30 Days Of Photography | Day 13: Calm


* I am participating in a 30-Day-Photo-Challenge along with these fine people.

About Meleah

Mother. Writer. Television Junkie. Pajama Jean Enthusiast.
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51 Responses to 30 Days Of Photography | Day 13: Calm

  1. Cheryl says:

    Sigh. This is just perfect.

    Now for the question that begs to be answered, whose bedroom did you sneak into to capture this?

  2. nonamedufus says:

    Things don’t get much calmer than that.

  3. MikeWJ says:

    This is lovely, Meleah. Simply lovely.

  4. slyde says:

    great picture! 🙂

  5. Ron says:

    Aw….what a PRECIOUS capture, Meleah!

    And perfect for CALM.


  6. Jamie Baker says:

    It doesn’t get any better than that. I love my kids best when they are asleep. Great photo.

  7. Paula Wooters says:

    Nothing finer!

  8. HA! That’s my mom and my nephew Mason!

  9. Sleeping kids = awesome. Awake & wild kids = not so much!

  10. Ziva says:

    Awww, such a sweet moment. Lovely, Meleah, really lovely. 🙂

  11. Thank you. I love these people!

  12. Cheryl P. says:

    What a lovely picture. As a grandparent that occasionally has had one of the G-boys crawl into our bed…your picture just exudes the love between your mom and nephew. That is precious.
    Your family rocks!

  13. stoneskin says:

    Sleep is good, I love my children even more than usual when they’re asleep.

  14. HeSaidHisTelephoneNumberWas911 says:

    Awww, perfect.

  15. Pat Kumicich says:

    As calm as it gets!

  16. ladyV says:

    and that is the sweetest calm.

  17. Danielle Batog says:

    These are the best moments in life.

  18. Kevin says:

    Awwwww! Adorable. 🙂

  19. mike says:

    Perfect interpretation.

  20. Laughing Mom says:

    Absolutely perfect! Tell us, were they both really asleep? It is such a lovely scene.

  21. shadowrun300 says:

    How sweet! Is he that “calm” while awake? How about your mom? 🙂

  22. agg79 says:

    Is that the Calm before the Storm we all hear about?

  23. Lucy says:

    Oh, my gosh, I love this 🙂

  24. They were both totally unconscious!

  25. Maybe.

    Because once Mason wakes up?
    He’s NON STOP!

  26. territerri says:

    Awww! How cute is that?

  27. I love them sooo much!

  28. Jay of The Depp Effect says:

    Soooo sweeet!! Love it!

  29. oldereyes says:

    This, my friend is a wonderful photo.

  30. Thank you. I think so too.

  31. Haha, I like this one!

  32. Hey, Rolando!!! Long time no see! HOLLA!!!

  33. I know, I know. I am so sorry for not being here. Raising a family is some hard sheeeeettt.

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