Well, y’all…
I made yet another BOLD life-changing decision today!!
After extremely careful consideration and countless hours deliberating — I gave my two weeks notice to my current employer.
I am leaving on excellent terms and I am going to miss all of them very dearly, including the patients I’ve come to know and love.
(INSIDE JOKE: I am “Ex-specially” going to miss the best coworker I’ve ever had IN MY ENTIRE LIFE: my partner in crime, my friend, my confidant, my right hand and the one who always has my back — my soul sister, Liza!!! Love you soooo much, sweetheart!!)
Now, y’all are probably wondering why???
So here goes…
I was offered and accepted a new position at another doctors office.
** It’s a geriatric doctors office = BECAUSE, HELLO!! OLD FOLKS ARE MY JAM!
** It’s literally one mile from my new apartment = my commute just went from 45 minutes EACH WAY, down to 4 minutes ROUND TRIP!
** They’re 100% on board with being completely flexible with my work schedule so it will NOT interfere with my school schedule! I CAN EVEN ADD MORE CLASSES! And with taking 12 credits instead of just 9 credits = MORE FINANCIAL AID!!
** It’s $1.50 MORE = PER HOUR.
In two weeks from today…
I will be working less & making more money. I will be driving less & saving more money. And I will have enough time to study!!
And …. It’s going to be a whole new experience; doing other kinds of procedures and learning a completely different type of medical practice.
Am I scared?
Fuck yes.
Am I excited?
Fuck yes.
Is it going to be difficult to acclimate to so much change: like getting used to a new routine, meeting all new people, going outside of my comfort zone, and basically starting from scratch by switching from Sports Medicine to Internal Medicine?
Fuck yes.
Once I *am* comfortable & get into my new groove… Am I going to kick some serious ass?
Fuck yes.
Is my mom going to kill me because it’s going to cost her a pretty penny to purchase a very necessary, yet very expensive, special and specific “cardiac” stethoscope that works best for the hearing impaired?
And that’s all for now, folks!
Stay tuned.