Have You Ever? – Volume Two: The Pity Party Edition.

Have you ever written a blog post that was merely intended to get a few things off your chest so that you could move on with your life, because you were having an internal Pity Party, and you just needed to vent? But you didn’t really understand exactly how depressing it was until everyone commented on it. And you truly loved all of those comments, just as much as you love Rainbows and Unicorns, maybe even more. And, you genuinely loved hearing how much your friends love and support you – way more than you love Bacon, and Cheese, and Chocolate, and Vodka. Especially because you had NO IDEA that kind of honesty would be received so well, by so many people.

And then you felt like the luckiest girl in the whole wide world – to have the most amazing friends on the planet. Because not everyone, has the kind of friends that are willing to stick by your side, no matter what.

But then you suddenly felt badly for even having a ‘Pity Party’ in the first place, because let’s face it, most of the time your life is pretty freaking awesome. And seriously, there are people out there with much bigger problems and issues to deal with.

And then you momentarily consider deleting that last super-depressing-blog-post, because you really don’t want to look at it anymore. But, you have never deleted any blog-post you have ever written. And maybe there’s a part of you that really wants to save all of those wonderfully supportive comments for the next time you’re having a ‘Pity Party’. So instead of deleting it you start racking your brain for NEW blog-post ideas, just to get that last super-depressing-blog-post further down your home page.

Except that you can’t come up with any ideas.


Because you’re way too busy planning family functions including: ‘Mother’s Day’ and obsessing about your son’s upcoming 15th Birthday. And you can’t even THINK about your son’s upcoming 15th Birthday, without freaking the fuck out, because holy shit, where does all the time go? And then you find yourself reminiscing back to the days when your son was still a little boy, and you were the center of his universe. And for a split second, you wish you could turn back time, because these days, it’s obvious your teenager wants as little to do with you as possible. And even though you know that’s perfectly normal behavior, that doesn’t make you any less sad. And then you realize you only have a few more years left before he’s going to be off on his own, to face the world, without you. And that kind of realization only leads to eating copious amounts of ‘Comfort Food’ otherwise known as Bacon, and Cheese, and Chocolate, and Vodka.

So, instead of writing a new post…

You finally decide to simply try and distract your readers with  a funny photos like this:

So. Yeah.

Has THAT ever happened to you?


Me either.


PS: * On a personal note: I thought you’d like to know that I’ve been able to exercise again. I’ve been able to write again. And I even played golf, and colored my hair. So, it’s safe to say I am no longer sick, or depressed. And that’s a good thing. Hell, I’m almost done with my ‘To Do List.’ And ya’ll have NO IDEA how much better that has made me feel, mentally, emotionally and physically. I’d also like to thank my friend, Jim, for sending pictures to me when he knew I really needed a belly laugh. You, rock.

About Meleah

Mother. Writer. Television Junkie. Pajama Jean Enthusiast.
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63 Responses to Have You Ever? – Volume Two: The Pity Party Edition.

  1. jennthorson says:

    Glad things are looking up for you now, Meleah. You do not feel sad on your blog, you don’t sit sobbing on your dog, you plan a happy holiday, you will not, still not sob today. 🙂

    Sorry. It was the Seuss. 🙂

  2. Ahahhhah! Yes. I love it! Thanks, Jenn!!

  3. Rachele says:

    Yay for getting all that stuff done and for not being sick anymore. Boo for sending it to me. I’ve felt like crap all week but keep on truckin’ because…what other choice is there? No exercise or me, I get winded going up the stairs with this stuffy head and sore throat BUT, I have lost 5 pounds and that totally makes it worth it. It’s the simple things”:)

    Keep on being honest. It’s what you do and we all appreciate it. Sometimes we all need a little moral support.

  4. Rachele says:

    Yay for getting all that stuff done and for not being sick anymore. Boo for sending it to me. I’ve felt like crap all week but keep on truckin’ because…what other choice is there? No exercise or me, I get winded going up the stairs with this stuffy head and sore throat BUT, I have lost 5 pounds and that totally makes it worth it. It’s the simple things”:)

    Keep on being honest. It’s what you do and we all appreciate it. Sometimes we all need a little moral support.

