There are very few reasons and even fewer people t…

There are very few reasons and even fewer people that would ever be able to get me up and out of bed at 630am on a Sunday. One of those people happens to be one of my very closest and dearest girlfriends, Patty. Not only did I get up at a sacrilegious hour on a Sunday for her, but, it was also to help her MOVE. Ugh! MOVING!

Pictures would look really good….. HERE……

However, I didn’t bring my camera so I don’t have any pictures (although there would have been plenty.) But, my camera would have just been one more object to maneuver, hold, carry, and more than likely would have gotten broken in the madness of boxes, clothing, hangers, dishes, dressers, televisions, sofas, chairs, china, ect ect ect. So just use your imagination. Sweaty people, a big rented yellow truck, a station wagon, a few cats, a 10 year old boy with DS game system attached to his hands, a tall guy that kept crashing into chandeliers and should probably be suffering from a concussion by now, my weak ass, and for some reason, randomly placed speed bumps that were also unmarked, and unsuspecting on the side streets. You get the picture.

630am until 330pm. Whew! I am going to be hurting tomorrow. I haven’t even driven past a gym in 2 years, let alone worked out or exercised. In the morning, I am going to be sooo sore. I’m sure to wonder why I wont be able to lift my arms to shampoo…

Oh well, (I actually liked helping her move) and, at least I didn’t have to go holiday shopping and look for parking spaces in the midst of last minute mayhem.

On a totally different topic, I have had THIS MAGAZINE, since this time, LAST YEAR:

I kept it, because I love the note pads and pens that are on the cover. I never told anyone I liked them and I never asked anyone for them…I just liked them. I was saving that magazine for a day, (if a day ever came) when I had a few extra dollars to treat myself to a present. (I never buy myself anything. Ever. Not even shoes.)

My mother, bought this as a surprise present for me:

Dood! How much does that rock? After she gave me my present, I ran into my room, grabbed the magazine ran back out to the dining room and said, “How did you know I wanted that? Look at this magazine…I have had this since last year… I saved this so I could one day buy that exact item!”

Thanks mom! Now… what the hell am I going to get for her?

About Meleah

Mother. Writer. Television Junkie. Pajama Jean Enthusiast.
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2 Responses to There are very few reasons and even fewer people t…

  1. Leslie says:

    Your mom rocks. 😀

  2. meleah rebeccah says:

    I guess thats why shes the “Yeben Lady”…. Cuz, she just knows stuff without even saying anything to her. She is like “Santa” or something except I didn’t even HAVE a list.

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