Day 20: Bird


I am participating in this 30-Day-Photo-Challenge.

Along with these fine people:
Mike WJ
Nicky and Mike
Elizabeth A.

About Meleah

Mother. Writer. Television Junkie. Pajama Jean Enthusiast.
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91 Responses to Day 20: Bird

  1. Cheryl says:

    I can’t for the life of me figure out if that’s real or not. I enlarged it as much as I could and the tail end looks real but the front end doesn’t. HELP?

  2. Vdm17 says:

    is that real. prerty cool.


  3. Ziva says:

    Haha, I’ve been wondering how I should do my hair when I get married in the summer, and now I know.

  4. HeSaidHisTelephoneNumberWas911 says:

    Now that’s the most bird-brained idea I’ve heard of. Love it.

  5. nonamedufus says:

    Ziva’s getting married? Are we all invited?

  6. Jaffer says:

    How adorable !

  7. nonamedufus says:

    That bird looks like it’s not about to budge(ee).

  8. Anonymous says:

    Is that bird real? I’m hoping not, but I’m afraid it is. I would freak out, rip my clothes off and run screaming down the street. I cannot go into a house where they let their pet birds fly around. Oh, no! No, mam! Not me. I’m still shuddering a bit. 

  9.  If we are, I’m going to get myself a bird hair-clip too.

  10. laughing mom says:

    Prom is tomorrow night – I’ll have to show this to my daughter as a style idea!

    Is bird poop good for your hair, like mayo and beer?

  11. Lucy says:

    Oh, please tell me that is fake?  Birds freak me out!  I watched Birds, the Alfred Hitchcock film at way too young age, like 20, and all birds freak me out, never,ever would I put one in my hair!

  12. I used to have a pet bird and I’m guessing it’s real! Real or fake, it’s a great photo!

  13. That takes me back to my childhood, when mum & dad had a budgie! What a cutie he was 🙂

  14. Ron says:

    What a GREAT shot, Meleah!

    And what CUTE birdie!!!!!!

    Question. Did he poop in your hair?


  15. Anonymous says:

    I’m having feathers glued to my face for the occasion.

  16. Anonymous says:

    Okay, not only is this a weird, eye-catching photograph, and a little scary, but you also don’t look like you again. In fact, in a bizarre coincidence, you look extremely similar to an old friend of mine that I recently reconnected with after 20 years. We’re going to have lunch. Maybe we’ll have some kind of bird, hopefully fried.

  17. Anonymous says:

    I believe it’s not only real, but about to peck out Meleah’s eyes. Because that’s what birds do. They peck out your eyes.

  18. Cheryl says:

    Hey Malisa, if you do that, would you please run by my place so I can get my nude photo for the challenge?

  19. Cheryl says:

    You keep talking smack like that and you’ll soon be eyeless. You’ve been warned by the Bird Queen (that would be me).

  20. Cheryl says:

    You’re getting married? Glad you decided to put that off until after this challenge because holy cow, that would be way too much on your plate.

  21. Cheryl says:

    If you are, I better be. I mean, hell, I’ve known her for 20 days now.

  22. Cheryl says:

    And you’ll look like a bird and start pecking people’s eyes out. How sweet of you to be so thoughtful of Ziva & M’s guests.

  23. I love that bird making himself at home in that shiny pretty nest you’ve got!

  24. Cheryl P. says:

    Meleah, you may be afraid of bridges but I am afraid of birds around my head. I know this is left over from watching Hitcock’s Birds as a kid but totally scary to me.


  25. Yes. That’s Clementine.

    She belongs to my friend Tiffany.
    Tiffany is also my stylist, and I am always complaining my hair is a “birds nest”
    So we made it one. For real!

  26. Oh definitely put a LIVE bird in your hair!

  27. It goes with my birds-nest-hair!

  28. I’m going to her wedding.
    And I am pretty sure Nicky will be IN her wedding!

  29. Yes, that’s a LIVE bird.

    Her name is Clementine.
    And she rocks.

    She’s so sweet and loving.
    She just likes to hang out and cuddle in my hair!

  30. It’s NOT a hair clip, Mo.

    It’s REAL.

  31. Bird shit is awesome for your hair.

    I think.

    Probably not.

    Thankfully Clemmy did NOT shit in mine!


  32. REAL! 100% REAL!

    And the sweetest bird in the whole wide world.

    She belongs to my friend Tiffany.

  33. I * heart * Clementine.

  34. Thanks Ronnie.

    And no. Luckily the bird did NOT shit in my hair!

  35. MWJ ­ you’re going to Ziva’s wedding too?


  36. My door is open to you 24/7.

    I have NO IDEA what you mean by saying I don’t look like me.
    Maybe it’s because I am NOT wearing my glasses?
    Maybe it’s because my hair is a birds nest?

  37. Thank you, Sis!

    Clementine is SUCH a sweet bird.
    She loves to snuggle up like that.

    I wish she was mine.
    She belongs to one of my girlfriends, Tiffany.

  38. Mike says:

    I’s a good thing your cat’s not there because that scene could have gotten crazy!

  39. Cheryl says:

    Now, that’s a great story.

  40. Awwww! Sorry Cheryl!

    That panic attack feeling you had while looking at this picture – is the way I feel the whole time I drive over a bridge!!


  41. I don’t have cat.
    And I don’t own this bird either!


  42. 00dozo says:

    “Oh my darling, oh my darling,
    Oh my darling, Clementine!”

    Well, that’s just great.  I just gave myself another earworm.

    What a cutie, though.


  43. Ahh…well I’m going to staple a real bird to my scalp.

  44. Good luck with that, MO!

  45. Ziva says:

    This is going to be the best wedding reception EVER!

  46. Ziva says:

    Please don’t hurt the bird while doing this, I don’t want too much bloodshed at my wedding.

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