30 Days Of Photography | Day 5: Lotion


* I am participating in a 30-Day-Photo-Challenge along with these fine people.

About Meleah

Mother. Writer. Television Junkie. Pajama Jean Enthusiast.
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63 Responses to 30 Days Of Photography | Day 5: Lotion

  1. Cheryl says:

    I knew I’d find something like this over here. Sweeeeeeeeeeeeet!

  2. Ziva says:

    Oh my lord, this is like a scene straight out of a French brothel. I love it!

    I’d say more, but you know how the French are about lotion.

  3. agg79 says:

    Ooooh. Slippery.

  4. Lucy says:

    Makes me want to run out and buy it 🙂

  5. Paula Wooters says:

    Hahahaha! Leave it to you to turn this one into what was actually in Ziva’s and Michael’s minds when they thought it up!

  6. Pat Kumicich says:

    is there an orgasmic chocolate version or only plain vanilla?

  7. HA! I was at a complete loss for this one!

  8. This one is Jasmine Vanilla. And they do make a lot of other amazing scents!

  9. It’s the BEST scented lotion, ever!

  10. Barb says:

    Man… that just looks…….sexy! 😉

  11. Cheryl P. says:

    Aromatherapy for sensual, huh? What exactly does this type of lotion smell like? Maybe I am better off not knowing. My lotions smell more like Vicks Vapor Rub.

  12. nonamedufus says:

    Sensual, eh? Love it. And I should have expected it coming from you, Meleah.

  13. YAY! That’s what I was shooting for!

  14. Laughing Mom says:

    Probably shot on top of your silk sheets – right?!?

  15. Margaret says:

    Ooh-la-la! I’m going to skip the red-bottled SENSUAL lotion and go straight for the question about the purple thing. What IS that????

  16. Ron says:

    Beeeeeeeeeeeeautiful shot, Meleah! Sexy!

    The color is AMAZING!!!! LOVE the furry blanket as your backdrop!

    *two thumbs up*


  17. This looks like an ad you would find in the back of Playboy !! lol .. . I can appreciate it a lot.

  18. Tami Von Zalez says:

    My first thought – “ooo la la” and a mental picture of the judge Bruno Tonioli from Dancing With the Stars saying it.


  19. AHhahahHAHhHA! I love DWTS!

  20. Yahoooooooooooooooooo

  21. It’s just a blanket on my NEW bedding.


  22. Silk sheets? No. Too sweaty. HA! XOXOXO

  23. I got excited when I saw the name…. but it is only aromatherapy?!? lolol!

  24. MIkeWJ says:

    Which raises a question: How does Ziva know so much about French brothels?

  25. MikeWJ says:

    I got excited, too. Stayed that way, too.

  26. MikeWJ says:

    Nothing says “do me” like a feather boa and a bottle of lotion. But you know how they feel about lotion in Norway. Best not discuss it.

  27. MikeWJ says:

    Oh, I thought it was a boa. Nevermind.

  28. MikeWJ says:

    Orgasmic chocolate. I like the concept.

  29. HeSaidHisTelephoneNumberWas911 says:

    Oh Yes! MMmmm.

  30. shadowrun300 says:

    I’ve fallen a little behind in your challenge…. 5 days in fact… 🙂
    but I cracked UP at the “Sour” pics and the “Fast” pic! And the “Above my Head” pic is beautiful! I’m so happy you’re doing this again, but I’m a little nervous to see what you choose for “Vibration”. Especially after your lotion pic…..

  31. ladyV says:

    sensual! jasmine vanilla is that what it says? i bet it smells good.

  32. Lauren says:

    I swear I left a comment earlier. Disqus hates me. Nothing says French Brothel like bright red and purple. Nice and bawdy.

  33. Jamie Baker says:

    Wow, now I’m feeling a little warm. Gotta go…

  34. I tried my best with this one!

  35. Oh you can’t leave us hanging like that!

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