This Is Your Friendly Neighborhood Leslie

Doing a test post after the migration. Β Please comment to let me know you can see the post, the header, the sidebar, and that comments are working. If all is well, I’ll add Meleah’s plug ins and such back in. πŸ™‚

About Meleah

Mother. Writer. Television Junkie. Pajama Jean Enthusiast.
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13 Responses to This Is Your Friendly Neighborhood Leslie

  1. kellypea says:

    I can see the whole shootin’ match, girl. w00t!

  2. marsha says:

    Everything looks good to me.

  3. Beth says:

    Looks fine here!

  4. Meleah says:

    Kelly Pea:
    Daddy is on the post called House Hold Repairs {part two}

    or just click here

    You really are my HERO

    Whoooo hooooo. And wow…I haven’t seen you in a long time….did you move your blog too?


  5. tescosuicide says:

    I can see everything but the Gravatars. πŸ˜‰

  6. Meleah says:

    I am soooooooooo psyched. I think its all working

    (so far so good!)

    wooooooo hoooooo

    *bows and kneels to kiss the ring of guru blogger (and life long best friend) Leslie.*

  7. Michael C says:

    Oh thank God this site is back up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. I can EVERYTHING now….and it loads WAAAY faster!!!! πŸ™‚ Now MAYBE I can view the videos too?……I’ll go see!

  9. AARRRRRGGGG!!!! I STILL don’t know why a man would need a flyswatter to fix a frickin grabage disposal!!! and it’s driving me cRaZy!!!! πŸ˜‰

  10. Meleah says:

    Oh hell yeah……
    I’m back baby! and I am soooo glad you can view everything!

  11. BobG says:

    All systems go.

  12. Meleah says:


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