  5. Awwwwwww, Rachele! You’re totally-super-awesome.
    And, I really hope YOU feel better soon.

    Hey, way to loose 5 pounds!

  6. Linda R. says:

    Glad you’re back to yourself, and getting things done. It’s a beautiful day here, although a bit cooler after last night’s thunderstorm. Hope your day is gorgeous and fun-filled.

  7. Porkstar says:

    I’m constantly wondering “what the fuck is this shit?!” at work, which totally sucks. Even more so when someone I don’t know contacts me so I’m like, “and who the fuck are you?”. Anyways, I’m glad to hear you are feeling much better. There’s no need to delete your post, you are free to write what you want and when you want it. It’s your blog, it’s your place, it’s what makes you feel better, not OTHERS feel better. It’s all about you and there’s nothing wrong with that.

    Feel much better and please, keep doing the same things you’ve been doing, laughing a lot, sucking immensely at bowling and being incredibly loud. I’ll sure experience this sometime when I see you and I will probably be scared by how loud you are but, eh, what the hell lol


  8. Pouring rain over here. And loving it.
    I was up all night busy working on re-writes for my book.

    And after an intense 8 hours, I only have four pages and 1,854 words.
    But I’m not complaining.

    I think I do my best work at those crazy hours from 12am – 8am.
    Mostly because that’s the only time no one bothers or distracts me!

  9. HeSaidHisTelephoneNumberWas911 says:

    You have nothing to feel bad about, isn’t that part of what the blog thing is about? Besides, a party is a party, whatever the reason. And what are friends for?

  10. Ahahhahahaahah! I have been known to terrify people with my loudness!

  11. You’re right. Thank you, my friend!

  12. You had me in tears because I have TWO boys at that age…and it is so hard! And then you made me laugh outloud… Seriously, wtf IS that?! Hahahaha!!!!

  13. Ron says:

    I truly think that’s one of the greatest things about having a blog – venting; getting things off your chest and receiving feedback and support from your blogging buddies. So, please don’t delete your previous post because one day you can go back and reread it; reviewing your life!

    Glad to hear you’re feeling better, girl!

    ((((( Meleah ))))))


  14. Ron says:

    P.S. Love the Dr. Seuss graphic!

  15. And the newest Dr. Seuss book practically writes itself!

  16. Thomas C. says:

    At first I read this as “Pita Party,” and I thought, “Wow. She really must like hummus. But why does it make her sad?”

    I think it’s time to get new reading glasses.

  17. laughing mom says:

    You can have another pity party when you realize that your son will NEVER move out because the economy sucks – I think that my 18 year old will have his grandchildren living here with us!

  18. Anne says:

    Usually when I am having a pity party, I don’t post anything because I am too incapacitated to blog. While there are people who have things worse, sometimes, that doesn’t make the things bothering us any easier to take. Glad you are feeling better.

  19. Honey, I am so glad you are feeling better, emotionally and physically. I know you go through some rough patches. I still think you are a very resilient person and you bounce back and when you do, you are stronger than you were before!

  20. Ahahahahahah!

    That’s motherhood!

  21. Hahahahhaha! Okay. Deal!

  22. Dr Cynicism says:

    Hahaha… pity parties are my favorite event to attend!!! But to answer your question, ummmm… no, no that’s never happened to me….. *shifty eyes*

  23. Yanno what? I kinda DO feel better than ever, Linda!


  24. HA!

    “*Shifty eyes*”

    You, rock.

    Thanks for coming to my pity party!

  25. Ziva says:

    I’m so glad you’re feeling better! Also, I really need to make an appointment to get my hair colored…

  26. Silverneurotic says:

    I think having the occassional Pity party is a good thing. We aren’t all rainbows and unicorns all the time-and to pretend that everything is like that would just by lying. Honestly, I thought that your last post was one of the most honest things I’ve read in a long time and I just wish I had had some words of wisdom to offer you at the time.

