30 Days Of Photography | Day 14: Secret


* I am participating in a 30-Day-Photo-Challenge along with these fine people.

About Meleah

Mother. Writer. Television Junkie. Pajama Jean Enthusiast.
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54 Responses to 30 Days Of Photography | Day 14: Secret

  1. MikeWJ says:

    “You’re never going to believe who your daddy is.”

    You caught the perfect expression, Meleah. And those kids are so cute, I feel like trying to have another one. Not like having one. Just like trying.

  2. ladyV says:

    how cute and the baby looks as if ….well maybe she is being told a secret…she’s really listening and taking it all in.

  3. Paula Wooters says:

    NOOOO…. never tell a kid a secret! Especially when it’s, “I will always love you more than your sister.”

  4. Cheryl P. says:

    Love the expression on the little one getting the secret. You can just see the “Really…No Way??” in the raised brows. Too cute.

  5. Lucy says:

    This is too cute, look at the eyes on both those kids, too cute!!!

  6. Ron says:

    OMG, Meleah, what a SWEET photo! I LOVE the expression on the little one hearing the secret, and also the other little one watching!

    You REALLY captured, secret!


  7. Laughing Mom says:

    Kids can only keep secrets when they are too young to talk…
    Love this picture!!!


    The mere thought of having another child literally makes me shudder.

  9. That’s baby Charli. All of these girls belong to my friend, Jennifer.

  10. YAY!! Woot!

    Thank you!

  11. Pat Kumicich says:

    I love this photo! I remember whispering in my kid’s ears when they were little. They believed everything I said. Once they got older – not so much!

  12. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    What a great shot Mel!!

  13. Jamie Baker says:

    Great picture. I could never get out an entire secret before they started laughing.

  14. What an adorable and perfect picture!

  15. Ziva says:

    Great job, Meleah, the perfect and most adorable “secret” photo ever! 🙂

  16. Thank you!

    Lucky for me, my girlfriends daughters were more than willing to pose for this one!

  17. Cheryl says:

    Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. Precious and my favorite of the day. I’m a sucker for kids.

  18. I’m a sucker for kids too.
    When they belong to SOMEONE else!

  19. Cheryl says:

    Wellllllllllll, yeah. I may be a bit crazy but I’m not insane.

  20. mike says:

    She’ll listen to anything you say as long as she gets to keep the golf ball.

  21. HeSaidHisTelephoneNumberWas911 says:

    “Two can keep a secret if one of them is…” Too little to repeat it. So cute.

  22. shadowrun300 says:

    Awww! I remember whispering in my kids ears, and their eyes would open so wide while they listened! You captured her expression perfectly! 🙂

  23. Kevin says:

    This is great. 🙂 Makes me wonder what she is saying!!! haha.

  24. What a sweet sweet photo! I was so moved… then I saw what Mike wrote and laughed outloud. Mike, you spoiled my moment! LOL!

  25. Jay of The Depp Effect says:

    Oh, that’s such a great photo for the theme! LOVE the look on the child’s face! Super!!

  26. oldereyes says:

    I love the expression on the little girl … “I don’t really care what you’re saying.” But she’s dying to know.

  27. Lauren says:

    That is adorable! They are precious.

  28. Thank you. I love OTHER PEOPLE’S kids!

  29. Lauren says:

    : ) It’s easier than childbirth. No stretch marks or late night feedings. Unless you make a run to the fridge.

  30. Don’t get me wrong.
    I love my son and all – but ­ well ­ you know what I mean!

  31. Lauren says:

    Of course. I’ve got a 22 year old son. We practically shove him out the door to get him back to school.

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