Apple iMovie ‘08

Um. No. Sorry. Not A Fan.

I love All Things Apple, so it literally pains me to express how disappointed I am with the new addition of iMovie.

iMovie ‘08. What The Hell Happened?

While some of the features are good, in fact time savers even. What’s troubling me about the new version of iMovie is what it is LACKING.

I was expecting to see a bigger-better-bolder version. I was planning to be enthralled, engaged and engrossed. I was hoping to play for hours with plenty of sparkly new effects and editing tools. But, after using iMovie ‘08 for an hour… Instead? I feel kinda ripped off.

Granted, I do not have/own iMovie08. So, 1. This may be a premature review, and 2. I have not been able to dedicate any real time to the application, and, like most people I am adverse to change. However, from what I did see, and use, and try, iMovie ‘08 was a giant let down.

Maybe I am missing something, but I couldn’t even find the ‘Time Line’. Why is this application all sorts of confusing looking? Gah. I dont really like the new ‘lay out’. And…really…someone please help me out here. Why did Apple decide to set the default for the program to have the most annoying Ken Burns Effects automatically applied to EVERY SINGLE imported image? I had to go into every image an un-check the ‘Ken Burns Effect’ manually. How about this…if I wanted the ‘KBE’, I would have added it myself. (Would have been nice to be given a choice.) After reading the iMovie ‘08 pamphlet, I discovered that I will always have to manually remove the ‘KBE’ from each individual image. Always. That is unless I want people to feel nauseous after watching one of my ‘movies.’

Aside from ‘KBE’ and the ever so lacking of options, capabilities, and choices, I did like the way you can chop/hack/edit/crop/cut clips or images. That feature IS cool.

But, iMovie07 (the one I use and love) has so many more possible combinations, capabilities, transitions, and titles. ‘Splitting a video clip at the play head’ simply makes my day. Being able to manipulate the time line so every single frame / photo hits the accompanied music note exactly where and how I want it, makes me drunk with power. I just couldn’t live without the effects ‘Push’ and ‘Radial’. And I would miss the ‘Star Wars Lettering’ capabilities far too much.

(Thankfully I keep saying NO to upgrading my version of iMovie)

I wonder though…as I am saving up to buy the newest iMac desktop, which comes with iMovie 08 already installed on it, will I be able to have and use iMovie 07 on my new iMac too? Hmm? Leslie?

And…does anyone know about, or has anyone used the program ‘Final Cut’ Or ‘Final Cut Pro’? I am thinking about getting my hands on that as well.

Oh wait…while I am on the subject, can anyone tell me where I can securely purchase a Mouse Pad with the Apple Logo on it? Apparently my local Apple Store does not believe in Mouse Pads.

At All.

~Okay rant over. Yes Michael, I am now going back into iMovie 07 so that I can finish my latest work in progress. 🙂

About Meleah

Mother. Writer. Television Junkie. Pajama Jean Enthusiast.
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20 Responses to Apple iMovie ‘08

  1. Selma says:

    Thanks for the tip. I am a big fan of iMovie 07 especially splitting the clip at the playhead. LOVE that. Don’t think I’ll bother with the 08 version. I hate when the new versions don’t deliver. That’s disappointing.

  2. Chefmom says:

    Well that sucks! I hate it when new versions of things come out and they’re awful. Why can’t they just leave the good things the way they are?

  3. Meleah says:

    I know!!! I *heart* splitting video and hacking the crap out of audio files. Trust me, iMove 07= waaaaay better than iMovie 08. I think you might HAVE to BUY more software / programs to get all of the effects that come with 07 for 08. Not sure yet. But Im sticking with 07!!

    Well yeah! And thats why I refuse to ‘upgrade’. I am SO glad I had the chance / opportunity to try 08 BEFORE I switched over. I would have been really steamed had I changed to 08 and then found out its missing like 90,000 effects and transitions.

