Ever since I tried to post every day in the month of November to see if I could, for national writing month…and to practice training myself TO write everyday, (not just scribbling non sentences in a journal) and of course to help my writing…….if I don’t post, I feel like something is missing from my day. And that was a really long sentence.
But, I have come to love this blog, and all it gives me. It’s not just some little blog, or thing, to me. It’s become so much more. When I have a bad day, I can bitch about and, get over it, and feel better. Or, when I am down, I can re read an old post that made me laugh while writing it. I love when I get a comment from a stranger on the internet, people from India to Canada, telling me they enjoyed reading something…that always makes what could have been a bad day into a great day.
I know that my sister in law, Maya, who lives far away and I don’t get to see often, nor do either of us have free time in our lives to actually sit and take in a phone call, reads this blog all the time to know how I am doing, and what I am up to. Like wise, I visit the baby Jackson website (weekly) to see what’s happening over there.
I love that my (from many years ago) high school friends (Monica, Leslie, Lee…ect ect…) who live all over the country, have a way of participating in my life from thousands of miles away. I love that I am able to share so much of my life with so many of the people I love so easily.
I love reading other peoples blogs. I always find inspiration and comfort in knowing I am not alone even when I think I am.
I don’t have any pictures today. Just a short post too. I am so truly thankful for the two people (Leslie and Brian) who are responsible for enriching my life, in many many ways… but especially for introducing me to the blog!
In sad news, I want to extend my deepest condolences to my girlfriend Jennifer, for the loss of her grandfather. My prayers are with you.
Health update… New medication has prevented PAIN, with less narcotic side effects, like being groggy, or having unreasonable paranoia, and I haven’t had to use the bathroom like I did over the last four months. But, there is one major hitch. I went from going to the bathroom 7 times a day, to not going to the bathroom IN SEVEN DAYS. Now it’s the OPPOSITE. Putting in a call to doctors in morning.
And the DONUT is STILL on the car. I hate driving with that tire. I can’t drive like a normal person. I went from skilled maneuvering; to a slow crawl… maybe tomorrow will be more promising in getting a new tire.
I’m sure that would be a quite difficult and pianful process, and who… would give up a digestive system?
Plus, I’m sure the SCARS from surgery of that magnitude would be another attractive feature!
Nice idea though…
What kinds of prices or parcipation are we talking about?