Trains: In China (or) Japan?

Wow. Um.

Whatever Country this came from, THAT kind of ‘situation’ can not be good for anyone suffering from claustrophobia.

(I sincerely hope those people are wearing enough deodorant. And, had the decency to eat a breath mint prior to getting On The Train).

About Meleah

Mother. Writer. Television Junkie. Pajama Jean Enthusiast.
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21 Responses to Trains: In China (or) Japan?

  1. Just think, soon all those people will be driving cars instead. Then watch what happens to gas prices.

  2. Uh, that’s nuts.

  3. terri says:

    I was feeling panicky just watching that! Crazy!

  4. Meleah says:

    The Sarcasticynic :

    Yes. Way NUTS. I never saw anything like that in my life.

    I had to go outside and get some Fresh Air after watching that.

  5. Chefmom says:

    They’re like little sardines!!! and I can’t believe the conductors were shoving them in like that!!

  6. Remind me never to take a train in China-or Japan.

  7. Jillian says:

    Wow… Is that for real? Sheesh. What a hazard!

  8. Meleah says:

    Chef Mom:
    I know. I would DIE. I cant even stand being on an elevator.

    I will.

    I think its real. And I have the nerve to complain about MY commute.

  9. Random Chick says:

    Oh GAWD! I feel for these people. I know, I wrote a post on the hazards of my own experience traveling on public transit (but it’s not as bad as this!)

  10. Random Chick says:

    I don’t know why this is not working so I’m gonna try this again:

    Oh GAWD! I feel for these people. I know, I wrote about my own experiences traveling on public transportation on my blog (but it’s not as bad as this!)

  11. Random Chick says:

    Don’t know why this isn’t accepting my comment…

  12. Meleah says:

    Your comment(s) are here!

    I have heavy ANTI-SPAM protection on my blog. As such, NO ONE can leave a comment that includes a LINK without my ‘approval’!

    You are so cute with all of your comments.

  13. UH nope I’ll walk..ride a bike ..hitch hike..scooter anything but that..:))

  14. Rogelio says:

    Now you see… it is in Japan where authorities should be… huh… *pushing* (oh gosh couldn’t resist the pun) for… congestion pricing (there!, a 1-2 punch!).

    Either that or they should just issue each platform attendant with a can of PAM.

    Where’s Godzilla when you need him?

  15. Meleah says:

    Air! “I need AIR!!” that’s all I can think about when I watch that video

    Nicely done with the One Two pun-ch!

  16. Selma says:

    I would be a wreck. How can they stand it?

  17. Meleah says:

    I could NEVER live like that! NEVER.

  18. Sardine City. When I was a kid zero population growth was taught. I guess it never really caught on.

  19. Meleah says:

    Awake In Rochester:
    Ha ha ha ha……And I thought New Jersey was over populated.

  20. someGirl says:

    *….can’t …need air…can’t breathe through brief case…*

  21. Meleah says:

    I KNOW! How do people live like that?

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