Day 18: Fire


I am participating in this 30-Day-Photo-Challenge.

Along with these fine people:
Mike WJ
Nicky and Mike
Elizabeth A.

About Meleah

Mother. Writer. Television Junkie. Pajama Jean Enthusiast.
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65 Responses to Day 18: Fire

  1. Wow, that is a beautiful picture. I can almost see the flames move!

  2. Very nicely done…as usual, Meleah, during this meme.

    I wanted to do something similar but Kim wouldn’t let me…well, at least, not in the house. 🙂

  3. Great photo, Meleah!  Wonderful colors and clarity!

  4. laughing mom says:

    Very pretty picture of the “f” word – perhaps you could flame cook a pizza in there while you warm up from a chilly night!

  5. Ron says:

    Meleah, I am SO DANG impressed with this photo!

    The clarity you capture in the flames is AWE-SOME!

    Way to go, girl!

    *two thumbs up*


  6. That is a great fire photo.  Fire is tough to photograph well.

  7. nonamedufus says:

    Wow, I love this pic. Nicely done. You’re hot today. Er,ah, well I mean that photo is. Oh, ah, that’s not to say you aren’t hot Meleah. No, what I mean to say is… Never mind. Nice photo.

  8. Now that’s hot!  Another great photo, Meleah, really crisp colors in this one!

  9. Cheryl P. says:

    You take awesome photos…I know that word is just saw over used but it applies…the detail and clarity are perfect.  Great job.

  10. Thanks!
    It’s from our outdoor fireplace in the back yard.

  11. I can’t even imagine how YOU feel every time to hear / see the “F” word.

  12. Fire is actually quite difficult to capture on film!

  13. Cheryl says:

    “Cozy” popped right into my brain. We need one of these bad boys. Sweet shot.

  14. It really is!

    I think this was my 50th take!!

  15. Ahahahahahhahah!

    Thanks, John.

    And hey, I’m NOT cranky today!

  16. Sweeeeet! Thanks, Marty!

  17. 00dozo says:

    This a really great shot, meleah!  I tried to get the same effect with the flames but they just wouldn’t stand still for the shot.  (And it is really difficult to photograph of fire – well, at least without the right conditions.)

    Well done!;-)

  18. Thank you, Cheryl!

    A lot of people have been complaining about not having enough time, or having issues with commenting, or having issues with finding subject material.
    Or have gotten sick. And one person even dropped out all together.

    I think I might be the *only * one who isn’t having ANY of those problems. I am totally enjoying this experience.

    And I’m glad it shows in my photos.

  19. This was like my 50th take.

    I just kept shooting until I got it right.

    Fire is a PAIN IN THE ASS to capture!

  20. laughing mom says:

    Easy, I feel f***ed.

  21. Ziva says:

    You did a fantastic job on this one, Meleah! That is such an amazing photo of fire, I’m in awe. 

  22. Anonymous says:

    I’ve wanted to buy a chiminea for years now, but my wife doesn’t like the idea of letting me play with matches. Your photo looks almost alive, Meleah. I’m glad you’re playing along.

  23. Anna Lefler says:

    This is so cool!  I love it!

    Hope all is well…



  24. throw in a bottle of wine,music hot little number from Vicky Secret…………………………… oh sorry I was fantasizing….. 🙂

  25. Lovely shot Meleah! I could do with that fire right now. It’s 46 degrees here and I’m cold.

  26. Really? Thank you, Ziva!

  27. Thanks MWJ!

    I do get nervous about our chiminea, sometimes the flames shoot out of the top!

  28. Get one going, Babs!

  29. Ziva says:

    Yes, really! You’ve taken some amazing photos in this challenge, I’m really glad you decided to play along. 🙂

  30. Stunning, and makes me want to be there. There’s nothing as cozy as a well-contained fire..

  31. Nora Blithe says:

    Pretty!  That’s a great shot!

  32. I’ve loved every second of this challenge!

  33. Anonymous says:

    I would LOVE to sit in front of that fire if I was in a place that wasn’t so damn hot right now! I love outdoor fires. Especially if pinon pine is involved. Your photo is so crisp and inviting. Is it cold at your house? I’ll be right over. I’ll be ringing the bell in a few!

  34. ShadowRun300 says:

    Fire is one of those things that can be incredibly beautiful, or incredibly scary.  I’m happy that you chose the beautiful side.  🙂  We used to camp often, and staring into the fire at night was one of my most favorite things.  Awesome pic!

  35. The door is open for you!

  36. Thank you, Shadow.


  37. Nicky says:

    Wow. That’s fantastic, sweet thing. Seriously. The fireplace is perfectly sharp while the fire is slightly blurred by movement. I can almost feel the heat from it. 

  38. Kristen says:

    I knew someone was going to actually build a real fire. Kudos girl! The photo is amazing. 

  39. I’ve been trying my best, Kristen!

  40. Cheryl P. says:

    I just realized that my comment was supposed to say the word awesome is SO overused.  Damn, can’t even blame auto spell check on the error.  I am glad you are enjoying the 30 day challenge and yes, it does show in your photos.  They are great.  Fun out here seeing them!!!

  41. Anonymous says:

    Hot stuff there, Meleah.  Be careful you don’t get burned there.  

  42. HeSaidHisTelephoneNumberWas911 says:

    Great photo, warmth and depth.  From your patio I see.

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