, but rescued, and i’ve always thought he looked more like a cairn.

  43. Amybartndr says:

    douglas is part pomeranian, and part yorkie, but rescued, and i’ve always thought he looked more like a cairn.

  44. Amybartndr says:

    FREE DRINK!!!!

  45. Amybartndr says:

    FREE DRINK!!!!

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