A Day In My Life – Sunday

When it’s Sunday and you get to sleep in so you don’t get out of bed until 10am!

Then you make a giant breakfast, call your mom, scroll through Facebook, and drink copious amounts of caffeine.

And then you …


And you do …


MATH – You write out your multiplication tables three more times and create super colorful flashcards.

PSYCH – Read Chapter One: introduction and research methods (37 pages). You highlight and annotate anything remotely important and make 46 flashcards of bold-faced terms with their definitions. And you really enjoyed writing out those flashcards because it remind you of when you attended ACI and you totally love all things related to medical terms and definitions.

(You take breaks only to write out your multiplication tables three more times and munch on some snacks.)

Then you go back to Psych to take the online formative quiz and you get 100!! And you’re totally super excited and you’re ready to walk away and enjoy the rest of your day but then — your Canvas Course unlocks more lectures, and 68 more slides, and 2 more supplemental articles, and 2 different web links to “understanding research methods” and another video on “ethics in human research” and holy mother of god how are you going to finish all of this in one day — because there’s also a discussion forum for the course introduction, and an icebreaker, and there is another summative quiz to complete the module!!

But then you remember your a rock-star and summon the strength to barrel through — taking more breaks to snack on cheese and write out your multiplication tables three more times.

And then it’s 8pm — and you’ve finished all of your homework, and you scored 9/10 on your summative quiz, which actually makes you laugh because you’re famous for getting one damn answer wrong, but now your completely drained.

So you take 2 Advil and your antibiotic, scarf down some dinner, scroll through Facebook, congratulate yourself for a job well done, smoke one well deserved and much needed Newport 100 — before climbing into bed because you have a crazy work schedule the next day.


About Meleah

Mother. Writer. Television Junkie. Pajama Jean Enthusiast.
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