A Very Special Visit From: My Dear Friend & Fellow Blogger, Nicky!

It was 5pm on a Thursday evening, when I received the phone call I had been anxiously awaiting all day. It was my dear friend Nicky, from the blog, We Work For Cheese. She had arrived in New Jersey.  She spent the day driving all the way down from ‘Even More Canada’ for eight hours straight…just to meet me!

* And here’s how her road trip worked out: Part OnePart Two.

From the minute we met, we squealed like two 14-year-old girls having their first slumber party. We jumped up and down, hugging each other, filled with excitement.

Of course, the first place I had to take Nicky was to my infamous Country Club. Often referred to as KHCC. Because anyone who knows me, knows I spend most of my time there. And anyone who knows me, also knows of my best friend, Amy The Bartender. And you can’t come visit Meleah without going to KHCC to hang out with ATB.

And you can’t come to KHCC to hang out with ATB without enjoying the very bestest  Bacon, Cheddar, CheeseBurgers [with all the fixin’s – including chipotle mayo].


You can’t come to KHCC, to hang with my BFF ATB, while enjoying a BCCB, without a celebrity sighting.

We spent the evening sipping on Grey Goose, laughing, chatting, and checking Facebook, laughing, chatting, and checking Facebook, and laughing and chatting. I didn’t want the night to come to an end. I felt like I had connected with my long-lost-sister. Sadly, before I could say “supercalifragilisticexpialidocious” it was time to take Nicky back to the hotel. The very hotel she had difficulty finding.

The next morning, I sprung out of bed with a skip in my step and massive smile plastered on my face. I was totally-super-excited. Nicky would be spending the WHOLE day/night with me. Only, I wasn’t exactly sure WHAT we should do. Or, WHERE I should take her. Because as most of you already know, I do NOT leave the 4 square miles that surround my house. And, I am not exactly used to hosting and/or entertaining other people.

As I got ready to pick her up from the hotel I racked my brain for ideas. And just when I was beginning to feel like ‘The World’s Worst And Most Boring Host’ – I suddenly remembered it was the 1st Friday of the month. Why is that so special, you ask? Well, because it’s the ONLY day of the month wherein another Country Club has what’s called ‘Disco Night’.

Ah yes.

What could be better than getting dressed up – to go out dancing?




The place holding the event was located WITHIN the 4 square miles that surround my house!

Much to my surprise, some of my friends from KHCC were more than willing to join us. In fact, they were totally and completely shocked to find that I was actually willing to put away my computer, leave my barstool in the corner, and try something new. And hand to god, had it not been for Nicky, I never would have even considered going.

Once our hands were stamped, I felt like I was transported back in time, to my twenties.

Without a care in the world, Nicky and I danced, and danced, and sang all of the glorious songs of the 70’s – on the top of our lungs.

I even pretended to dance like Elaine Benes from Seinfeld.

Complete with little kicks, pointed thumbs, and head thrashing!

We practically stayed until the place closed down, before heading to the local diner for some gravy fries, smothered in cheese, otherwise known as “poutine”.


Honest to blog, I don’t remember the last time I’ve had this much fun! I was sad to see Nicky leave the following morning. But I will be eternally grateful for these memories. I am so blessed call her my friend, and to have finally met her in Real Life.


Hopefully, the next time we can get together, I’ll make the trip to Canada!

About Meleah

Mother. Writer. Television Junkie. Pajama Jean Enthusiast.
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105 Responses to A Very Special Visit From: My Dear Friend & Fellow Blogger, Nicky!

  1. That looks and sounds like fun. Glad you both had such a good time.

    So what is this KHCC again of which you speak? 😉

  2. Amybartndr says:

    Was that really only last week??? Had a great time getting to know Nicky Mike!!!!

  3. HeSaidHisTelephoneNumberWas911 says:

    There’s nothing better than meeting a “new old friend” face-to-face. It looks and sounds like you two had a fantastic time. Love those great smiles.

  4. It sounds like you had a great time!  I wish you had video of you dancing like Elaine.  I would have loved to see it.

  5. Knob Hill Country Club!

  6. I know, right? Feels like a lifetime ago already!

  7. I never wanted her to go home!

  8. Nicky DOES have a video of me dancing like that! But, she hasn’t posted it

  9. Wow, sounds and looks like you guys had a great time 😀

    I wished I had friends like that, most of mine are just plain idiots … LOL!

  10. I was kidding. It’s not like you’ve ever mentioned it here on your blog :).

  11. Yes, I’m lucky to have such wonderful & fun friends!

  12. Lisa Golden says:

    What a blast you had and what fun this was to read. And okay, those gravy fries? Yum.

  13. Lisa Golden says:

    What a blast you had and what fun this was to read. And okay, those gravy fries? Yum.

  14. Nicky says:

    Waaaahhhh!!! Looking at these pictures makes me want to laugh AND cry…I miss you guys! I don’t think I have ever been so warmly welcomed as I was at KH!! I had the most AMAZING time and cannot wait to get together again! And as for being ‘The World’s Worst And Most Boring Host’, I say you are THE HOSTESS WITH THE MOSTEST!!!

    I ? Meleah!!!!