  4. Omyword! says:

    I got my new Mac with ’08 already loaded. Since I was coming from the Land-O-Dell, iMovie 08 seemed great. But then I read a review and they trashed it, so I asked That Guy, who has an older Mac with iMovie 07, and he agreed that 07 is better than 08. So, if I were you, I’d run 07 on your new desktop, if you can.

    I wish I understood what “splitting the clip at the playhead” means…so I knew what I was missing!

    Wish you could join Olga, Heather n April in Paris next week. We could have a great bloggers ball. But, one thing that you might be glad to know…it’s supposed to snow! Here I was, thinking spring was on its way…the roses on the patio are starting to get leaves on them. sigh.

  5. Meleah says:

    I wish I could be in PARIS with YOU and OLGA (and April & Heather). But, I cant wait to see the adventures. *very jealous*

    iMovie 07 is THE BOMB.

    iMovie 08 Not. So. Much.

    Oh there are sooo many terms I could use that people would have No Idea what I am talking about when it comes to making a ‘movie’…..

  6. Avery says:

    Oh, you have so much to teach me about iMovie! I spent all day on our video, and I couldn’t figure out how to do much of anything besides transitions and adding their pre-packaged sounds.

    Help me, Meleah Wan Kenobi! You’re my only hope! ;o)

  7. leslie says:

    I gave iMovie 08 a bad review a while back (in 2007) on AppleGrrl.

  8. Michael C says:

    OK twin, since I am currently Apple illiterate (or would that be Apple I-literate??), I am just going to say stick with whatever version you currently use, because you have learned to rock it like Speilberg!!!! Carry on…


  9. Diva says:

    Oh, Mammmmma… I’m so technologically dorkish. I have no clue about anything.

  10. Meleah says:

    I am all over that! I can teach you MAD skillz about video editing. For Real. (you will see ‘The New Movie ‘ tomorrow)

    I know you did. But I had to see for myself. Apple RUINED iMovie 08. What a waste. But will I be able to operate iMovie 07 on a brand new iMac? Hmm…THAT is my question.

    Michael C:
    i-Literate is hysterical. I love you dood. you ALWAYS make me laugh….(out loud).

    I used to be challenged in the TECH department and I am still quite SLOW with respects to this website. Thankfully I have my own personal ‘Wizard Of Oz’ = LESLIE who handles all of my technical blog issues….but if it comes to making a MOVIE….now THAT I can do. Just wait for tomorrows post!

  11. wornoutwoman says:

    I love all things mac too! I’ll have to ask my husband what he thinks of it…I’ve not played with it yet.

  12. man you Apple people are passionate…..:))))))) and I tagged ya..

  13. Meleah says:

    Yeay! another APPLE enthusiast! iMovie 08 was such a disappointment

    we are. yes. we are. Okay cool. Thanks for the tag.

  14. Awwww…
    Maybe should mix iMovie 08 with some beer, lots of coffee, many cuss words, and if all these don’t do it, call up Apple and ask for an Apple Pie recipe!

  15. The best friend says:


  16. Can I use iMovie ‘08 on my 1996 pACKARD bELL? She has a 366 MHz processor and 48k modem!! I am looking for conversion software.
    I would like to make a film about Charmin 🙂

  17. Meleah says:

    Mmmmmmm Apple Pie.

    iMovie 08 BLOWS!

    You do NOT want iMovie 08….but you MIGHT want to get a NEW computer! hahahahahah

  18. Ricardo says:

    Bummer. I love all things apple too so it hurts to read that they have stumbled on a key application. I hear guys at work yapping about how great final cut pro is and they are in the editing field so I’m sure they know what they are talking about. May be worth a shot.

  19. Lee says:

    You think things are bad with Apple? Just make the move to Windows and you’ll really have something to rant about. I’m convinced that Microsoft has contests for their developers to see who can introduce the most bugs and security leaks into new releases.

    But on the other hand, it’s all my fault. I just can’t bring myself to switch to Apple.

  20. Meleah says:

    Totally idiotic what they did. I am all over Final Cut Pro! Thanks darling.

    Yikes. No Thank you. And what? WHY? I was a windoze user for YEARS….and i will NEVER go back.

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