  27. Anonymous says:

    Ok, Melba, you pretty much had me at Bacon and Cheese. Then you had to go and throw in Chocolate and Vodka. Now you are just teasing me.

    Hew, we all have depressing days/weeks/years/posts. Shit, life would be boring if not for reading about everyone else’s problems. I ain’t one for giving advice but I would not try to delete your earlier blogs. Depressing as it might sound, that’s how you truly felt at the time. Sometimes that is a blessing to be able to look back on where you were.

    I am just glad everyone pitched in to help lift your spirits. You’ve got way to many friends who love you out here to be all mopey. You are stressing over a lot of things beyond your control. I only worry about things that are within my sphere of influence. The rest of the stuff will happen regardless of what we do. (Philosophy: Shit Happens).

    And Mel, don’t sweat your son’s upcoming 15th birthday. I am quite certain he has a level head on his shoulders (courtesy of his mom) and he will turn out great. Of course, for his 21st birthday, hide all the liquor.

  28. Anonymous says:

    Everyone deserves a pity party every now and then, so don’t feel bad. I’m glad that you are feeling better — hair color does wonders for me,

    So don’t delete it–it just shows how much you are ioved!

  29. Anonymous says:

    There’s something waiting for you on Older Eyes. Stop by to pick it up here:



  30. I love getting my hair done! I feel all new!

  31. Oh Agg!

    You’re the best!

  32. Thanks, StarTraci!

    I’m just glad I’m feeling better!

  33. Cheryl P. says:

    Hi Meleah, I just got here today via a link over at Oldereyes. I love both of your blogs. I haven’t gone back to read the older post that you are semi-conflicted on having written but I will say that I (because, I am the person that second guesses about everything I do) have written posts when I am stewing, simmering, gushing, effusing, crying, ranting or whatever my emotion of the minute is, typed out a post, hit the publish now button and think, “oh shit”.

    There is always the inevitable comment that wants to duke it out, or worse yet no comments at all which has me thinking that everyone out their is saying “What a freakin moron”. I think this whole blogging thing can be as rewarding and as it is humbling. Sometimes maddening. After a post about Ron Blagojevich 2 followers dissapeared. (I figured out one and have no idea of the other, pray to God, it wasn’t you)

    Anyway, I will be a regular on your blogs.

    Talk to you soon….Cheryl P.

  34. Got it now!


    THANK YOU!!!

  35. Lucy says:

    You know, a pity party is needed every so often and even though your life is pretty good everyone has times when life knocks them down for whatever reason and they need some support. We tend to not reach out when we need support whether it is actual “please I need you to help” or ” I just need an ear” we forget to reach out and ask the ones we love for that support, so bloggy land is a great place to get the EAR support!! I am glad you are feeling a little better and don’t forget to come here when you need that EAR!!

  36. Sandra says:

    I love it when you say ‘fuck!’ I love it even more that Dr. Seuss sais ‘fuck!’
    But most of all, I love that you feel well enough to colour your hair, because nothing says ‘health’ like when you’re roots are done!
    And this post was hilarious!

  37. territerri says:

    I’m so glad you’re feeling better. And please don’t feel guilty about having a pity party. I have them all the time. Sometimes you just need to accept them, and move on. Here’s to better days! (Chinking my glass of vodka with yours!)

  38. Selma says:

    Your last post meant a lot to me because I could relate to it. I think it’s really important to talk about things like that because not only does it help you, it helps other people too. It really helped me. But I am so glad you are feeling better. I know what you mean about your son. My son is turning 15 in June and there are days when I really miss my baby. The time has just flown by. That Dr. Seuss cover is freaking hilarious!!!

  39. Ferd says:

    So glad you’re feeling better!
    You sound great! 🙂

  40. Hi Cheryl P! Nice to meet you.
    And thanks for sharing that with me. I feel so much better now.

    I love Bud. He’s such a great man.

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