  15. I haven’t had those late night at a diner since I was 26!

  16. Aw!!! Nicky!
    I miss you too. A lot!

    I cannot thank YOU enough for getting me off my ass and out dancing!

    And, I totally forgot to mention how we BOTH use the word “unfortunate”
    when describing “ugly” people! Ahahhahahahahah

  17. 00dozo says:

    Dang! I wish I could get one of those burgers, sans the penis knife – I’ve got my own penis, oops, I mean knife.  But I’ll pass on the poutine unless it is sans cheese (um, well I guess it wouldn’t be poutine then.  Never mind.)

    Gah!!  You guys even had me bouncing off the walls and grinning from ear to ear with those pics!  (Note to self:  bring Valium in the event of any face-to-face meeting with meleah & Nicky.)

    Glad you guys had a blast!


  18. Cheryl P. says:

    I am anxiously awaiting the video of you danceing like Elaine.  I was thinking how fun it would have been there in person right up to the time you said the there would be the possiblility of being called “unfortunate”.  (heh heh)  I think I might fit into Nick Phillips group better, (Nick when you say plain idiots are you meaning idiots that are plain??)

  19. Aw! Thanks 00dozo!
    We sure had a great time. I already miss her!

  20. Oh stop!

    You are NOT unfortunate looking.
    Believe me!

    And, hello ­ you are always welcome to hang out.

    I really hope Nicky posts the video of my dancing like Elaine soon!

  21. Anonymous says:

    so THATS who that was!

    i saw those pics on FB and i was like “Who the heck?”

    How come you and i dont have any pictures like that?”

  22. Thomas C. says:

    I am jealous.
    That is all.

  23. Junebug says:

    Awesome Blossom!!!  Such fun!

  24. Nicky says:

    Unfortunately, it is REALLY dark and kinda blurry at times, mainly because the camera was shaking so much from me laughing so hard! 🙂

  25. Jay from The Depp Effect says:

    Wow, Meleah, you look GREAT!!  You should go dancing more often!  And pass me some of those gravy fries, would you?  I looooove them.  Especially with broccoli.  LOL!

  26. Mike says:

    That cheeseburger looks soo freakin good, but man I laughed when I first saw the penis/knife!

  27. geechee_girl says:

    It would be impossible to click Like enough times on this post 🙂

  28. nonamedufus says:

    So the first night you saw Tony Bennett and the second night you acted like John Travolta. Sounds like you two had a great time. And in New Jersey of all places!

  29. Ferd says:

    What an absolute BLAST!!!
    :-)Both of you look radiant, with your inner child smiles!!
    I predict Nicky’s penis knife picture will become infamous! Glad her tongue wasn’t sticking out! LOL
    I have had the pleasure of meeting several blog friends IRL. It really is a special thing. I am so glad you and Nicky had a chance to meet, and that you shared the occasion with us! FUN!!

  30. From the minute we met, we squealed like two 14-year-old girls accepting their aboriginal coma party. We jumped up and down, adhering nniversary other, abounding with excitement.

    Hotel Gramado

  31. Selma says:

    Sounds like an absolute blast. I am so glad you had such a good time. Would have loved to see the Elaine dancing!!

  32. Ron says:

    OMG…I was so freakin’ excited reading this post, it was hard for me NOT to scroll down faster and faster!!!

    Isn’t it wonderful to meet up with a blogger buddy?

    “From the minute we met, we squealed like two 14-year-old girls having their first slumber party. We jumped up and down, hugging each other, filled with excitement.”

    Yes, I know that feeling! And one day when YOU and I meet….we’ll be doing the same thing!

    Awesome photos! Died laughing at the knife/penis caption!

    And btw….you look faaaaaaaabulous in that dress, girl! Woot! Woot!

    Promise me when we meet, you’ll take me to that disco club because I LOVE disco!


  33. Random Chick says:

    Looks like entirely too much fun…and a knife penis. LOL!!!

  34. You should come visit me, Slyde!
    Then you too, can have photos with me!

  35. “Approve”

    And, hello ….. When are YOU coming to KHCC?

  36. Oh man! I wonder if you can email it to me, and then I can see if I can work
    my “movie magic” on it?


    Yay! Jay! You’re back!!

  38. Ahahha! I laughed [until I cried] when it was pointed out to us – too!

  39. Awwwwwwwwwwwwww! xoxoxox

  40. OMG!! I cannot believe you just said “with your inner child smiles!”

    Long story, behind that!

  41. If only I could meet YOU!!

  42. We’ve been online friends for FIVE YEARS!!!!

  43. Hello, Ron……

    WHEN are WE meeting?

    Cuz Valerie needs to be a part of THAT!!


    I would LOVE to take you to Disco Night!!

    It’s the 1st Friday of the month ­ every month.

    How’s August for you????

  44. Sandra says:

    OMG I am so jealous! 1. Your cleavage!!! 2. You and Nicky hanging out!!! 3. Dancing to 70s music!!! 4. that poutine!!! I loved this post, Meleah, I hung on your every word, and was sad when it ended! Sounds like you were an excellent hostess!

  45. Well, if it’s any consolation, Nicky and I are already planning a meet up –
    with you!

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